Reply to a Muslim


New member
There are many, many metaphors for God named in the Bible. He is a rock, a fire, a storm, an old woman giving birth, a spring in the desert, an eagle, a potter, a mountain and scores of other terms.

The Triune God has 1,000+ names, titles and epithets.

But I must say that Moses was not a theologian. He did not know the word, which was invented by Christian theologians centuries after Moses died.

Moses did not “believe” in God.
He knew God.

Moses wrote about, and worshiped, The Triune God.


New member
Even the Ten Commandments said nothing about a triune God.


The First Person of The Trinity commanded Moses to cut two tablets of stone (Deut 10.1; Exo 34.1 – 4), as spoken to Moses by The Second Person of The Trinity (Deut 4.12 – 13; Deut 5.22; Deut 9.10; Deut 10.4), and written by the Third Person of The Trinity (Exo 31.18; Deut 9.10).


Well-known member

The First Person of The Trinity commanded Moses to cut two tablets of stone (Deut 10.1; Exo 34.1 – 4), as spoken to Moses by The Second Person of The Trinity (Deut 4.12 – 13; Deut 5.22; Deut 9.10; Deut 10.4), and written by the Third Person of The Trinity (Exo 31.18; Deut 9.10).

Your horrible misreading of the Bible is understandable. After all, you need to shore up your theology. You aren't the first. Ignorance is also common enough. But you are one of God's special creations: you combine all that with endless arrogance.


Active member
Christianity more than any other thing claims that Jesus of Nazareth is risen from the dead.
Right, and it is this alleged "archangel Gabriel" who said that Christ did not rise from the dead. It's why some Christians believe that the actual "archangel" was somebody else. Like Lucifer.
It never quotes Him as saying that He rose from the dead either though, so . . . . :idunno:
Right, and it is this alleged "archangel Gabriel" who said that Christ did not rise from the dead. It's why some Christians believe that the actual "archangel" was somebody else. Like Lucifer.

What Angel other than Lucifer himself would say such things about Jesus. Alleluia...

"Then Nebuchadnezzar said, "Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him and defied the king's command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God. Therefore I decree that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces and their houses be turned into piles of rubble, for no other god can save in this way."
~ Daniel 3:28-3:29 (NIV).

No need to say anything further considering Islam.

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New member
Your horrible misreading of the Bible is understandable. After all, you need to shore up your theology. You aren't the first. Ignorance is also common enough. But you are one of God's special creations: you combine all that with endless arrogance.

Show us in scripture - not in your hatred.


Active member
Deuteronomy 18: 15 is not taking about Mohamed the prophet and other claims either. This all talking about the Lord Jesus Christ.

"The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him"

Sorry Gabriel you error on this scripture. Lol.

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Active member
Sorry Gabriel you error again.

John 14: 16. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17. the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

This not Mohamed but the Holy Spirit. You loose again.

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Active member
Sorry Gabriel you error again.

John 14: 16. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17. the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

This not Mohamed but the Holy Spirit. You loose again.

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Personally all respect to Muslims. But I think that Gabriel is a fallen Angel like Lucifer. How about you what do you say?

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Personally all respect to Muslims. But I think that Gabriel is a fallen Angel like Lucifer. How about you what do you say?

SrmyM 4uiTpak

Focus on Christ's Resurrection. It's the central truth of Christianity. It won't hurt Muslims to know that Islam positively denies the central truth of Christianity.


Active member

Focus on Christ's Resurrection. It's the central truth of Christianity. It won't hurt Muslims to know that Islam positively denies the central truth of Christianity.
I guess you are right. I just get a little Carry away when I hear and study false prophets. Done will do.

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I guess you are right. I just get a little Carry away when I hear and study false prophets. Done will do.
That Christ's Resurrection was prophesied ahead of time ought to amaze people. The Resurrection itself was a miracle, but that the Resurrection was also prophesied ahead of time is a miracle itself, miracle upon miracle.


Well-known member
Show us in scripture - not in your hatred.

I don't hate you. More pity you. I won't argue scripture with you, as you have your own unique "understanding" of the verses, and consider yourself an expert on Biblical Hebrew- though you don't actually know the language. Likewise for your 'expertise' in the Koran- despite your not actually knowing Arabic. Arguing with you would be a nice parallel to arguing with a flat-earther. A flat-earther Knows he is right and everybody else is wrong. which is fine- except that he is dead wrong.


Active member
That Christ's Resurrection was prophesied ahead of time ought to amaze people. The Resurrection itself was a miracle, but that the Resurrection was also prophesied ahead of time is a miracle itself, miracle upon miracle.
Yes and I believe some of the miracles are because His resurrection that we are justify before God. The Lord, defeated death we the believers are united with him. Proof the gospel is true. The out pouring of the Holy Spirit. And we will be raised like Him.

And so many more.

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New member
I don't hate you. More pity you. I won't argue scripture with you, as you have your own unique "understanding" of the verses, and consider yourself an expert on Biblical Hebrew- though you don't actually know the language. Likewise for your 'expertise' in the Koran- despite your not actually knowing Arabic. Arguing with you would be a nice parallel to arguing with a flat-earther. A flat-earther Knows he is right and everybody else is wrong. which is fine- except that he is dead wrong.

Your anti-Semitic hatred is well noted.

You claim to be a Hebrew, and yet, you are too afraid to actually defend your scripture, in ANY language.

The best you can do is continue to pet that rather large chip on your shoulder...


Well-known member
Your anti-Semitic hatred is well noted.

You claim to be a Hebrew, and yet, you are too afraid to actually defend your scripture, in ANY language.

The best you can do is continue to pet that rather large chip on your shoulder...

אתה בטח קורא את זה בעזרת תרגום של גוגל
אין לי זמן לבזבז על אנשים כמוך
בטחון עצמי אדיר- וגם חוסר ידע מדהים
ולמה לקרוא לי אנטישמי? כנראה אתה חושב שכך תצליח לגרור אותי לויכוח

(שבט לוי)


New member
אתה בטח קורא את זה בעזרת תרגום של גוגל
אין לי זמן לבזבז על אנשים כמוך
בטחון עצמי אדיר- וגם חוסר ידע מדהים
ולמה לקרוא לי אנטישמי? כנראה אתה חושב שכך תצליח לגרור אותי לויכוח

(שבט לוי)

We don't need google to debate you, Levi...
