Welcome aboard. :e4e: I think you're going to find this an interesting place, but prepare yourself for anything.
Part of the charm.
Welcome aboard. :e4e: I think you're going to find this an interesting place, but prepare yourself for anything.Part of the charm.
A Messianic Jew is a person of Jewish heritage that believes that Jesus is the Messiah. They do come in many flavors. I am Sola Scriptura and Trinitarian. I reject the Talmud as traditions of men. I like to call it the 'tall mud'. I learned that from a messianic Rabbi.
At present, their behavior reflects that they do not know the Messiah. One has to have a true understanding of G-d to create moral laws. They are not a Christian nation. Many of the Jews there are Atheistic Jews. I would be reticent though to side with Muslim nations against Israel because of the role Israel has in prophecy.
Jews are starting to convert to Christianity there in large numbers. That happens where there is a spiritual vacuum.
I am doubtful about the truthfulness of the links you provided. They may be slanted. LGBT and abortion people do have a agenda when they make edits to wikipedia or when they make articles. They like to inflate their numbers.
At present Israel is being mashed on all sides. I don't think they will be blessed until they turn to G-d.
Paul quoted non-canon (unBiblical) once that I can think of. Being not of Abraham, I am only familiar with these things and do not know them deeply. Maybe you explain some things if you feel up to it in the forum.
I am more familiar with the book of the Maccabees that I am the Tall Mud. I avoided the Talmud, though I do have quite a few of the books that are in it. Many of the books that are in the Catholic Apocrypha are also in the Talmud.
I could probably explain some of the Jewish traditions. I was fortunate enough to be raised by parents that believed in Jesus.
For a long time the Jewish heritage of my family was buried for fear of persecution. My father side of the family came from Germany.
I didn't know I had Jewish blood until we started digging into family trees. I was always told a was some blend of German and Scottish with American Indian thrown in. It wasn't until later that I found out that the 'Indian' and the 'German' was actually Jew.1. I was going to ask if you were raised in an Observant home but you said your parents raised you as a Christian so I guess I don't need to ask about it.
Probably not. Her lineage is hard to trace. Technically I would not be Jewish since Jews tend to trace though the maternal line these days.2. Is your mother Jewish?
My father was raised a Christian and my mothers family was a wild bunch. My mother converted to Christian when she went to church with my father.3. Were each of your parents raised as Christians, Jews or another religion?
Biblical Kosher. I just find meats like pork and shell fish gross. They stink up the house. :vomit:4. When you say you eat kosher food do you mean Biblical Kosher (no pork or shellfish) or the full deal with separate meat and dairy, etc?
It's full of old wives tales and traditions of men. It not scripture. It is the sort of thing Jesus warned us about.5. Why do you refer to the Talmud as the Tall Mud?
I didn't know I had Jewish blood until we started digging into family trees...Probably not. Her lineage is hard to trace. Technically I would not be Jewish since Jews tend to trace though the maternal line these days.
Biblical Kosher. I just find meats like pork and shell fish gross. They stink up the house.
It's full of old wives tales and traditions of men. It not scripture. It is the sort of thing Jesus warned us about.
Let try this again. My first try didn't work.
I am a sola scriptura messianic. I am also very conservative in my social views. I think America is drinking out of toilet at present with this gay rights and abortion stuff.
Okay. That answers my question. No, you wouldn't be considered Jewish. May I ask how you figured out the family was Jewish? Genealogical records stump me once I trace them back to Italy and Germany. My mom hasn't really been able to get much after that point either. That's kinda off topic but I'll ask anyway.
I don't like the smell of shellfish either. I find meat in general to be gross but I can still handle chicken for the most part. But I only cook meat 2-4 times per month. Unless you count eggs.
What is wrong with tradition?
Tradition in itself is not bad--it when someone tries to make it binding that it becomes bad.
I am going to choose to identify myself as Christian, because that is where my heart is.
So there is no more need to be asking me anymore of these questions.
I am Christian. Being a Christian--parentage doesn't really matter.
as a literalist, (re see below also), look up "holy is always an adjective" | "holy is an adjective"Welcome to the boards! The gay rights thing doesn't bother me as much as judicial activism. As far as abortion, I simply find abortion on demand to be a deplorable form of contraception with few exceptions.
At any rate, I would be interested in some of your thoughts regarding the book of Hebrews and the New Testament significance of Leviticus. As a Christian I'm a strict literalist, perhaps more so then many of my fundamentalist and evangelical brethren.
Hope you enjoy your time here.
Grace and peace,
...It looks like we will get along quite well. I am pretty literal too. Hebrews trumps Leviticus--Plain and simple. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice. Lambs, bulls and goats are no longer needed.
I probably should set my religion to Christian since my theology is sola scriptura Christian. What race I am make no difference in the kingdom of God.
...So, do you believe any of the law must be followed for salvation, or do you believe we are saved by grace through faith and not by works?
From what I've known of Messianic Jews they generally believe they must follow the Law, with the exceptions of the sacrifices because Jesus was the final sacrifice.
....I am not tied to all the laws because we are under the new covenant of Jesus. I do eat kosher foods because it is my culture to do so, not because of any law. Anything that Jesus says, trumps the old law. I hold Jesus higher than the old Law because He is G-d in the flesh, the second person of the trinity
If the label going to cause this much trouble on this board I won't use it. All people that accept Jesus as their Savior, become children of the promise. They are grafted into the Olive Tree. Blood heritage doesn't amount to much if you do not have Jesus. Make sense?
...Baptism is act of obedience reflecting an inward condition--Repentance. I believe in baptism by immersion because that is how it was done in the scripture. I do not believe in infant baptism. An infant cannot choose to repent and obey G-d.
Baptism is a picture of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. It is a testimony of putting to death the old nature and putting on the nature of Christ. It doesn't mean we will be perfect. We have to put to death daily our old natures. Baptism is a demonstration of repentance and obedience.
Hope that makes sense.
BTW I have churches deny me membership because of my Jewishness, so this isn't new. I even had kids throw nasty stuff at me. I have swam up stream all of my life.
.. is Yahshua the Master, or just a puppet ?Is it necessary?
... good,... i think. ..have to go look and see if He ever asked His disciples to obey Him. Did He ask them to obey Him ?Welcome, I belong to a Messianic Christian fellowship in Colorado. I am always having to explain or defend my beliefs in what the Bible says and what Yeshua says. Sorry you are being grilled with questions, left and right, so to speak.
One of our favorite sayings is now that we are free from the law of sin and death, we don't have to keep the Torah we "get" to keep the Torah.
We are free in Yeshua! Free and able to obey Him, as He asks us to.
..I am going to choose to identify myself as Christian, because that is where my heart is.
So there is no more need to be asking me anymore of these questions.
I am Christian. Being a Christian--parentage doesn't really matter.
..sigh, oh well....
foot note - within a few days of JAPAN trying to hurt ISRAEL, ....... guess ....
most chrstns don't worship a living Yhvh nor Yahshua HaMesheach. - as Richard Wurmbrand pointed out vividly 50 and more years ago, most chrstns of worldly chrstndom worship the image of the beast, all over the world. thus is the enemy being birthed on earth, until fully done.