Roy Moore, OJ Simpson, And why I don't believe you.


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While it is true that Franken's behavior was inexcusable, his straightforward admission and apology show wisdom and perhaps charactter. If Trump or Moore or Weinstein had done this from the start, they'd probably not be as despised as they are.

Although it's probably true that on one-time lapse in behavior is more understandable than a pattern of abuse such as we see in the other three.

Until more come forward.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
But molestation has not.
It's not more abhorrent now than it was then.
There have always been victims that speak up.

Neither party disagreed that molestation was not abhorrent or that no one should speak up.

But depending on which party side you were on, the response and spin on that info was vastly different to achieve favor for their party candidate, not the victim.
The only time you see a party throw one of their own under the bus is when it can bolster the perspective approval ratings of their party to citizens.
Otherwise, they look the other way of any misdeeds.

Molestation has never changed, What has changed is societies willingness to begin listening to those abused and do something about the abusers regardless of their position or title. I hope. It is a change that is long over due.


New member
Hall of Fame
The accusation is:

You've known me for ten years now WoZ, you know I won't take; "I was told by a girl who worked at the mall" as a source.

Roy Moore, now a Republican Senate candidate, was known for “badgering teenage girls” at an Alabama mall in the 1980s, The New Yorker reports.

Reporter Charles Bethea spoke with over a dozen people who worked or spent time at the Gadsden Mall during that time. They said there were many rumors that Moore was on a list of people banned from the establishment.

Moore has been accused of giving a 14-year-old girl alcohol and touching her inappropriately in 1979, when he was 32 years old, The Washington Post reported last week. Three other women told the publication that Moore pursued them when they were between 16 and 18 years old. On Monday, another woman accused Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was 16. Moore has denied the allegations.

Two of these women say Moore attempted to pick them up when they were at the Gadsden Mall.

Greg Legat, who worked at the mall in the 1980s, told Bethea that he remembers Moore was banned from the shopping center starting around 1979. Legat recalled that the mall was often “filled” with unchaperoned teens.

A local police officer, J.D. Thomas, reportedly often asked Legat to keep an eye out for Moore. ”‘If you see Moore here, tell me. I’ll take care of him,’” Legat remembers Thomas telling him, according to The New Yorker.

Alabama journalist Glynn Wilson reported Sunday that he had heard similar allegations: “Sources tell me Moore was actually banned from the Gadsden Mall and the YMCA for his inappropriate behavior of soliciting sex from young girls.”

Other people who frequented the mall during the 1980s told The New Yorker they believed Moore had been banned for “trying to pick up younger girls.”

Two police officers who worked in the area at the time also told Bethea that Moore was known for hanging around the mall to find dates.

“The general knowledge at the time when I moved here was that this guy is a lawyer cruising the mall for high-school dates,” one officer said. “I was told by a girl who worked at the mall that he’d been run off from there, from a number of stores. Maybe not legally banned, but run off.”

Moore, the Gadsden Mall and the Gadsden Police Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Head over to The New Yorker to read more.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If the GOP establishment rejects Moore, they almost guarantee a democrat win. McConnell has an important senate seat to lose which will hinder GOP agendas in the senate. If Moore loses, McConnell loses a bit of power.

The Establishment did reject him and he won the Primary anyway.

The Barbarian

What makes you think McConnell cares about a Democrat win? It much more important to him that an anti establishment guy and evangelical church like Moore what what. A Democrat win is acceptable because the threat Moore poses is much more hurtful to McConnell than what a Democrat senator can do. McConnell wants somebody that will cooperate and play ball....not someone who will actually fight the liberal agenda like Moore.

Opposition to pedophilia is on the liberal agenda, but seems to be important to establishment republicans as well.


New member

You didn't notice on how he flip-flopped on whether he had dated girls in their late teens when he was in his 30s? While this is not illegal, his denial and then his 'I don't remember' and then his 'it wasn't typical' showed that he just isn't being completely honest.

He lost his credibility with me after listening to him squirm in this interview. He doesn't want to say anything that could cost him the election. He seems less than interested in telling the truth.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Although it's probably true that on one-time lapse in behavior is more understandable than a pattern of abuse such as we see in the other three.

Until more come forward.

Yep. If he turns out to have a pattern of abuse like the others, then I'd say he's toast.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So fool says;

fool said:
You've known me for ten years now WoZ, you know I won't take; "I was told by a girl who worked at the mall" as a source.

And here comes kmoney with a Huffpost regurgitation of a The New Yorker article.

Roy Moore, now a Republican Senate candidate, was known for “badgering teenage girls” at an Alabama mall in the 1980s, The New Yorker reports.

Reporter Charles Bethea spoke with over a dozen people who worked or spent time at the Gadsden Mall during that time. They said there were many rumors that Moore was on a list of people banned from the establishment.

Moore has been accused of giving a 14-year-old girl alcohol and touching her inappropriately in 1979, when he was 32 years old, The Washington Post reported last week. Three other women told the publication that Moore pursued them when they were between 16 and 18 years old. On Monday, another woman accused Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was 16. Moore has denied the allegations.

