Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)

Lazy afternoon

Back to the OP.

There are quite a few here not affiliated or attending any church. That list would be long.
There are many who do not believe scripture is infallible or the inspired words of God.
There are many here who believe education isn't involved in understanding spiritual matters.
Do any of these help a person find like-minded individuals? Yep.
Do spirtualists, unit-arians, trinitarians, MAD, Calvinists congregate around like-mindedness? Yep.
As I said, I make a few heretic lists as a Calvinist.

This thread and others like it will be used as a tool, complained about by some.

This thread and others like it are used by heretics to take the heat off their own heresies.

It was the Pharisees and Sadducees who were yelling "heretic" most often, not the disciples of Christ .

That seems to have escaped your notice.



Well-known member
Sorry to hear that Jane, maybe some meditation would ease that anger.
Bitter much? I suppose it is the season to be angry at the world. Look at your motto <-- 'angst.' You are doing a LOT of projection since your change-up. Look to thyself. The problem is there. The answer has always been our Lord Jesus Christ. Every ship needs an anchor, no exceptions. Without, you are storm-fodder.


Well-known member
:nono: Any doom-message is a message of bondage. You need some introspection because ▲this▲ is coming from inside you.

If you are cutting the strings, you really should leave TOL. Your words are a grave and a pronunciation of that tomb. ▲There is no joy in this▲

Whatever you are selling, I don't want it. THAT is why a list helps contextually see who is who. I've NO problem being on a list. I understand the need for context. You for instance, have NO joy. That's where you are on the list. I don't care if you don't like being there. You are the one that marginalized yourself. You wrote your place on that list.

Assumptions mostly here Lon, I am not preaching any doom message just pointing out some facts of the position of one under that legal name fraud, you may not like being told that you are legally dead/spiritually while under that slavery yoke but it is true, ignore it, its your choice. Plus I could give a hoot what list I am on, or off.

Sounds to me like you're the one who doesn't have much joy when confronted with some uncomfortable facts.


Well-known member
Assumptions mostly here Lon, I am not preaching any doom message just pointing out some facts of the position of one under that legal name fraud, you may not like being told that you are legally dead/spiritually while under that slavery yoke but it is true, ignore it, its your choice. Plus I could give a hoot what list I am on, or off.
I'm not the bitter one. I'm happy where I am. "Anchors are good, not bad."

Sounds to me like you're the one who doesn't have much joy when confronted with some uncomfortable facts.
Let me rephrase, maybe you'll see the point:
... I am ...pointing out ... one under... fraud, you ... not like being told that you are ...dead/spiritually ... under that slavery yoke ....I could give a hoot what list I am on, or off

[So be joyful!!!]
Sorry, not only not buying it, can't.

"We" were getting along before your crisis. Nothing has changed on this side of the screen. It is all on yours.


Well-known member
I'm not the bitter one. I'm happy where I am. "Anchors are good, not bad."

Let me rephrase, maybe you'll see the point:

Sorry, not only not buying it, can't.

"We" were getting along before your crisis. Nothing has changed on this side of the screen. It is all on yours.

If you can buy and sell without the Crown copy righted name then my points are invalid. You certainly are not buying without it so Sorry you can't see the invalid position you are stuck in.

No crisis here, only for the artificial life I was duped into by this Babylonian system.


New member
If you can buy and sell without the Crown copy righted name then my points are invalid. You certainly are not buying without it so Sorry you can't see the invalid position you are stuck in.

No crisis here, only for the artificial life I was duped into by this Babylonian system.

your a horrible salesmen....

try to show the features and benefits before you show the cost..


New member
Easy to test Joseph, go nameless for a week and you will confront the features and benefits the system as on you.

I am well aware,but you present it in a way that ppl will not see...

i would provide facts that all can relate to first.

what if you did wake someone up,they would awake in horror and wish they were back asleep..


Well-known member
If you can buy and sell without the Crown copy righted name then my points are invalid. You certainly are not buying without it so Sorry you can't see the invalid position you are stuck in.
:idunno: There was no need to respond if it is just more of the same, no?

