Roy Moore, OJ Simpson, And why I don't believe you.


Well-known member
It just seems strange that Moore, who have ran other campaigns before this senate race, and not one time, not one, has these charges against him been brought up. It is only after he beats a neocon Strange that this is brought up.


So heres a thought.....stay out of politics.. don't run for office. You will save yourself from all sorts of character assassinations.

That's the message being sent by the GOP to true conservatives: stay out or your dirt will be dug up. If you got no dirt, we'll fabricate enough to make you LOOK dirty.


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What deposition? :idunno:
The one you depose him at.
There's no statute of limitations on sex offences against someone under 16 in Alabama;

No one is charging Moore with a crime so unless he sues for defamation, no one is going to be under oath. That said, I hope he does sue everyone for defamation. Let the truth come out.
He won't sue for defamation because then he would be deposed.

A person who uses violence, coercion, intimidation, status or other means to engage in sexual relations with someone who otherwise would not had any of these methods not been utilized or with someone not old enough to consent to engage in any sexual relation.
I don't know that that makes Clinton a predator.

How did I do? :D
It's a starting point.

Clinton is a predator as he used his status as president.
There's stories from when he was Governor as well.
I'll say this, I don't think Slick Willy has too much trouble finding willing partners. He gets in trouble when he misreads the signs.

He also possibly raped someone and possibly went on lolita flights with a convicted pedophile.
Possibly, possibly.

Roy Moore is a predator as he sought relationships with girls too young to consent.
Age of consent in Alabama is 16;
So we're down to one accuser being actionable.
Donald Trump is a predator as he gropes, grabs and kisses women he wants to grope, grab or kiss with or without their consent.
"They let you do whatever you want".
That's not without consent. Just like Slick Willy I doubt the Billionaire has trouble finding willing partners.
Al Franken is a predator as he gropes, grabs and kisses women he wants to grope, grab or kiss with or without their consent.
They should make him wear oven mitts when ever he leaves the house.


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Hall of Fame
I believe the voters are going to see that this is a political ploy to turn a red state blue.

Here is what some have not considered with the voters concerning 'morality'.
They look to the candidate that will push what they believe to be moral issues in the government.
Alabama is conservative and pro-life.
The 2 candidates with the odds of winning are Moore and Jones.
Jones is pro-abortion at any time up till birth.
He is an extreme liberal that has many values that Alabama citizens do not want in government.
They won't vote for him no matter what ........ because they see his policies as immoral.

Moore is the one that they know will push the moral policies they want to be pushed in government.

Only by attempting to split the conservative vote could the left gain the upper hand.
So they play the morality card on his person rather than his policies.

Do the conservative voters elect one man that may have done something immoral in his distant past, but will push policies to help the whole country?
Or do they split their votes with a write-in, risking letting a man win that will push immoral policies to hurt the whole country?
The ' one man vs. many' scenario.

Is not the reason we vote for the policies a candidate vows to push?

Alabama citizens could vote for Moore and still claim the upper high ground of both politics and morality because to vote for Jones would be to vote in many immoralities for the whole country, while Moore's single immoral act (allegedly) can be dealt with personally one-on-one while the right policies are being implemented for the whole country.


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Hall of Fame
I believe the voters are going to see that this is a political ploy to turn a red state blue.

Here is what some have not considered with the voters concerning 'morality'.
They look to the candidate that will push what they believe to be moral issues in the government.
Alabama is conservative and pro-life.
The 2 candidates with the odds of winning are Moore and Jones.
Jones is pro-abortion at any time up till birth.
He is an extreme liberal that has many values that Alabama citizens do not want in government.
They won't vote for him no matter what ........ because they see his policies as immoral.

Moore is the one that they know will push the moral policies they want to be pushed in government.

Only by attempting to split the conservative vote could the left gain the upper hand.
So they play the morality card on his person rather than his policies.

Do the conservative voters elect one man that may have done something immoral in his distant past, but will push policies to help the whole country?
Or do they split their votes with a write-in, risking letting a man win that will push immoral policies to hurt the whole country?
The ' one man vs. many' scenario.

Is not the reason we vote for the policies a candidate vows to push?

