"As an employee of the Gadsden Mall for Morrison's Cafeteria Corporation from the late 1970's through the mid-2000's, I would like to put forth a statement in regards to the allegations against Judge Roy Moore. During my time at the Gadsden Mall, I formed many lifelong relationships including one with Barnes Boyle and his wife, Brenda. Barnes Boyle was manager of the Gadsden Mall and Brenda was my manager at Morrison's Cafeteria for many years. Because of this relationship, I was abreast on the latest situations that happened throughout the Gadsden Mall during that time period. There was a prominent man of Etowah County, whom is now deceased that was banned for reasons such as the allegations against Judge Moore. However, due to respect for the family, I decline to reveal his name. Despite allegations against other patrons of the mall, I never heard of Roy Moore's name come in conversation with any such misconduct against women or a supposed banning from the Gadsden Mall." - Johnnie V. Sanders, employee of Gadsden Mall from late 70's to mid-2000's.