Robert's Gospel According to the Apostle Paul

Robert Pate

Well-known member


Tell all of TOL, what right you have to delete these verses, from the scripture, as you,on record, have done:

Psalms 111 KJV

7 The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are sure.

8 They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.

Matthew 5:17 KJV Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Psalm 119:151-152 KJV, Psalms 119:159-160 KJV

151 Thou art near, O Lord; and all thy commandments are truth.152 Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old that thou hast founded them for ever......
159 Consider how I love thy precepts: quicken me, O LORD, according to thy lovingkindness. 160 Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever

Once again you are mixing Old Testament scripture with new Testament theology. This is one reason you are so screwed up.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You need to go buy a King James Bible.
Habitual liar. I'm am one of the KJB's biggest proponents. You, on the other hand, on record, have deleted 2/3 of the bible.

Everything that I say is backed by scripture.

Wow, demon-that settles the debate. Catholics say that, as do most everyone. Moron.

Jesus is the New Covenant.

Another made up "Pate-ism," like "Jesus is the new Adam"

Pate: Mary is the new Eve, and the new Adam is the New Covenant.

The law never did save anyone, nor does it justify.

Never said it did/does, you satanic false accuser. You say the walk of the Saviour in the law saves us, demon.

This is why Jesus abolished it. it was contrary to us, no one could keep it or do it.

No, He did not-He died for our sins, not to abolish/destroy the law, so that there is no sin debt, as you satanically argue. The good, just, spiritual holy law of God is not against us, demon-the sin debt/penalty for breaking the existing law of God is against us, liar.

Pate: The laws against murder, rape, stealing.................are against us, not the debt/consequences for breaking them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Eliminate the law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, WHICH WAS CONTRARY TO US and took it out of the way , nailing it to his cross" Colossians 2:14.

The "the handwriting of ordinances" is not the law, demon-it is the charges/IOU, that we get, from breaking an existing holy, spiritual, right law of God, which most of TOL has shown you, with scripture, for years, but you keep denying it, with spam.

You wicked perverter of the gospel of Christ, hater of most of the bible, deleting 2/3 of it.
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Once again you are mixing Old Testament scripture with new Testament theology. This is one reason you are so screwed up.
Evasion, Deceit.

Tell all of TOL, what right you have to delete these verses, from the scripture, as you,on record, have done:

Psalms 111 KJV

7 The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are sure.

8 They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.

Matthew 5:17 KJV Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Psalm 119:151-152 KJV, Psalms 119:159-160 KJV

151 Thou art near, O Lord; and all thy commandments are truth.152 Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old that thou hast founded them for ever......
159 Consider how I love thy precepts: quicken me, O LORD, according to thy lovingkindness. 160 Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever

2 years, and not a peep.

Answer the question, demon.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You had better hope that the law has been abolished, if you don't then you are under it and are under condemnation.

What right gives you the authority, to assert that the LORD God abolished the books of Genesis-Malachi, and Matthew-John,up until the death of the Saviour. Want to see your own words, where you assert this, Pate?

Tell us why rape, murder............are wrong, Pate.

Tell us why you say Americans are under the laws of foreign countries, Pate.


New member
Please don't underline, it makes your post difficult to read.

It is not good theology to mix Old Testament scripture with new Testament scripture. All Old Testament scripture was written under the law. Christians are no longer under the law because the law has been abolished, Ephesians 2:15.

Jesus's mission was not to destroy the law. His mission was to provide salvation for the whole world. In order to provide salvation for everyone he had to abolish the law. Where there is law there is judgment. There is no condemnation to those that are "In Christ" Romans 8:1, because there is no law. To be under the law is to be under a curse, Galatians 3:10.

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is not the Gospel, it is an outline of the Gospel. The Gospel is revealed to us in the following scriptures, Romans 5:12-21, Romans 6:3-23, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.

What it comes down to is all that Jesus did in his life, death and resurrection he did for us, in our name and on our behalf for our salvation and our justification, Romans 3:26. No one will enter heaven that has not been justified by the doing and the dying of Jesus.

You, as many do confuse what the commandments themselves are...

They are descriptions of what it is like where I AM.

Take for instance the Sabbath...the fourth was introduced even before there was sin...

Yah rested after His six day work...He didnt have to but He modelled for us a way to after six days of work...this was before sin...imagine the joy of having a day of rest AFTER THE know when man had to live by the sweat of his brow...

Take also “don’t commit adultery”...or “dont steal” well that was easy to keep in the Garden where Yah was as nothing was there to steal or commit adultery with...well ok they stole some fruit...

See? So where I AM you may be also...that means stop doing that NOW here on earth because in the new earth we wont be doing practice to get used to it cuz we aint doing any of it later...

Like vegetarians are all practiced up for a time when there will be no shedding of blood to feed us...

So again the 10 words or sayings are:

Where He is there is no other
Where He is there is no need for images
Where He is there is a Sabbath day rest
Where He is there is no stealing killing lying adultery coveting

So when we are with Him again in the new earth we will be keeping the Law...duh...

The 10 commandments are merely descriptions of life WITH HIM

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
All Christians are sinners....

Since sin is transgression of the law, Pate,per 1 John 3:4 KJV(and others),how can A Christian being considered a "sinner," for committing sins,since the law defines said sins, if the law no longer exists, according to you?