Alabama citizens could vote for Moore and still claim the upper high ground of both politics and morality because to vote for Jones would be to vote in many immoralities for the whole country, while Moore's single immoral act (allegedly) can be dealt with personally one-on-one while the right policies are being implemented for the whole country.

That's why earlier I said I feel bad for the AL GOP voters. You have to vote between someone who is probably a creeper or a Democrat. Or refuse to vote and maybe make it more likely that Jones will win.

I think the same dynamic helped elect Trump. Some people like all of Trump but I think a lot of people were choosing policy over the man. I also felt bad for Republican voters in that election (the ones who hadn't voted for Trump in the primary). It was easy for me because I didn't like anything about Trump.

Is there anything someone could do that would prevent you from voting for them?


Well-known member
If Moore did not break any laws at that time, then no one can hold him legally responsible for his lack of class and tastelessness. The problem is, the Left is in overdrive trying to give the impression that he indeed broke the law (without providing any evidence so far that he did) and so should not be elected. That's what's truly scummy about all this -- so far there's no evidence he did so.

But a lot of Alabamans apparently aren't buying it. Whether they choose not to vote for him because he was tasteless and lacking in class 40 years ago (albeit within the bounds of law) remains to be seen.

Now, if he were chasing down 18 year olds TODAY, or is proved to at one time attempted to break consent laws, that would be very different. No one on TOL would back him in that case.


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That's why earlier I said I feel bad for the AL GOP voters. You have to vote between someone who is probably a creeper or a Democrat.
More like between two creepers.
One could easily say that Jones is the bigger creep because of the immoral national policies he pushes for.

I think the same dynamic helped elect Trump.
I think so too.

Is there anything someone could do that would prevent you from voting for them?
Since we are basically voting for policy makers and supporters, the obvious answer would depend on what policies they are pushing.
If they push more favorable policies that I approve of, then they are the one that will get my vote.
I didn't vote for Trump to be the head moral standard poster boy for America.
I voted for him because I liked the policies he was pushing much much much more than the policies Hillary was pushing.

And I was very satisfied that Trump pretty much said forget about political correctness (which is highly overrated in my opinion) and let's get down to brass tacks.


New member
Is it strange that [MENTION=17591]ClimateSanity[/MENTION] [MENTION=16629]patrick jane[/MENTION] et al are not desperate to defend Franken like they are Moore?

Probably not ;)
There are plenty of holes in the stories of Moore's accusers. Are there similar holes in the stories of frankens's accusers? I think not.

Frankenstein has actual evidence against him.

Moore only has hearsay against him.

You talk a lot about different stories of different people being in agreement. Do these stories have any particulars in them that someone could possibly be able to falsify or shed doubt on based on other evidence?

8 people all saying Moore is a sleaze bag is not hard corroboration.


New member
It just seems strange that Moore, who have ran other campaigns before this senate race, and not one time, not one, has these charges against him been brought up. It is only after he beats a neocon Strange that this is brought up. Looks bad.....

So heres a thought.....stay out of politics.. don't run for office. You will save yourself from all sorts of character assassinations.

Here's another thought: don't harass teenagers. Don't rape. Don't assault women. Don't grope without permission. Then you've got nothing to worry about.


New member
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Since we are basically voting for policy makers and supporters, the obvious answer would depend on what policies they are pushing.
If they push more favorable policies that I approve of, then they are the one that will get my vote.
I didn't vote for Trump to be the head moral standard poster boy for America.
I voted for him because I liked the policies he was pushing much much much more than the policies Hillary was pushing.
So if the candidate has the right policies then it wouldn't matter what they've done?

And I was very satisfied that Trump pretty much said forget about political correctness (which is highly overrated in my opinion) and let's get down to brass tacks.
I think you are stretching PCness way beyond what it should be if you think everything Trump does can be placed under the 'NOT PC' category.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
So if the candidate has the right policies then it wouldn't matter what they've done?

I think you are stretching PCness way beyond what it should be if you think everything Trump does can be placed under the 'NOT PC' category.
Think what you want.



Good advice. Wow, the dems are sure getting hit hard on this issue, huh rex?
If Moore loses, the Republican majority in the Senate is reduced to one, making the passage of any major legislation even more difficult!

If Moore wins, it places another huge nail in the Republican's coffin for the 2018 Interims!