Two of these women say Moore attempted to pick them up when they were at the Gadsden Mall.

Greg Legat, who worked at the mall in the 1980s, told Bethea that he remembers Moore was banned from the shopping center starting around 1979. Legat recalled that the mall was often “filled” with unchaperoned teens.

A local police officer, J.D. Thomas, reportedly often asked Legat to keep an eye out for Moore. ”‘If you see Moore here, tell me. I’ll take care of him,’” Legat remembers Thomas telling him, according to The New Yorker.

Alabama journalist Glynn Wilson reported Sunday that he had heard similar allegations: “Sources tell me Moore was actually banned from the Gadsden Mall and the YMCA for his inappropriate behavior of soliciting sex from young girls.”

Other people who frequented the mall during the 1980s told The New Yorker they believed Moore had been banned for “trying to pick up younger girls.”

Two police officers who worked in the area at the time also told Bethea that Moore was known for hanging around the mall to find dates.

“The general knowledge at the time when I moved here was that this guy is a lawyer cruising the mall for high-school dates,” one officer said. “I was told by a girl who worked at the mall that he’d been run off from there, from a number of stores. Maybe not legally banned, but run off.”

Moore, the Gadsden Mall and the Gadsden Police Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Head over to The New Yorker to read more.

Let's break this down shall we?

kmoney said:
Reporter Charles Bethea spoke with over a dozen people who worked or spent time at the Gadsden Mall during that time. They said there were many rumors that Moore was on a list of people banned from the establishment.
Many rumors eh?

Moore has been accused of giving a 14-year-old girl alcohol and touching her inappropriately in 1979, when he was 32 years old, The Washington Post reported last week.
Cite on that Kmo? I haven't seen reports of him giving the 14 year old alcohol. I think they're conflating that with the woman who said she dated him when she was 18 going on 19.

And she's not even sure; said:
She says that Moore would pick her up for dates at the mall or at college basketball games, where she was a cheerleader. She remembers changing out of her uniform before they went out for dinners at a pizzeria called Mater’s, where she says Moore would order bottles of Mateus Rosé, or at a Chinese restaurant, where she says he would order her tropical cocktails at a time when she believes she was younger than 19, the legal drinking age.
She "believes"?
Does she know when her birthday is?
Can someone get this woman a calendar and some crayons so she can take a stab at when this happened?
And maybe do that before you publish it?

Three other women told the publication that Moore pursued them when they were between 16 and 18 years old. On Monday, another woman accused Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was 16. Moore has denied the allegations.

Two of these women say Moore attempted to pick them up when they were at the Gadsden Mall.

Greg Legat, who worked at the mall in the 1980s, told Bethea that he remembers Moore was banned from the shopping center starting around 1979. Legat recalled that the mall was often “filled” with unchaperoned teens.
A record of this banning?
A police report saying he was banned?
Paper trail?

A local police officer, J.D. Thomas, reportedly often asked Legat to keep an eye out for Moore. ”‘If you see Moore here, tell me. I’ll take care of him,’” Legat remembers Thomas telling him, according to The New Yorker.
So where is J.D. Thomas? Dead? This is Legat remembering what the P.O. said?
Paper trail on getting banned?

Alabama journalist Glynn Wilson reported Sunday that he had heard similar allegations: “Sources tell me Moore was actually banned from the Gadsden Mall and the YMCA for his inappropriate behavior of soliciting sex from young girls.”
What sources?

Other people who frequented the mall during the 1980s told The New Yorker they believed Moore had been banned for “trying to pick up younger girls.”
"Other people"? "they believe"?
What people? Do they believe or do they know?

Two police officers who worked in the area at the time also told Bethea that Moore was known for hanging around the mall to find dates.
What police Officers?
Names? Reports?

“The general knowledge at the time when I moved here was that this guy is a lawyer cruising the mall for high-school dates,” one officer said. “I was told by a girl who worked at the mall that he’d been run off from there, from a number of stores. Maybe not legally banned, but run off.”
And now we've come full circle.
"one officer said."
What Officer?
“I was told by a girl who worked at the mall"
And Officer of the law is getting his instructions from a girl at the mall?
Paperwork on this?

Moore, the Gadsden Mall and the Gadsden Police Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
So no proof? Just a hit job?

Head over to The New Yorker to read more.
No thanks.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You didn't notice on how he flip-flopped on whether he had dated girls in their late teens when he was in his 30s? While this is not illegal, his denial and then his 'I don't remember' and then his 'it wasn't typical' showed that he just isn't being completely honest.

He lost his credibility with me after listening to him squirm in this interview. He doesn't want to say anything that could cost him the election. He seems less than interested in telling the truth.

I caught that, when they were talking about the 18 -19 year old who can't remember how old she was is when he cut to "I always had the mother's blessing schtick".
Still no confession.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Barbarian observes:
Although it's probably true that on one-time lapse in behavior is more understandable than a pattern of abuse such as we see in the other three.

Yep. If he turns out to have a pattern of abuse like the others, then I'd say he's toast.

A lot of people are toast lately.