No crisis here, only for the artificial life I was duped into by this Babylonian system.
"Only" "but this one" means the same thing. :idunno:


Well-known member
I am well aware,but you present it in a way that ppl will not see...

i would provide facts that all can relate to first.

what if you did wake someone up,they would awake in horror and wish they were back asleep..

They can't understand their dependence on the name? then you being aware should pontificate the finer/soft points you think I am excluding.


Well-known member
They can't understand their dependence on the name?
Philippians 2:10&11 Have you come to despite it?

...then you being aware should pontificate the finer/soft points you think I am excluding.
Harsh or soft, it is yet emoting. Say something. There is no message, just an emote. Nobody can follow an emote unless they are mad along with you. As yet, you are in limbo with emotions and an esoteric hover allegedly above the written 2 dimension, but nobody does well without assembly directions/instructions, maps, anchors, in this life. You may do away with some, but it is impossible to disdain all. You are simply knee-jerking and it may indeed lead to further self-injury.
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

Easy to test Joseph, go nameless for a week and you will confront the features and benefits the system as on you.
Nameless or a different username? Lift it up to inspection, let's see :think:


Eclectic Theosophist
A true insight...............

A true insight...............

Yeah, but it isn't 'my' tiny brain disagreeing. Scriptures make exclusions. The difference between Judeo/Christianity is that it is the only one where God reaches man. All others are man's attempts to reach God, nominally and upon human effort. It isn't a god-conscious, but God, that makes a new creation. Any thing less, necessarily falls short. I'm sorry PJ, not my will, but His. I'm just a tiny-brained fellow who needs Jesus. I believe your's is tiny or tinier too.

Consciousness is all. All life, existence, truth, reality is realized or re-cognized within consciousness, as nothing can exist or unfold as a creation outside of consciousness. Consciousness is all.



Eclectic Theosophist
Info. on the legal name issue.........

Info. on the legal name issue.........

Philippians 2:10&11 Have you come to despite it?

Harsh or soft, it is yet emoting. Say something. There is no message, just an emote. Nobody can follow an emote unless they are mad along with you. As yet, you are in limbo with emotions and an esoteric hover allegedly above the written 2 dimension, but nobody does well without assembly directions/instructions, maps, anchors, in this life. You may do away with some, but it is impossible to disdain all. You are simply knee-jerking and it may indeed lead to further self-injury.
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

Nameless or a different username? Lift it up to inspection, let's see :think:

I think you guys are talking past each other, since there may be ignorance or misunderstanding within the dialogue about the other persons background, sub/con-text and terminology, which reference to one's philosophical outlook and certain specifics about we having a 'legal name' which puts us in the Babylonian system of state-control as a con-federacy over the people, under the guise of being 'of the people, by the people and for the people'...when a greater controlling power or network (mastermind control center {The Crown}) is pulling all the strings, so to speak, making you 'legally' its 'property' in a sense ( Like as in a Borg Collective). Note that you cannot access most of the benefits of the government without a legal name or 'ID', enter social security #, etc.

In order to better understand the 'legal name' issues, and all the points and mechanics involved in this controversial subject, I recommend looking into this blog and resource links here. This is shared for info. purposes to better understand our fellow poster in his terminology and definitions on the issue, to enhance discussion and foster better communication. This of course deserves its own thread, and Zeke can consider that, if so inspired. The challenge would be to see how this relates to 'Religion' in general or specifics, if he'd like to open up a thread here, or in the 'Politics' section. In this socio-political system, rebels or resisters to the 'legalization or ownership of one's person and property' would be labeled 'heretics', so you can see how this correlates to the concept of 'religious heresy' as well. Such an inquiry into the subject relating to real spiritual freedom is pertinent for those serious about being "free".



Eclectic Theosophist
A courageous soul questions everything.....

A courageous soul questions everything.....

If you can buy and sell without the Crown copy righted name then my points are invalid. You certainly are not buying without it so Sorry you can't see the invalid position you are stuck in.

