Sad News: Calvinist Ministers Can't Preach the Gospel that Christ Preached


New member

Man repents as God's providence ordains. When a person submits to his minister and repents, he is performing God's sovereign will.

You all don't understand how it works, and never will because it's simply the faculty of your mind to resist it. God uses those as yourself to confound the foolish.

Why would Calvinist ministers bother asking the elect to repent when they believe the elect are not able to not repent and therefore already repenting?

Can you please answer this directly?



Why would Calvinist ministers bother asking the elect to repent when they believe the elect are not able to not repent and therefore already repenting?

Can you please answer this directly?

I just did. You need to broaden your perspective of predestination to understand it.


New member
I just did. You need to broaden your perspective of predestination to understand it.
You answered a different question perhaps, not mine.


Why would Calvinist ministers bother asking the elect to repent when they believe the elect are not able to not repent and therefore already repenting?

But if it's too difficult for you to answer, I won't force you to.


Active member
What's your problem with my logic you can't seem to answer my question directly?

There is no logical answer to your question. Any sane minister who already sees someone "repenting" of something would not "ask" them to "repent".


Active member
If I know my kid is not able to not take the trash out, and he is already taking it out, why would I ask him to take it out? He already thinks I am nuts sometimes.


New member
There is no logical answer to your question. Any sane minister who already sees someone "repenting" of something would not "ask" them to "repent".
Thank you.

I guess Calvinist ministers are starting to wonder why God now COMMANDS every man everywhere to repent.


New member
If I know my kid is not able to not take the trash out, and he is already taking it out, why would I ask him to take it out? He already thinks I am nuts sometimes.
That's an issue Calvinist ministers need to tackle among themselves. They know that God now commands every man everywhere to repent.


You answered a different question perhaps, not mine.


Why would Calvinist ministers bother asking the elect to repent when they believe the elect are not able to not repent and therefore already repenting?

But if it's too difficult for you to answer, I won't force you to.

It's not a difficult question, I already answered it. It's a difficult answer for you, is all. You're simply masquerading what you think is a rebuttal to Calvinism as an inquiry and refusing anything a person tells you.

Anti-Calvinists don't seem to comprehend the fact that Calvin was a very brilliant theologian and these sort of things yall throw against it is just stupid_


Active member
That's an issue Calvinist ministers need to tackle among themselves. They know that God now commands every man everywhere to repent.

Have you ever met a "Calvinist minister" who actually believes that if someone is not able to not do something, that it is already done?


New member
It's not a difficult question, I already answered it. It's a difficult answer for you, is all. You're simply masquerading what you think is a rebuttal to Calvinism as an inquiry and refusing anything a person tells you.

Anti-Calvinists don't seem to comprehend the fact that Calvin was a very brilliant theologian and these sort of things yall throw against it is just stupid_
If Calvin were here he will answer my question.

Pretending to have answered my question when you have not is stupidity.


Active member
Are you referring to repentance from dead works to serve the living God? or repentance from a sinful habit or lifestyle? Explain where your question comes from.


New member
Have you ever met a "Calvinist minister" who actually believes that if someone is not able to not do something, that it is already done?
Nope. That's a problem they have with their doctrine concerning election.

Ask them, they will tell you things other than a direct answer to your question and insist they have already answered your question. Case on hand: Crucible.


New member
Are you referring to repentance from dead works to serve the living God? or repentance from a sinful habit or lifestyle? Explain where your question comes from.
I'm referring to anything that needs repenting from.

Repentance is change of mind for that which is good. Instead of doing evil, do good. IOW, overcome evil with good (Rom 12:21).


Active member
Nope. That's a problem they have with their doctrine concerning election.

Ask them, they will tell you things other than a direct answer to your question and insist they have already answered your question. Case on hand: Crucible.

So how do you know that any "Calvinist minister" actually believes what you think they believe, if you've never met one? I've never heard of even one myself. They must be an extremely rare folk.


New member
So how do you know that any "Calvinist minister" actually believes what you think they believe, if you've never met one? I've never heard of even one myself. They must be an extremely rare folk.
That's what Calvinism teaches, and Calvinist ministers are supposed to believe and teach Calvinism.