Well, Pate?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The law will not make you a better Christian. Living by rules and laws will cause you to sin.

Listen to Paul.

"But sin taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. for without the law SIN WAS DEAD" Romans 7:8.

"For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, SIN REVIVED and I died" Romans 7:9

"And the commandment which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death" Romans 7:10.

"For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, DECEIVED ME and by it slew me" Romans 7:10.

This is why Christians do not live by rules and laws.

The word of God refutes you.


New member

You would make a good Galatian because you want to be under the law.

Paul would say to you..."Tell me that you desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law" Galatians 4:21.

You and John W. do not hear the law because you are spiritually blind. The law will damn you to hell. Listen to what Paul is saying to you.

"For as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse" Galatians 3:10.

You had better hope that the law has been abolished, if you don't then you are under it and are under condemnation.

Again...the Law describes life WITH HIM...I am a SLAVE to Him His way...

His kingdom is Lawful...not Lawless...

When you graduated elementary school did you throw out the laws of math?

Do you oppose the instruction you got from your math tutor?


New member
You teach Salvation by the Law, either do or die. You have the gall to condemn others for what you yourself do !

Not at justifies...and then we follow the law...

Israel came out of Egypt first and only then was given the Law...

Faith first...

But then don’t return to your old ways like a dog to it’s vomit...

Oh wait...yours believe its destined...or once is forever...or never was...kinda like catholic marriages...haha


New member
You need to go buy a King James Bible. Everything that I say is backed by scripture. If you want to convince people that they are wrong you need to do it with scripture. Calling people names is not going to get it. What it will get you is banned. I have shown you through scripture that the law has been banned for the Christian. I have also shown you through scripture that to be under the law is a curse, Galatians 3:10. You did not address the scriptures. All that you do is fret and call me names.

Jesus is the New Covenant.

"In that he says, A new covenant he has made the first Old (old law) Now is decaying and waxing old and is ready to vanish" Hebrews 8:13.

The law never did save anyone, nor does it justify. This is why Jesus abolished it. it was contrary to us, no one could keep it or do it.

"Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, WHICH WAS CONTRARY TO US and took it out of the way , nailing it to his cross" Colossians 2:14.

He modelled life in the New Covenant...and then was killed...signing and sealing this covenant...NO CHANGES means no abolition...

Think not that He came to do that ok?


New member
More utter hokum from the great RP.

Jesus is NOT "a covenant".


He says He is a gate...walk through into another life...unlike your former or what the world would have you live

He says He is the way...walk in it...dont just stand there or walk around where ever you want whenever..


New member
The law will not make you a better Christian. Living by rules and laws will cause you to sin.

Listen to Paul.

"But sin taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. for without the law SIN WAS DEAD" Romans 7:8.

"For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, SIN REVIVED and I died" Romans 7:9

"And the commandment which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death" Romans 7:10.

"For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, DECEIVED ME and by it slew me" Romans 7:10.

This is why Christians do not live by rules and laws.

Is like saying gravity MADE me juvenile...always blaming something else besides your own tripping and stumbling round and round...

“OH how I wish gravity would be abolished so I wouldnt fall”...LOL

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The law will not make you a better Christian. Living by rules and laws will cause you to sin.

Listen to Paul.

"But sin taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. for without the law SIN WAS DEAD" Romans 7:8.

"For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, SIN REVIVED and I died" Romans 7:9

"And the commandment which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death" Romans 7:10.

"For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, DECEIVED ME and by it slew me" Romans 7:10.

This is why Christians do not live by rules and laws.

The word of God refutes you.

Give it up. You have been thoroughly and completely refuted by the word of God.
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The word of God refutes you.

The law, as contained in word of God, defines sin, and calls murder, rape, sodomy, theft.................a sin/transgression. Why is murder, rape, sodomy, theft.................wrong, Pate?

Answer the question, Pate, and also why you refer to Christians as sinners, if there is no objective holy, right, spiritual law of God anymore, according to you, to define said sin/transgression.

Tell all of the TOL audience, from "Pate-ianity."

Go ahead.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Is like saying gravity MADE me juvenile...always blaming something else besides your own tripping and stumbling round and round...

“OH how I wish gravity would be abolished so I wouldnt fall”...LOL

Bingo, again-Pate's "solution" to our committing sins, is not that Christ died for our sins, sins defined by the holy, good, spiritual, existing law of God, to pay our sin debt,but to abolish/destroy/eliminate the laws, so that no one can be charged/convicted/condemned,so there is no sin debt, no law that marks/defines the transgression/sin.

Pate: The laws against murder, theft, adultery, lying...........................................................................are contrary to us, not the debt for breaking the laws!!!!! The problem is not with me, Pate, it is the law's fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Abolish/destroy the law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The LORD God, the judge, to Pate: Be gone, depart.....You are the problem. I sent my only begotten Son to pay for your sin debt, against breaking my forever existing holy, spiritual, good law, and you reject that provision, blaming the law, not yourself.

It is from satan, as he asserts that Christ died for nothing, in vain.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Baloney.... another bold pronouncement without support.
Is the Levitical priesthood still in effect? If not, when and how did it end?

To me, the Levitical priesthood was fulfilled upon the altar of the cross. The Levitical altar, in the temple in Jerusalem, was ground into dust by the Roman army under General Titus in AD 70, and it's never been rebuilt.