No crisis here, only for the artificial life I was duped into by this Babylonian system.

I admit zeke, I'm still very much a part of this governmental system, having/using my 'legal name', with all its 'supposed' or 'assumed' benefits, relying on Social Security, State insurance coverage, Big pharma companies, and other government services, at least in certain aspects of my domestic life. In as much as I'm surrending my trust and control to them, in providing for me,...I'm subservient to the system.

My other spiritual/religious pursuits and studies however place me outside of this control system, transcending such, however....there are correlations and parallels here that might show I'm not totally free, since I'm playing the game so to speak on the legal/domestic side of daily life in the modern world, being rather 'secular' on that score. I've much more to research concerning this issue, but thought to share for those who don't 'get where you're coming from'. It also might not even be of remote interest for some, if they are indeed slaves to a man-made system, in whatever shape or form, while their religious fantasies exploring the same themes are 'entertainment' or 'mind-placebos' at best, creating an 'illusion' of being 'saved' or 'spiritually free'. Religious cotton-candy. Who really knows.



Eclectic Theosophist
Snake oil, or living water?.......the latter is free....

Snake oil, or living water?.......the latter is free....

your a horrible salesmen....

try to show the features and benefits before you show the cost..

Its all a matter of understanding the terms, meanings and context of our language, is it not? Those not interested to research the other persons 'language' codes, cannot understand or carry out a rational dialogue with them. Unfortunately this happens a lot here, for those too lazy to study up. Ignorance retards. Hence my leaving a reliable resource on the subject of the 'legal name' for those interested.

Speaking of costs, how many are truly leaving ALL to follow Jesus these days? really. Look around. See the evolution of religious doctrine, cult-ure and its consumerism. See its effect on minds. See how one man's hero is another man's heretic. Such 'duality' goes on and on.



Well-known member
Consciousness is all. All life, existence, truth, reality is realized or re-cognized within consciousness, as nothing can exist or unfold as a creation outside of consciousness. Consciousness is all.

Sure, if you are myopic. I'm not. That is the drawback of being 'enlightened.' You are your own worst enemy and your own best friend. That's not my universe. It isn't all in my head.

...language' codes...Ignorance retards.... Such 'duality' goes on and on.
No. It is just you. The rest of us are social, you are a bit ego-ish.


Eclectic Theosophist
Sure, if you are myopic. I'm not. That is the drawback of being 'enlightened.' You are your own worst enemy and your own best friend. That's not my universe. It isn't all in my head.

Disprove my last statements if you can, and provide your evidence. Nothing exists outside of consciousness.

No. It is just you. The rest of us are social, you are a bit ego-ish.

Consciousness itself, knows itself as being what it is. This is why the name of 'God' is "I AM", is awareness itself, reflecting its own light, its own being back to itself, within an individualized mind or point of awareness. An 'ego' is but an reflected facet or personalized aspect of consciousness, an 'illusion' of sorts in its more negative aspects. The positive aspect of 'ego', is when its function is guided or inspired by the spirit. 'God' is what IS. - this doesn't need an ego necessarily to recognize this. An 'ego' just comes along for the ride so to speak :)


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Sure, if you are myopic. I'm not. That is the drawback of being 'enlightened.' You are your own worst enemy and your own best friend. That's not my universe. It isn't all in my head.

No. It is just you. The rest of us are social, you are a bit ego-ish.

Hi Lon! I placed the cosmic entity known as Freelight on ignore,
awhile back! My universe is more tranquil now!


Well-known member
The challenge would be to see how this relates to 'Religion' in general or specifics, if he'd like to open up a thread here, or in the 'Politics' section.

Communication is really about him cutting me off in a thread and PM. Whatever I said was dealing with the scriptures at the time. If there is something beyond that, it was/is not made clear, just that there was a wall and a vast departure. Leaves for a lot of assuming and his cryptic replies foster the communication problem. He's bitter about something, that is clear enough. We can only surmise and move along.
