Reply to a Muslim


New member
I, myself, personally - do not believe that The Father, Son and Spirit are Three Separate, Individual, Distinct Persons - and I have found that The Trinitarians have altered, changed, added to and removed words from the Original Manuscripts in creating their Trinitarian Translations. - - I simply trully believe what the Original Manuscripts say - that these three are One. And not mentioned or described - as Three Persons.

As already demonstrated, your knowledge of the Koran is near-zero, thus, we should predict that your knowledge of the Koran's source, The Holy Bible, to be likewise deficient.


New member
As it explains in - Php 2:4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. - :5 For think or regard this in / You / yourselves who { You whom also exist } or ( to ) - You who are - also in Christ Jesus.

6 Who, existed in the form / morph of God, thought it not robbery or seizing, taking (by force) being or eXisting equally God: - :7 But an ineffective / vain / voided / non-effect reputation Himself, taking or receiving the form / morph of a servant was in the likeness of men: = human nature.

This thwarts The Trinity, in what fashion?

Do you even know what The Trinity is?


New member
Yahoshua admitted that He was not a CO EQUAl " not a CO ETERNAL, INDIVIDUAL " who was a - SEPARATE DISTINCT PERSON - from the Father. Nor a part of a Trinitarian concept, nor one in unity or agreement with the Father. But He was in the form / morph of God, - eXisting equally God: - :
But also at the same time - here on earth, as a man - God took on the MORPH - ONLY - JUST as a vain / voided / non-effect - reputation of Himself - and - MADE INTO - and taking or receiving - the form / morph of a servant, - He, THE FATHER - was MORPHED into the likeness of a man: / human. - Yahoshua defines the terms in His message - by saying that He does nothing of His own self - saying that I can do nothing whatsoever of my own doing. - I do not have any power of miracles, of my own " I do not have a will of my own - I CANNOT DO anything, whatsoever - OF MY OWN ... Saying that it is the father only, that does the miracles and the works.

The Son is NOT The Father in The Trinity to begin with...thus, confirming the straw-man argument that you are attacking.

Secondly, you unwittingly confirmed The Trinity as truth by quoting that Jesus does NOT work alone.

The Son functions as a Triune entity.


New member
He was not a distinct separated part of God, nor of a trinity in a partnership as a second PERSON of a triune CO EQUAL GODHEAD with a head and a tail. The word GODHEAD - = does not exist in the Bible. - He was not a separate identity or separate person " separated nor individual PERSON - from the father " His will was not " CO EQUAL " nor the same as " in the same WILL as Gods will. He has no power, no control, no miracles, no knowledge and there is no good, no honor and no REPUTATION in Him. -

Said scripture, never.


New member
Saying - why do you call me " good " ? -- " There is NO ONE good but God alone " - - Every time He spoke of his own will, power, majesty and desire and purpose " I find that He denied the trinity doctrine- Yet at the same time, he and the scriptures declare that He was God Himself - He was from heaven, and He PRE EXISTED / ORIGINATED - in the bosom of the father and EXITED from { out from } the bosom of the father to sit in the RIGHT of God until his enemies are a footstool " And the Trinitarian Translation denies and deletes and removes the words that say that He EXITED from { out from } the bosom of the father. = replacing the word ( OUT FROM ) the right of the Father - to say He only sits " AT " the right hand. I believe that Trinitarians and Muslims both deny and reject and or delete from where He originated, in their scripture and translations.


Jesus taught The Trinity.


New member
esus’ ability to do miracles: in the Hebrew Bible the prophets Elijah and Elisha did fantastic miracles through the power of God – including healing the sick and raising the dead — and in the New Testament so did the apostles Peter and Paul; but that did not make any of them divine. They were humans.

The 'Power of God' is The Third Person of The Trinity.


You find it humorous to accuse Jesus Christ of sin?

I just found it amusing that John the Baptizer would be interested in setting Jesus up in retail gasoline sales.

It sounds like you took it literally.

If Jesus was the Lamb of God does it then mean that Mary had a little lamb?


Did you really say that? :shocked:

John had a monopoly, but Jesus had a franchise.

John was out there all by himself.
Knock off John and you've knocked off John's influence on the politics of the region. Herod realized this and had John killed.

Jesus, on the other hand, gathered 12 disciples. He wandered around and did not always stay in the same place. Knock off Jesus and you still have 12 disciples and probably some other unnamed, unseen disciples out there. They have infiltrated the tissue of the region.

A pathologist's view of it is like this: In the eyes of the Romans, John was a benign tumor, but Jesus was a cancer.

How much "good tissue" would have to be removed to clear the region of the cancer?

Remember, Jesus instructed the disciples to go out and teach and preach in pairs.
This was his program.
This was Jesus bringing the news of the kingdom to “the House of Israel.”

Jesus went to the people.
The baptizer wanted the people to come to him.
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Active member
The only hint or even mentioning whatsoever at all concerning The Trinity Doctrine in Islam - is a description concerning - Mary, Allah and Yahoshua, and it calls these three as "Allah, Allah's wife Mary and their conceived son Yahoshua "

Although the Holy Spirit is mentioned in the Quran - but it is only mentioned in the context of - giving revelation and Holy Books, giving signs and strength - also the breath of life and in the Quran The Holy Spirit is also breathing into Mary’s womb to conceive Yahoshua. The Quran condemns and -
decries and warns against the Christians who believe that these three are considered “ the three “ as partners or calls on the title or phrase of - “ THE THREE “ to say that Christians falsely believe in - “ The Three “ as - = Allah, Mary and their conceived son Yahoshua.
This is the only condemnation and objection to any form or elusion or insinuation or any hint of a Trinity in The Quran. The Holy Spirit is never mentioned in the context of " The Three " that Christians have attributed as partners with Allah.

