Riots in Ferguson MO. USA


New member
Hall of Fame
Apparently crooks from as far as California and New York are exploiting the situation. So we went from bad to worse to even worse.


New member
Returning the favour. Would you rather I didn't listen to you? Don't lead me into temptation.

Posted from the TOL App!

If you limited your visits to ''listening'' that would be fine, but you could never do that. You are not here to listen and learn, but to accuse and you have done so immediately.

Fiat Tenebris

New member
If you limited your visits to ''listening'' that would be fine, but you could never do that. You are not here to listen and learn, but to accuse and you have done so immediately.

I accuse you of that which you openly admit and defend. Do not deceive yourself into believing it was a gamble.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I join a Christian forum and I stumble into this on the first thread? Hopefully it doesn't set the tone going forward.
Spend enough time knocking around and you'll meet all sorts of people with attitudes and methodologies that cover a fairly wide range. We have agnostics, atheists, Catholics, a Buddhist or two and, of course, a wide assortment of Protestants. There are hostile, bias blind voices in all of the camps and reasonable, considered folks as well. No real surprise.

Welcome to the dance. Mind your toes. :)


Hall of Fame
If you limited your visits to ''listening'' that would be fine, but you could never do that. You are not here to listen and learn, but to accuse and you have done so immediately.

Do *you* limit yourself to listening and learning?


Well-known member
Temp Banned
I think it's more about poverty than race, though in a way it makes it about race due to the extreme inequity where blacks are concerned.

I'm not the type to hastily blame the police, I've watched many videos where the police act far too kindly and the video gets shared (with obvious lack of context) and they all hound the decent police chap in the video.

One has to be careful. And one must avoid the cliché of relating it to past riots, it's the first thing even the most average mind will do.

Regarding the OP, I wouldn't fret about what the BBC says about riots - they've demonstrated they know nothing about the topic, even if said riot is... in their back AND frontyard.
I agree that economic abuse and inequity have more to do with this whole mess than race does. Yet this is America, and we have a problem with racism (and bigotry of other kinds), too, that is always intertwined with and fueled by economic abuse.

Many of us will not want to admit it, or accept it, but a lot of the looting we are seeing is the result of pent up rage at an economic system that constantly favors the wealthy at the expense of the poor and working classes. Ferguson, MO. is not a ghetto. Most of the people living there have jobs. But now days even the working class is being 'ghettoized' by the rise of a global plutocracy that does whatever it pleases, and is being sponsored and supported at every turn by the United States government.

It's exactly this kind of pent up economic rage that the plutarchs fear, and have been militarizing the police to protect themselves and their positions of wealth and power, against. If we really do demilitarize our police forces around the country (which I seriously doubt will happen), just watch, and you will see a rise in private security forces, that will be well armed and well paid, and trained to brutalize any form of citizen uprising. Especially any uprising that dares to upset the economic status quo. Because that's really the priority, here, for the people who are running this country; the oligarchs.

Christ's Word

New member
Dial it back a bit please.

You are right Delmar, should I remove the word queer and keep the phrase antisocial, or remove the word antisocial and keep the word queer? Or should we just go back to her drooling over men and babbling about men she is not married to making her "hot"?

One would think in a Christian forum, that a moderator like yourself would think it reasonable that I thank another forum member for offering to pray for the safety of my son and the men he is working with? One would think that a man like yourself would object to someone criticizing me for thanking that person for his prayers? If I have read you wrong, please explain?


TOL Subscriber
Brown may or may not have paid for the merchandise.
Brown may or may not have initiated the altercation with the clerk.
Brown was called in and described by a customer as a potential perpetrator.
Brown was walking in the street and refused simple police instruction according to the law.
Brown did fit the description of the police dispatch alert.
Brown did initiate an aggressive altercation with the officer in the cruiser.
Brown did walk away and then turned to "bumrush" the assaulted officer in aggression.
Brown did not raise his hands in surrender.

If this were a white teen in one of these many events that gets no media scrutiny, this wouldn't even be a blip on anyone's radar. Nobody would care. Amazing how everyone cares when it's one of many that never see the light of day in mass media.

As tragic as this is, it's just more pawn-fodder for the agenda of agitating class warfare by and for the oligarchy.

Christ's Word

New member
Ferguson, MO. is not a ghetto. Most of the people living there have jobs. But now days even the working class is being 'ghettoized' by the rise of a global plutocracy that does whatever it pleases, and is being sponsored and supported at every turn by the United States government.

Ferguson is the worst part of St. Louis County. The 1st and 2nd Precincts are rough. 30 years ago it was a thriving middle class suburb that was predominantly white and full of small businesses. Now it is 80 percent black and a train wreck. It may not be as bad as East St. Louis, but getting there fast. More than half of the black males there under 30 are unemployed, unless you include illegal drug trade. And don't discount what Granite said......

"Apparently crooks from as far as California and New York are exploiting the situation. So we went from bad to worse to even worse."


