Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)


No. The very fact that you and I are talking means 'my' awareness is registering in your's. Scripture embraces oneness in God, as relational, the one-ness of marriage as one, the one-ness of the Body as Bride, and etc. That means our 'isolation' thinking is only a part of God's intention. He is interested in each grain. His will is concrete and indelible. The narrow road isn't a separated esoteric journey, but a life only in UNION with Christ.

:nono: Interaction forces it to be otherwise. Not even a hermit escapes it. He/she carries other's conscious of all who touched him/her.

No, even you chose Urant and I Christ, alone. Such demands an otherly influence. The FALL was tripped over the desire to be like God, knowing right from wrong and thus being able to choose, but it is never independent.
One of a thing and one of action. Thusly Jesus is not a second YHWH, which is what you claim without even to have perceived a such.

patrick jane


Hebrews 6

4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.

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Eclectic Theosophist
cherry picking.........

cherry picking.........

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Trouble with that verse is one can be dogmatic about it, or quote other verses that support OSAS. With such a diverse collection of books and authors you get a multiple-choice format :)



New member
Trouble with that verse is one can be dogmatic about it, or quote other verses that support OSAS. With such a diverse collection of books and authors you get a multiple-choice format :)


It seems to me that the 'multiple-choice/OSAS and it's opposite' format view/s comes from a misunderstanding of the progression to Christ: from that of those who first call upon the Lord (Joel 2:32 (an OT book, btw) being saved, all the way to those who have known/met/know the Lord (John 17:3), by having had Jesus manifest Himself (John 14:21) to that individual.

There are many degrees of salvation and those within each degree are saved, but the youngest in the Lord cannot see what the mature do. Those who have not yet been born of the Spirit (John 3:8) do not yet have the same view/s as those who do move as the wind... may even call them heretical and not a Christian.

There are a lot of steps/stages, a progression, from first asking the Lord into one's life to the top of that hill on Golgotha, and beyond.

That misunderstanding, is, I believe, the reason for the existence of threads such as this one.


Eclectic Theosophist
Life is One.........

Life is One.........

No. The very fact that you and I are talking means 'my' awareness is registering in your's. Scripture embraces oneness in God, as relational, the one-ness of marriage as one, the one-ness of the Body as Bride, and etc. That means our 'isolation' thinking is only a part of God's intention. He is interested in each grain. His will is concrete and indelible. The narrow road isn't a separated esoteric journey, but a life only in UNION with Christ.

:nono: Interaction forces it to be otherwise. Not even a hermit escapes it. He/she carries other's conscious of all who touched him/her.

No, even you chose Urant and I Christ, alone. Such demands an otherly influence. The FALL was tripped over the desire to be like God, knowing right from wrong and thus being able to choose, but it is never independent.

Still missing the context or larger picture that all creation involves and evolves within one universal consciousness, within all individual expressions or modifications of consciousness....since all Life is One. One Absolute reality and source ever underlies the multiplicity of creation in its great diversity of apparent differences and forms, yet all derives from one universal substance, within one universal Mind. The One Light of God shines thru all the myriad forms and egos within all worlds, pervading and encompassing all. The source, matrix and creation are one,....which of course includes all dualities, difference, otherness, space-time perceptions, relationships/associations, etc.


patrick jane

Trouble with that verse is one can be dogmatic about it, or quote other verses that support OSAS. With such a diverse collection of books and authors you get a multiple-choice format :)


NO, YOUR books and quotes are multiple choice, your whole "philosophy" is, the Word of God Is - what you "searching for", you can't see cuz all the trees in OR - :patrol:


Eclectic Theosophist
free thinkers............

free thinkers............

Another disappointing day, hopes dashed of making the heretic list. At least there has always been the comfort of a few Catholics around, whose words I can reflect upon, at troubling times as this.

Be of good cheer :)

You have a few true universalists around to glean from,...not all roads lead to Rome.




Eclectic Theosophist
NO, YOUR books and quotes are multiple choice, your whole "philosophy" is, the Word of God Is - what you "searching for", you can't see cuz all the trees in OR - :patrol:

:) - perhaps you might look at all the sects who use the Bible, and note the many differences in doctrine, and interpretation of 'scripture'. Universal truths and principles exist thru-out many different religious schools and traditions....for such is the 'ancient wisdom' or 'perennial philosophy'.



Well-known member
:) - perhaps you might look at all the sects who use the Bible, and note the many differences in doctrine, and interpretation of 'scripture'. Universal truths and principles exist thru-out many different religious schools and traditions....for such is the 'ancient wisdom' or 'perennial philosophy'.


Most here born in another country would be an assortment of belief systems influenced by that cultural up bringing. And wouldn't be a westernized christian that clings to an exclusive mentality of superior religious status, nor trashing the scared writings of the foundational underpinnings of the Bible copied from various religious influences since Souls entered time.


[Y]ou totally discredit yourself here. You list Catholics, claiming Catholics are into works (being our salvation), which is TOTALLY bogus. The Catholic Church teaches...

You don't identify as a :eek:linger: CaTHolic :freak: which is why you are on the list (Jud 11). :burnlib:
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I care very little if I am judged by you or anyone.

A modalist says there are three, but that the three do NOT exist at the same time.

I do not believe like that.

There are three, and the three exist at the same time.

Welcome to the list my son


NO, YOUR books and quotes are multiple choice, your whole "philosophy" is, the Word of God Is - what you "searching for", you can't see cuz all the trees in OR - :patrol:

Anyone debating with g light deserves to be lost because it's obvious she is a child of the evil one.