If we take The Quran upon the intended message and upon the word of what it literally says and explains concerning what Allah and Mohammad are saying, that Christians believe that Mary and Allah are a part of the Trinity Doctrine.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah ) said: - Mary is mentioned alongside the Messiah, because some Christians took her as another god and worshipped her as they worshipped the Messiah. As for those who do not believe in that, they still ask of her what should be asked of God, to the extent that they say to her: Forgive me, have mercy on me, and so on, based on a belief that she will intercede with her son concerning that.

Sometimes they say: O mother of God, intercede for us with God. And sometimes they ask her for their needs, which should be sought from God, and they do not mention intercession. Others worship her as they worshipped the Messiah. - Al-Jawaab as-Saheeh (4/255-256).

The Holy Spirit is not mentioned in The Quran as a part of “ the three / { trinity } “ but the Quran makes its stand against The Trinity, only by the reasoning - of stating “ that God cannot have a son since he has no wife “

Sura. 72:3 - The truth is that - exalted be the Majesty of our Lord - HE has taken unto Himself neither wife nor son.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn - Disbelievers say, 'God is the third of three', gods, that is, He is one of them, the other two being Jesus and his mother, are - [those] who are fixed upon unbelief, shall suffer a painful chastisement, namely, the Fire.

The entire concept of The Trinity Doctrine involving The Father, Son and Sprit are completely absent and nonexistent in the Quran -

I, myself, personally - do not believe that The Father, Son and Spirit are Three Separate, Individual, Distinct Persons - and I have found that The Trinitarians have altered, changed, added to and removed words from the Original Manuscripts in creating their Trinitarian Translations. - - I simply trully believe what the Original Manuscripts say - that these three are One. And not mentioned or described - as Three Persons.

As it explains in - Php 2:4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. - :5 For think or regard this in / You / yourselves who { You whom also exist } or ( to ) - You who are - also in Christ Jesus.

6 Who, existed in the form / morph of God, thought it not robbery or seizing, taking (by force) being or eXisting equally God: - :7 But an ineffective / vain / voided / non-effect reputation Himself, taking or receiving the form / morph of a servant was in the likeness of men: = human nature.

Yahoshua admitted that He was not a CO EQUAl " not a CO ETERNAL, INDIVIDUAL " who was a - SEPARATE DISTINCT PERSON - from the Father. Nor a part of a Trinitarian concept, nor one in unity or agreement with the Father. But He was in the form / morph of God, - eXisting equally God: - :
But also at the same time - here on earth, as a man - God took on the MORPH - ONLY - JUST as a vain / voided / non-effect - reputation of Himself - and - MADE INTO - and taking or receiving - the form / morph of a servant, - He, THE FATHER - was MORPHED into the likeness of a man: / human. - Yahoshua defines the terms in His message - by saying that He does nothing of His own self - saying that I can do nothing whatsoever of my own doing. - I do not have any power of miracles, of my own " I do not have a will of my own - I CANNOT DO anything, whatsoever - OF MY OWN ... Saying that it is the father only, that does the miracles and the works.

He was not a distinct separated part of God, nor of a trinity in a partnership as a second PERSON of a triune CO EQUAL GODHEAD with a head and a tail. The word GODHEAD - = does not exist in the Bible. - He was not a separate identity or separate person " separated nor individual PERSON - from the father " His will was not " CO EQUAL " nor the same as " in the same WILL as Gods will. He has no power, no control, no miracles, no knowledge and there is no good, no honor and no REPUTATION in Him. -

Saying - why do you call me " good " ? -- " There is NO ONE good but God alone " - - Every time He spoke of his own will, power, majesty and desire and purpose " I find that He denied the trinity doctrine- Yet at the same time, he and the scriptures declare that He was God Himself - He was from heaven, and He PRE EXISTED / ORIGINATED - in the bosom of the father and EXITED from { out from } the bosom of the father to sit in the RIGHT of God until his enemies are a footstool " And the Trinitarian Translation denies and deletes and removes the words that say that He EXITED from { out from } the bosom of the father. = replacing the word ( OUT FROM ) the right of the Father - to say He only sits " AT " the right hand. I believe that Trinitarians and Muslims both deny and reject and or delete from where He originated, in their scripture and translations.

Hello advenureside:

You said:
"The word GODHEAD - = does not exist in the Bible."

You will find Godhead is Biblical and is in the following passages:

Acts 17:29 ; Rom 1:20 ; Col 2:9

Have a good day sir:



I found out in 2001 that over 90 percent of Muslims disapproved of the attacks, while only 7 percent approved.
And the 90-plus percent disapproved on religious grounds—that is, because of Islam.

Most of the others approved on political grounds because of things like resentment of colonial powers in their land.

Like Christians, Muslims felt uncomfortable when rocket and machine gun bases were built on the property of churches.

The U.S. knew this early on and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld ordered the bases near Mecca were to be destroyed. If I remember right, the story was a small article on the last page of the NYT.

George Bush’s order to let Muslims escape from America a day after 9/11. At the time, all U.S. aircraft were forbidden to fly.

Few people I talked to knew about the Gallup survey and the escape plot by our president.

Strange, huh?

That’s about when I decided to read the Qu’ran.
I’m glad I did.
I was waaay ahead of the terror fables mentioned by the news media.