New member
Hall of Fame
Brown may or may not have paid for the merchandise.
Brown may or may not have initiated the altercation with the clerk.
Brown was called in and described by a customer as a potential perpetrator.
Brown was walking in the street and refused simple police instruction according to the law.
Brown did fit the description of the police dispatch alert.
Brown did initiate an aggressive altercation with the officer in the cruiser.
Brown did walk away and then turned to "bumrush" the assaulted officer in aggression.
Brown did not raise his hands in surrender.

If this were a white teen in one of these many events that gets no media scrutiny, this wouldn't even be a blip on anyone's radar. Nobody would care. Amazing how everyone cares when it's one of many that never see the light of day in mass media.

As tragic as this is, it's just more pawn-fodder for the agenda of agitating class warfare by and for the oligarchy.

The response of the police is, I think, one of the biggest reasons this story's blown up. The reaction was simply not appropriate and in fact seemed to have escalated the situation. Remember: The Ferguson police militarized before there were any reports of looting or criminal activity. That's how they responded to peaceful, lawful protests. And the war zone in Ferguson and the fascism on display should be major news.


New member
Hall of Fame
That part of the tape isn't new. He stole the cigars.

The robbery had nothing to do with him being stopped. He got stopped for walking in the street. You know, like we all do.

I don't think there's much that'll happen that will clear up exactly what happened after he was stopped, and it's obvious Wilson will get off. Just my meaningless speculation.

You apparently skimmed that link...

Christ's Word

New member
If this were a white teen in one of these many events that gets no media scrutiny, this wouldn't even be a blip on anyone's radar. Nobody would care.
As tragic as this is, it's just more pawn-fodder for the agenda of agitating class warfare by and for the oligarchy.

Yes, when it is a white kid gunned down by the police, national media does not care. It does not help the class warfare agenda.


TOL Subscriber
The response of the police is, I think, one of the biggest reasons this story's blown up. The reaction was simply not appropriate and in fact seemed to have escalated the situation. Remember: The Ferguson police militarized before there were any reports of looting or criminal activity. That's how they responded to peaceful, lawful protests. And the war zone in Ferguson and the fascism on display should be major news.

I despise the escalation in police gross misconduct and aggressive abuse. It's rampant. I despise the gradual militarization of police, which is also pervasive. And I despise the blatant abrogation of civil rights and all you've referrred to. I'm not blind to those in the least.

But this is not a situation that should have escalated like this. The community immediately created the perfect atmosphere for this to play into the already-fascist status quo that is engulfing the nation.

This would not have happened in a "white neighborhood", and that's racIAL not racIST. There had to be a confluence of certain factors for this to escalate. So it had to involve an ethnic minority, social variation, and economic disparity combined with a misdemeanor that became a shooting death with initially unsure details of the circumstances.

Why would anybody be so naive as to think current law enforcement isn't going to be militarized in anticipation to over-respond? That's the political climate nationwide. Police are not to protect and serve, but to enforce. This isn't new. The Police are not our friends.

I'm just amazedly disappointed that no one looks at this as a teen doing something stupid that played into the hands of those looking for one more excuse to numb us to martial law on a local basis.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Ferguson is the worst part of St. Louis County. The 1st and 2nd Precincts are rough. 30 years ago it was a thriving middle class suburb that was predominantly white and full of small businesses. Now it is 80 percent black and a train wreck.
Actually, I looked up the crime statistics for Ferguson Mo., and you will be surprised to know that the violent crime rate there is lower than the state's average. And that's saying something considering that Ferguson Mo. is a suburb of a major city. So it turns out that all those black men in Ferguson are actually LESS inclined to commit violent crimes than all those white men living around the rest of Missouri.
It may not be as bad as East St. Louis, but getting there fast. More than half of the black males there under 30 are unemployed …
Well, therein lies the problem, which is what I was saying. This whole mess is not so much about racism as it's about a racist economy that is continuing to squeeze out the poor and the poorer working classes, who invariably will tend to be black, and male, in this country.

Interestingly, the crime stats for Ferguson regarding property crime is nearly 30% higher than the rest of Missouri. So while black men in Ferguson tend not to commit violent crimes, they are more likely to commit property crimes, and that almost certainly is because, according to you, half of them are unemployed. And our society has absolutely no policy in place to help unemployed black men find a way to survive in our economy. … Well, except sending them to prison, which we do in this country at a rate far higher than nearly anywhere else in the world.

So, we provide them no jobs, and no other way to survive except criminality, and then we lock them up for it. And if they happen to get shot or killed in the process, who cares … they're all criminals, anyway. Right?

Now can you perhaps see why the people living there might be enraged? And why they don't care if Micheal Brown stole some cigars before he was gunned down?
... unless you include illegal drug trade.
If Micheal Brown had been selling drugs, he would have had the money to buy those cigars. Drug dealers don't steal stuff. They just kill each other over money, turf, and ego.