Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Everyone knows their own intent, not everyone is able to live without being under contract with the system for myriads of reasons, I realize that. The temporal personality programming is how they trap the conscience behind a mortal veil, That registered personality created a dual conscience which allows the eternal Soul to become emotionally hypnotized from birth by the State/External religions in bed with govern-mentalist to think they are mere mortals, in debt to God and nation for past transgressions through imputation into the mind, they gain control by this fraud, in-forced by fear and treats like Pavlov's Dogs.


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
"Enlightened" does not equate with being regenerated (born again from above.)

They received the Holy Spirit. Yet they fell away. You intentionally ignored the main part you filthy liar. Nobody is yet resurrected (born again) except the Lord Jesus Christ.



Ok. Once the line is crossed there is no way back.

I can accept that. The question remains where that line is.

Even more important, who is actually drawing that line.

I don't draw the line. You don't draw the line. The writer to the Hebrews does not draw the line

But it is time for me to walk the line.
Thanks Nick M
No you filthy liar. I am calling you a vile name because you are a filthy liar. So cry all you want.

4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit,

They were partakers in the Holy Spirit. And you know it. They were enlightened.

Are you calling this person a "filthy liar" for believing these these apostates referred to in Hebrews 6 were not of a true salvation experience? I hope not, as there is strong exegesis, by some very faithful men of God, these people were not saved, rather exposed to all spiritual things. The point is, to be on the other side of this issue does not constitute a liar, unless one acknowledges themselves a liar, for not being correct about everything in God's word. A person is a liar who intends to deceive, again, we all liars, then, if we've said anything that turns out to be doctrinally incorrect. Does it either seem appropriate to call somebody a liar, over an issue sincere theologians have not had a consensus on, down the ages? Is a person a liar to have a plausible opinion? I don't know if this Nang person tells other lies, not having been around here that much to get a handle on who's who of some people, but, again, I hope you'd not be calling a person a filthy liar, over a matter of legitimate theological cases that can be made.
he might get an infraction
he calls her an evil pig again

I know I'm tempted to say such things, but it's when somebody says something like Jesus isn't God and was Satan's brother in eternity, or the Bible a collection of myths. Anyway, guess I'm also a filthy liar, fear I may not have all spiritual mysteries correctly resolved. Wish God had made me perfect.


Well-known member
Nick tackles this well from a MAD perspective and I agree this book is only written to Hebrew Christians, not gentiles. We may not interpret Hebrews 6:4 the exact same way.
Oh I know that.

Was thinking along the lines drawn in the sand. The writer to the Hebrews is drawing a line in the sand and telling the Hebrews not to cross the line.

Is that for the Hebrews only?
Yes, it is written to Hebrews and mentions their past forefather and discusses sacrificial system and why Christ Jesus is the perfect priest and God who replaced that system. Because they have two systems, both God given, to 'choose' from, the Hebrews writer is telling them they have no choice, that old system will not work any longer.

Is there no way to cross back?
No, but it is specifically about they being able to choose between sacrifices and Christ. If they went back to sacrificing animals, it would put Christ's death to shame. They had to make a clean break: Jew or Christian Jew, and only Christ's priesthood and sacrifice would work. That is why it was impossible for them to try and return to a sacrificial system.

... we can just go to the Savior. And in His Name there is forgiveness.

I'm not seeing that in Hebrews. If a person wants to draw a line then I say knock this stick off my shoulder.
It isn't dealing directly with that, other than telling them that the Old System is no longer in effect and why Christ's sacrifice is the superior.

Again, Nick and I agree, but he may see chapter 6 as a loss of their Salvation. I don't think this particular matters because we both see the problem as pertaining most specifically to Hebrews who had two God-given dynamics with Christ's being the perfected replacement of their old sacrificial way of life, and perfect Priest. Jews don't sacrifice any more.
just tell a mad person that
they are not saved
they really do sin
it doesn't always mean what it says

Thank you for the advice, but that could prove challenging. I really fear to tell anybody here they have any sin in them, some that they ever had any sin in them. But if it will result in me being called a filthy, lying, unsaved pig, who's unworthy to even be eternally masticated by the devil, in the lowest pit of hell, I will feel more part of the community.

Luke 18:11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.


Hall of Fame
Thank you for the advice, but that could prove challenging. I really fear to tell anybody here they have any sin in them, some that they ever had any sin in them. But if it will result in me being called a filthy, lying, unsaved pig, who's unworthy to even be eternally masticated by the devil, in the lowest pit of hell, I will feel more part of the community.

Just continue to stay true to yourself, be honest about your beliefs and take the high road.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Thank you for the advice, but that could prove challenging. I really fear to tell anybody here they have any sin in them, some that they ever had any sin in them. But if it will result in me being called a filthy, lying, unsaved pig, who's unworthy to even be eternally masticated by the devil, in the lowest pit of hell, I will feel more part of the community.

Luke 18:11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

just be yourself
someone will have a problem with that
you will have to go after the mad ones
you want to be called an evil pig