Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)

Lazy afternoon

Disprove my last statements if you can, and provide your evidence. Nothing exists outside of consciousness.

Consciousness itself, knows itself as being what it is. This is why the name of 'God' is "I AM", is awareness itself, reflecting its own light, its own being back to itself, within an individualized mind or point of awareness. An 'ego' is but an reflected facet or personalized aspect of consciousness, an 'illusion' of sorts in its more negative aspects. The positive aspect of 'ego', is when its function is guided or inspired by the spirit. 'God' is what IS. - this doesn't need an ego necessarily to recognize this. An 'ego' just comes along for the ride so to speak :)


Yes, life is consciousness, without it one is dead.



Eclectic Theosophist
Aren't you special........

Aren't you special........

Hi Lon! I placed the cosmic entity known as Freelight on ignore,
awhile back! My universe is more tranquil now!

Well give yourself a pat on the back. Your universe is probably just a little more 'pacified' by your 'belief-system' being unchallenged by freelight, so it only seems to be more 'tranquil', until truth upsets your apple cart again.



Well-known member
Disprove my last statements if you can, and provide your evidence. Nothing exists outside of consciousness.
Easy really. We can force others to do things. Such is beyond their consciousness, exerted from outside, upon it. It is really that simple.
You even asking me to redress it, is proof of its own inherent truth.

Consciousness itself, knows itself as being what it is. This is why the name of 'God' is "I AM", is awareness itself, reflecting its own light, its own being back to itself, within an individualized mind or point of awareness. An 'ego' is but an reflected facet or personalized aspect of consciousness, an 'illusion' of sorts in its more negative aspects. The positive aspect of 'ego', is when its function is guided or inspired by the spirit. 'God' is what IS. - this doesn't need an ego necessarily to recognize this. An 'ego' just comes along for the ride so to speak :)

Pantheistic vs Panentheistic. You know the basic difference? One is where God is separate causing a necessary dualism of a sort: Panentheism. The other: Pantheism is where you are God and subject to none. Such denies your createdness AND that there is something beside your own consciousness. Without that, I could not be one-flesh with my wife, NOR indwelled by the Spirit of God.


Eclectic Theosophist
Pantheistic vs Panentheistic. You know the basic difference? One is where God is separate causing a necessary dualism of a sort: Panentheism. The other: Pantheism is where you are God and subject to none. Such denies your createdness AND that there is something beside your own consciousness. Without that, I could not be one-flesh with my wife, NOR indwelled by the Spirit of God.

I explore and expound on various aspects of both pantheism and panentheism, since consciousness includes both 'non-duality' and 'duality' perspectives. From the point of pure non-duality, there is no difference or separation from my awareness and God's awareness, since awareness is universal, undifferentiated in essence (Brahman is one universal essence/intelligence), and only 'differentiated' by the mind (or ego's point of view)...where the 'atman'(the individual soul) considers itself a separate personality. These are valid, each in their own contextual domains, or frames of reference. In pure non-duality, there is not two. There is Only This One Awareness, with apparent differences within the field of vision. But there is only always only Awareness itself.

There are different aspects or inflections of 'pantheism' and 'pan-en-theism', depending on terms, school and context, of course. The only reality I know, is the one intrinsic to my own 'being', and it could not be otherwise. THIS is IT.
'This' is reality. 'This' is prior to any object, image or concept. Note that reality can only be in this awareness, and as this awareness. There is nothing else. All that is 'else' or 'other' than it is only an illusion of mind (maya).


Lazy afternoon

Well give yourself a pat on the back. Your universe is probably just a little more 'pacified' by your 'belief-system' being unchallenged by freelight, so it only seems to be more 'tranquil', until truth upsets your apple cart again.


Grosnick does not believe much of Gods word.

He does not believe the gospels, the book of Hebrews, Acts, and anything else hardly.



With a change of the guard and apologist monitoring the list comes other changes, plus that some of us more liberal eclectic ones are on a progressive journey where our viewpoints and denominational affiliations can change periodically. Some see this thread as more 'comedic' than serious attempting to put others in a 'box' goes along the same erroneous path as putting 'God' in a box.

True heretics are those pioneers of Spirit who lead the way, daring to go outside the 'box' and choose to think for themselves.


Jesus was killed by these same kind of self righteous religious people who make the scripture itself into a graven image. The Jews have specific, scripture based reasons that they rejected Jesus then and now, but people who are born into Christianity just assume a seamless transition from the OT to the NT, from Judaism to Christianity. Any cognitive dissonance that might crop up is apologized away under a blanket of denial. Jewish converts to the radical new gospel of Jesus needed a bridge in explanation for their transition. Jesus realized that he wasn't the Jewish Messiah as that idea evolved in Judaism, so he let his heavenly Father work it all out.


Well-known member
'This' is reality. 'This' is prior to any object, image or concept. Note that reality can only be in this awareness, and as this awareness. There is nothing else. All that is 'else' or 'other' than it is only an illusion of mind (maya).

:nono: Your parents and teacher made you as much as yourself. We are not at all isolated nor have the luxury to believe so.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame

So I travel to the Cross and I appropriate by faith all that He accomplished there on a daily basis.

Hebrews 6

4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.
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Nick M,

I have often wondered about that. Sometimes I'm sure of the meaning. Other times not so sure. You seem to be sure.


