Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)


Eclectic Theosophist
More Corrections........

More Corrections........

List of UFO religions
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UFO religions, also referred to as "UFO cults" and "flying saucer cults", are groups which deal with alleged communication between humans and extraterrestrial beings. Forms of communication include telepathy and astral projection. Groups often believe that humanity can be saved after being educated by the aliens as to how to improve society. Alien abduction belief can lead to formation of a UFO religion. I AM Religious Activity, founded in 1930 by Guy Ballard, is seen, according to one author, as the first UFO Religion, though Aetherius Society founded by George King has also been given this distinction. Scholars identify the 1947 Roswell UFO Incident as a key event within the history of UFO spirituality. Melodie Campbell and Stephen A. Kent describe Heaven's Gate and Order of the Solar Temple as among the most controversial of the UFO belief groups. Scientology is seen by scholars as a UFO religion, due to its Xenu cosmogony and the presence of Space opera in Scientology doctrine.
. . .
Name: Urantia movement Founder: Spiritual entities Founded: 1924 at the earliest and 1955 at the latest
. . .

I think you should read whats already been shared on this, I already addressed the claim that the UB is a UFO cult here (see all links shared). Again, we repeat,...the UB has nothing to do with UFO's, neither is there an official church or CULT based on the UB, or supported by the UB. We've covered this before. All that can be claimed is a 'correlation' with some UFO cults, in that there has been communication with extraterrestrial beings (in this case celestials)- that is it. This is the only 'correlation' with this category wherein the UB could be "listed" in the wiki list of 'UFO Religions'. However there are no UFO's involved with the origin of the UB, neither does the book speak of UFOs. I don't know how many times I have to respond to this nonsense.

Furthermore,....the Urantia Movement is NOT EVEN MENTIONED in wiki's main page on 'UFO Religions'. Interesting eh? It was only included in wiki's "List of UFO Religions' because the papers claimed to have been transmitted by extraterrestrials (celestials). It barely made the list. Again, there are NO UFOs associated with the UB, none whatsoever. Understand?

Hence those promoting the Urantia Movement as a 'UFO cult', are promoting a false association...since no UFOs are involved. Furthermore, the UB is a book, NOT a 'cult'. The Urantia Foundation is a non-profit, educational foundation that operates under a Declaration of Trust, it is not a 'cult' per se. It is the foundation that publishes the text. Other resource centers and networks exist to help assist UB readers in spiritual community and service to humanity. Many UB readers and students meet in peoples homes (cell groups) to read and fellowship, much like some Christian groups do.

The papers were transmitted by celestials thru a 'sleeping subject' thru means not altogether known or the text would materialize and answers, whole articles would be given in response to questions presented by a special forum. No UFO's or 'aliens' as are typified or described by modern Ufology were involved in this process. I'm tired of the continued misrepresentation and falsehood being passed off as facts, when they are misconstrued....especially under the pretense of 'apologetics' gone awry, being used as a 'cover' for 'bigotry' and 'ignorance'.


...(thanks serpentdove) but as freelight pointed out, mikiel says he is not a Christian.

...[Y]ou have to understand the history of UU...

Got it, antichrist (2 Pe 2:1). :burnlib:

Choleric's right. Mickiel now identifies as 'other'--not Christian at all--so he should not be on his list.

It's a shame that the hell thread was closed.
Hell is not discussed enough. :poly:


New member
I think you should read whats already been shared on this, I already addressed the claim that the UB is a UFO cult here (see all links shared). Again, we repeat,...the UB has nothing to do with UFO's, neither is there an official church or CULT based on the UB, or supported by the UB. We've covered this before. All that can be claimed is a 'correlation' with some UFO cults, in that there has been communication with extraterrestrial beings (in this case celestials)- that is it. This is the only 'correlation' with this category wherein the UB could be "listed" in the wiki list of 'UFO Religions'. However there are no UFO's involved with the origin of the UB, neither does the book speak of UFOs. I don't know how many times I have to respond to this nonsense.
You don't have to respond to statements calling the Urantia movement a UFO cult at all.
It is well known to be one, regardless of what you want.


Eclectic Theosophist
Facts of Cult-ure.......

Facts of Cult-ure.......

You don't have to respond to statements calling the Urantia movement a UFO cult at all.
It is well known to be one, regardless of what you want.

I responded to properly correct ignorant assumptions, and did so with clarifications of terms and meaning. Stand corrected. There are no UFOs associated with the UB, and the UB is a book (a collection of 196 papers), is not a 'cult'.

A proper definition of 'cult' (afford yourself a dictionary) can include your own religious group, community or tradition. So the 'church' or 'religious tradition/culture' you affiliate with, could just as well be called a religious cult. You grew up in a Christian cult-ure and have chosen to identify and affiliate with the Christ-cult, this is a fact.


1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.

2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers:
the physical fitness cult.

3. the object of such devotion.

4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.

5. Sociology. a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.

6. a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.

