Riots in Ferguson MO. USA


New member
I am really sorry
to hear that, your
husband told me that
was a real possibility.
We will pray for that
unit's safety.


New member
It is a little late
for that, but please
don't let reality mess
up your delusions.

I am really sorry
to hear that, your
husband told me that
was a real possibility.
We will pray for that
unit's safety.

Now this is purely ridiculous. Put down my caution for folks to stay away from the area which is tantamount to an invitation for more lawlessness/strangers to travel in muddying the waters further and then feel bad that CW's son got called in to keep peace. What's even more ridiculous is CW thanking you.
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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I see it differently.

1.excessive use, treatment, or action.

2.the amount by which destruction or the capacity for destruction exceeds what is necessary.

So much for your premise. The cell phone witness description corroborates the officer witness testimony. So that ends this discussion. The thug charged the officer, and it wasn't until the last shot that he fell.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
So much for your premise. The cell phone witness description corroborates the officer witness testimony. So that ends this discussion. The thug charged the officer, and it wasn't until the last shot that he fell.

We disagree....but I don't care about 'being right' as much as you do, so OK.....

Posted from the TOL App cause that's how I roll.


New member
Nice posts, that should
about cover the
who speaks nothing of
the "compact" police
have with their communities
to serve and protect. But openly
claims the compact demands
homosexuality be legal.

You've misrepresented Town's position. Additionally you've mixed apples with oranges. The police compact to protect and to serve is one that never changes. The laws that allow for certain privileges for homosexuals can be changed and if they are, Town will defend them according to his responsibility as an attorney.

The officers claiming they
can't arrest the looters they
are watching loot, because
Missouri Highway Patrol is
"in command" and ordered
them to "stand down".
As if an officer needs a direct
order from Central command
to arrest a criminal if he witnesses
a crime in progress. Inside
Missouri's borders, his class
1 commission allows him to effect
an arrest for any crime personally
witnessed, even when out of his
department's jurisdiction.

The Governor ordered the County Police to stand down and inserted MOHP. Stand down means stand down, stay out of the conflict, which includes the looting. What would you suggest County PD do? Missouri's Governor has opened the state up for law suits galore from business owners who have suffered irreparable damage to their property and livelihood as a result of poor leadership, and you know whose string he has been dangling on the end of, Obama's. America needs to remember that this is pretty much how Obama has and will defend our nation.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Nice posts, that should about cover the retard/coward/lawyer who speaks nothing of the "compact" police have with their communities to serve and protect.
Let's guess your part...else, your usual "No, here are the goal posts....over here!" nonsense. The police don't have a compact. They have legal obligations to it and the citizenry.

Additional topics omitted from my scoff aimed at your odd dismissal of IMJ? Aardvarks, cabbages and the price of nothing.

But openly claims the compact demands homosexuality be legal.
Rather notes there is insufficient reason (your bread and butter) to confer criminal status or abrogate right, uncomfortable as that might make the majority for reasons owing to everything from repulsion by difference to religious belief and valuation.

But that's another thread or fifty.

The officers claiming they can't arrest the looters they are watching loot, because Missouri Highway Patrol is "in command" and ordered them to "stand down".
Doesn't make any real sense. Why would law enforcement protect criminals?

As if an officer needs a direct order from Central command to arrest a criminal if he witnesses a crime in progress. Inside Missouri's borders, his class 1 commission allows him to effect an arrest for any crime personally witnessed, even when out of his department's jurisdiction.
So you're either saying they're poorly trained or don't want to do their job.

And all that said my prayer would be for a return to sanity, no further injury/harm to anyone involved except those who break the law and that harm being limited to arrest and prosecution.

Christ's Word

New member
So you're either saying they're poorly trained or don't want to do their job.

I think he is saying their job has been politicized and manipulated, but you would have to be something other than a corrupt lawyer to see the truth, because corruption and manipulation is the norm for lawyers like you.


New member
Because I should not thank someone for offering to pray for the safety of my son and the men he works with.......You are an anti-social queer.

Hey, I'm a Mom with a son too but if you want to thank THall for inviting more mayhem and danger into the theater your son is having to work in, go for it! And if being a caring Mom makes me an anti-social queer then so be it. :) Have you any more fruitful words in your vocabulary? You do realize that all those nasty words you spit out paints you the anti-social one?

Fiat Tenebris

New member
I think it's more about poverty than race, though in a way it makes it about race due to the extreme inequity where blacks are concerned.

I'm not the type to hastily blame the police, I've watched many videos where the police act far too kindly and the video gets shared (with obvious lack of context) and they all hound the decent police chap in the video.

One has to be careful. And one must avoid the cliché of relating it to past riots, it's the first thing even the most average mind will do.

Regarding the OP, I wouldn't fret about what the BBC says about riots - they've demonstrated they know nothing about the topic, even if said riot is... in their back AND frontyard.