Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I have actually been saying the same thing for years. Dems are too nice. They need to be relentless and hit back so hard that the lawless thugs in the GOP will think twice about continuing with their unpatriotic antics.

You must be unaware of all of the Democrats who are not playing nice in Portland. They are the lawless thugs! They are the ones who are unpatriotic, trying to remove the statues of some of America's greatest heroes.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I've been researching Barrett. The consensus from legal scholars, lawyers, and other folks across party lines is that she is brilliant and humble. She sounds like a winner to me.

The feminists, as expected, absolutely hate her

God's Truth

New member
I really don't think that Barrett should be chosen, but it is going to be comical that she can't be accused of rape, AND that they can't use her Catholic faith against her, SINCE PELOSI has talked about her Catholic faith publicly, and so has BIDEN.

Watch the stupid Democrats and their hypocrisy with that one.

I think though that Barrett might be a fake Conservative and Catholic like Pelosi and Biden.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
With choices like Roberts, and passed choices like Stevens, Souter, Blackmun, and Kennedy, I'm pretty sure it won't matter who is nominated.

God's Truth

New member
I doubt that female pallbearer was of any use after the the first 10 feet. Such a long way to go and up hill even with a heavy casket.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Frightening: Here Are The 23 SCOTUS Decisions Handed Down Since ACB Was Sworn In
October 29th, 2020

Since Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to the Supreme Court, she and the other judges have wasted no time in remaking America in their image. This is what we were warned about. In only two days, 23 landmark cases have been decided by the new conservative Supreme Court. God help us all.
  • United States v. Trump, 6-3 ruling -- Determined that Trump has already won reelection
  • Walsh v. Dweedlestein, 5-4 ruling -- We are to be a theocracy under God
  • United States v. Trump, 5-4 ruling -- Trump is now the Galactic Emperor Of Man
  • Acosta v. Elisha, 9-0 ruling -- All journalists shall be thrown into a pit with a she-bear
  • Gorka v. Kagan, 5-4 ruling -- All justices must now wear MAGA hats
  • Subway v. Hebrew National, 6-3 ruling -- A hotdog is now legally classified as a sandwich
  • Amazon v. Smith, 6-3 ruling -- Die Hard is now legally classified as a Christmas movie
  • Gates v. Cook, 7-2 ruling -- .GIF must now be pronounced with a hard "G"
  • American Airlines v. Moore, 6-3 ruling -- The person in the middle seat of an airplane gets both armrests
  • Casey v. Brown, 6-3 ruling -- Washing your feet in the shower is unconstitutional
  • United States v. West, 5-4 ruling -- The dress is blue and black
  • United States v. Barrett, 6-3 ruling -- All women must have at least 7 children
  • Papa Johns v. Tony's, 5-4 ruling -- All pizzas must now have pineapple on top
  • United States v. Silverman, 9-0 ruling -- Annoying celebrity videos telling you to vote are now illegal
  • Bartolli v. Xanderatrix, 5-4 ruling -- Single women are now limited to only 3 cats
  • Taco Bell v. Chad, 9-0 ruling -- All Taco Bells must put the Crunchwrap back on the dollar menu
  • United States v. Trump, 5-4 ruling -- Everyone must have a Christopher Columbus Statue in their yard
  • LaPierre v. Morgan, 6-3 ruling -- Gun ownership is now mandatory
  • United States v. Crystal Marina, 9-0 ruling -- Grants McConnell Protected Status as an endangered turtle
  • United States v. Trump, 6-3 ruling -- All faces on Mt. Rushmore must now be replaced by Trump
  • Babylon Bee v. Facebook, 9-0 ruling -- Babylon Bee no longer allowed to tell jokes about AOC
  • Burger King v. Carson, 5-4 ruling -- "Impossible Meat" now illegal
  • Thomas v. Breyer, 8-1 ruling -- In favor of stealing Justice Breyer's milk money and shutting him in a locker


New member
What a shame that the filthy witch didn't recognize the humanity of the unborn child.

What about the humanity of the mother who doesn't want the child? And you know, if you are soooooooo concerned about the unborn child, what have YOU done to ensure that both the father and the mother are compelled to care and provide for the child? Because of a woman's biology, she must suffer for any accidents that might happen, with no government systems in place to support her in bringing up the child? And your only alternative to this is abstinence? There's a reason why abortion is still legal in the United States, and it should and will remain so. As long as a baby can grow in only a woman's body, she has to have complete autonomy upon her body. When men or any other genders can carry fetuses to term, we can revisit the discussion. Read up on some pro-choice material and research papers on abortion from the other side of the argument also before completely debunking the idea. Yes, it is a contentious issue and yes, each individual case can only be judged on a case-by-case basis, but you seem to apply blanket recklessness to all woman who choose abortion!


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What about the humanity of the mother who doesn't want the child? And you know, if you are soooooooo concerned about the unborn child, what have YOU done to ensure that both the father and the mother are compelled to care and provide for the child?

Oh, OK: So, the fact that YOU have done nothing "to ensure that both the father and the mother are compelled to care and provide for the child" means that you are soooooooo unconcerned about the unborn child.

That's what you've just admitted: that YOU have no concern about the unborn child.