7. the members of such a religion or sect.

So you see, you can call or recognize any religious group or community as a 'cult', whether that group or association is benevolent or unhealthy. It just so happens that one of the 'descriptions' of the word 'cult' is used in its negative connotations on being unhealthy, oppressive or manipulative....and is often under the direction of a charismatic leader. In this sense, I don't see the Urantia Foundation (the mere publisher of the text) as being a dangerous cult. I find that notion ridiculous. You cant just brandy the word about to denigrate a religious book or community of readers as a 'cult' in the negative sense, when your own brand of religious rites, ritual and symbolism (built upon around a holy book) qualifies as being a particular 'cult' as well. Its all religious cult-ure, since any given cult has its own set of ideals, symbols, inspired writings, mythology, archetypes, etc. It just so happens that the Bible (well, lets just say the NT) and the UB both are part of the Jesus Cult, since they are both centered around the revelation of Jesus, his life mission and teachings. The only descrepancies are in the way these two communities interpret the Jesus-story.


Eclectic Theosophist
Keep telling yourself that, over and over, and you will end up believing it.

Its a fact. You've been served. You can also believe what you want, which is apparently what you are doing, and you've also chosen, yes chosen to belong to the religious cult you currently are investing your 'belief' in. That too is a fact.


New member
Its a fact. You've been served. You can also believe what you want, which is apparently what you are doing, and you've also chosen, yes chosen to belong to the religious cult you currently are investing your 'belief' in. That too is a fact.
The Urantia book by Sarah Lewis is a chapter in the anthology UFO Religions Sep 11, 2003 by Christopher Partridge.

Urantia has been officially labelled as a UFO Religion since 2003, so it really doesn't matter if you believe differently.

As for whether it is a cult, it matches this definition:
a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad
b : the object of such devotion
c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion


Eclectic Theosophist
In the meantime, by one who doesnt know what he is talking about......

In the meantime, by one who doesnt know what he is talking about......

In the meantime, we know all that we need to know about the urantia UFO cult and their materials. ub = untrue baloney.

Says one who hasn't even read the first 5 papers of the UB and refuses to read it so he can learn what it actually teaches. Go figure.

Oh and we've corrected this person many times about his false label of 'UFO cult'. Please see our former commentaries. This is typical of the stubborn minds of those bound to a dogmatic belief-system, who must marginalize and demean any other religious book or revelation that comes along. So they must hurl words like 'UFO cult' and the like to disparage, demean and denigrate. However this doesn't really make their own religion and its doctrines any more appealing or desirable.

Truth is something more transcending and all-encompassing than you might realize, your petty generalizations, presumptions and spectulations aside.


Eclectic Theosophist
The Urantia book by Sarah Lewis is a chapter in the anthology UFO Religions Sep 11, 2003 by Christopher Partridge.

Urantia has been officially labelled as a UFO Religion since 2003, so it really doesn't matter if you believe differently.

As for whether it is a cult, it matches this definition:
a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad
b : the object of such devotion
c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

Sure, as I already noted,...your religious belief system qualifies by definition as being a 'cult' as well. That was one of my points. I hope it got across.


Eclectic Theosophist
The Urantia book by Sarah Lewis is a chapter in the anthology UFO Religions Sep 11, 2003 by Christopher Partridge.

Urantia has been officially labelled as a UFO Religion since 2003, so it really doesn't matter if you believe differently.

As for whether it is a cult, it matches this definition:
a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad
b : the object of such devotion
c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

Don't forget,....the UB has nothing to do with UFOs. Did you forget that? - you can call it a 'UFO Religion' only by an indirect correlattion reference of the UB being communicated by celestial personalities. THAT IS ALL. You may also note that the Bible has accounts of angels coming down and communicating with man,....that would be man communicating with Caino noted earlier. Does this mean the the Bible is a 'UFO cult'?

While you can choose to call the UB a 'UFO religion' or 'UFO cult' this is FALSE by term and meaning. You can go ahead and lump the UB with various UFO cults (these cults actually have a connection to UFOs more or less), but its just a 'category assumption'.


New member
Don't forget,....the UB has nothing to do with UFOs. Did you forget that? - you can call it a 'UFO Religion' only by an indirect correlattion reference of the UB being communicated by celestial personalities.
Maybe you should read why it is called a UFO Religion in the book UFO Religions Sep 11, 2003 by Christopher Partridge, and address your concerns about that to them.


Eclectic Theosophist
Maybe you should read why it is called a UFO Religion in the book UFO Religions Sep 11, 2003 by Christopher Partridge, and address your concerns about that to them.

No thanks, I've already made my case clearly. I don't think more needs to be said about this, but I will 'correct' ignorance and false assumptions as I see them.


New member
No thanks, I've already made my case clearly. I don't think more needs to be said about this, but I will 'correct' ignorance and false assumptions as I see them.

I've often appreciated your posts Freelight. Don't let them force you into the cookie cutter mold. That's so boring.