Well-known member
I admit zeke, I'm still very much a part of this governmental system, having/using my 'legal name', with all its 'supposed' or 'assumed' benefits, relying on Social Security, State insurance coverage, Big pharma companies, and other government services, at least in certain aspects of my domestic life. In as much as I'm surrending my trust and control to them, in providing for me,...I'm subservient to the system.

My other spiritual/religious pursuits and studies however place me outside of this control system, transcending such, however....there are correlations and parallels here that might show I'm not totally free, since I'm playing the game so to speak on the legal/domestic side of daily life in the modern world, being rather 'secular' on that score. I've much more to research concerning this issue, but thought to share for those who don't 'get where you're coming from'. It also might not even be of remote interest for some, if they are indeed slaves to a man-made system, in whatever shape or form, while their religious fantasies exploring the same themes are 'entertainment' or 'mind-placebos' at best, creating an 'illusion' of being 'saved' or 'spiritually free'. Religious cotton-candy. Who really knows.


Everyone knows their own intent, not everyone is able to live without being under contract with the system for myriads of reasons, I realize that. The temporal personality programming is how they trap the conscience behind a mortal veil, That registered personality created a dual conscience which allows the eternal Soul to become emotionally hypnotized from birth by the State/External religions in bed with govern-mentalist to think they are mere mortals, in debt to God and nation for past transgressions through imputation into the mind, they gain control by this fraud, in-forced by fear and treats like Pavlov's Dogs.


It means what it says.

Oh I know that.

Was thinking along the lines drawn in the sand. The writer to the Hebrews is drawing a line in the sand and telling the Hebrews not to cross the line.

Is that for the Hebrews only?
Is there no way to cross back?

That is what I was thinking.

The Law of Moses means what it says. But we can just go to the Savior. And in His Name there is forgiveness.

I'm not seeing that in Hebrews. If a person wants to draw a line then I say knock this stick off my shoulder.


Well-known member
Communication is really about him cutting me off in a thread and PM. Whatever I said was dealing with the scriptures at the time. If there is something beyond that, it was/is not made clear, just that there was a wall and a vast departure. Leaves for a lot of assuming and his cryptic replies foster the communication problem. He's bitter about something, that is clear enough. We can only surmise and move along.


Lon you are free to reveal these PM's where I supposedly told you off etc...The bitterness is coming from you not me, plus whats cryptic about the legal name being a slave mark? you just can't face the facts about it, it can be tested very easy so the rabbit trails away from that simple test shows you are being evasive. Plus you don't like my Esoteric stance which ruffles the literal feathers of that exclusive Crowing rooster mentality, I even said I still liked you Lon.

So move along your self if that religions dictates who you can like!!

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Is that for the Hebrews only?

The gospel of circumcision is committed unto Peter. Those are the rules of the everlasting covenant God has with Israel.

If they do not keep it, they shall be cut off.

Paul said something different with the uncircumcision. That is committed unto him. He said if we are faithless he remains faithful, he cannot deny himself. The uncircumcision is the Body of Christ. There is no gentile or Jew in it. No man or woman in it.


TOL Subscriber
Oh I know that.

Was thinking along the lines drawn in the sand. The writer to the Hebrews is drawing a line in the sand and telling the Hebrews not to cross the line.

Is that for the Hebrews only?
Is there no way to cross back?

That is what I was thinking.

The Law of Moses means what it says. But we can just go to the Savior. And in His Name there is forgiveness.

I'm not seeing that in Hebrews. If a person wants to draw a line then I say knock this stick off my shoulder.

Hebrews 6:4 is a warning to hypocrites and counterfeit "Christians" that mix with genuine believers in the visible churches. It must be read with I John 2:19.

Genuine Christians can occasionally stumble, but they will never fall away, for Jesus Christ keeps them, and acts as their High Priest.

I John 1:7-10


Well-known member
Lon you are free to reveal these PM's where I supposedly told you off etc...The bitterness is coming from you not me, plus whats cryptic about the legal name being a slave mark? you just can't face the facts about it, it can be tested very easy so the rabbit trails away from that simple test shows you are being evasive. Plus you don't like my Esoteric stance which ruffles the literal feathers of that exclusive Crowing rooster mentality, I even said I still liked you Lon.

So move along your self if that religions dictates who you can like!!
Actually, it was better when you still read your Bible. I knew where you were coming from and what you meant most of the time. :think:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Hebrews 6:4 is a warning to hypocrites and counterfeit "Christians" that mix with genuine believers in the visible churches.

No you filthy liar. I am calling you a vile name because you are a filthy liar. So cry all you want.

4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit,

They were partakers in the Holy Spirit. And you know it. They were enlightened.


TOL Subscriber
No you filthy liar. I am calling you a vile name because you are a filthy liar. So cry all you want.

4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit,

They were partakers in the Holy Spirit. And you know it. They were enlightened.

"Enlightened" does not equate with being regenerated (born again from above.)

Many attend church, and listen to sermons giving the Gospel, and fellowship with genuine Christians who indeed are filled with the Holy Spirit, and sing hymns, and read the scriptures . . . and are thereby enlightened to the things of God . . . but they remain unconvicted of their sins, and prove to not be saved or abiding in Christ at all. They are tares amongst the wheat.

There are several warnings in the bible directed to these fakes.