RELIGION: Man's attempt to become like God.


RELIGION: Man's attempt to become like God.

I do not know what books you have been reading, maybe some new age material; however, God's written Word says God will judge us and there is no favoritism. There is no favoritism means you cannot say, "But God, I am a believer...but I am a Christian".

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 25 Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism.

Romans 2:5 But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. 6 God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” 7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. 8 But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. 9 There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; 10 but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 11 For God does not show favoritism.


One question please.

Does salvation require ANY kind of point of Law Salvation and Obediance to any point of the Law found in scripture other than Love your neighbor as Yourself and of course Love to God, which can be fulfilled by loving our neighbor per all of first John?

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God's Truth

New member

One question please.

Does salvation require ANY kind of point of Law Salvation and Obediance to any point of the Law found in scripture other than Love your neighbor as Yourself and of course Love to God, which can be fulfilled by loving our neighbor per all of first John?

I will be glad to answer. Tell me this, can you love your neighbor if you murdered him? How about if you stole from him? Bore false witness against him? Did you have sex with his wife?

God's Truth

New member

Tell me, do you know what ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS hang on two commands mean?

Do you know what this scripture means:

Galatians 5:14
The entire Law is fulfilled in a single decree: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

That means that ALL of the commands in the Bible are a teaching tool on HOW TO LOVE.

There is no way you can love your neighbor if you break even one of the laws.



Tell me, do you know what ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS hang on two commands mean?

Do you know what this scripture means:

Galatians 5:14
The entire Law is fulfilled in a single decree: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

That means that ALL of the commands in the Bible are a teaching tool on HOW TO LOVE.

There is no way you can love your neighbor if you break even one of the laws.


I agree that love fulfills the Law, and even portions of the Law support Love, however, obedience to the Laws is different that Loving first.

Real life is messy and full of imperfect people.

You may not realize this, but imperfect people are going to be in eternity with you.

I of coarse note that they will be physically renewed and fully sanctified in eternity, But the majority of people saved by Jesus are broken and imperfect.

If you keep trying to teach the imperfect out of them, you may miss the opportunity to embrace some wonderful people for who they really are.

If you don't demand obedience from people, you get to find out who they really are in the eyes of God.

Otherwise, you're never going to see people through the loving eyes of Jesus.

If you don't think Jesus Loves broken people, just as they are, you are seriously missing out on some deep revelations about Jesus.

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God's Truth

New member

I agree that love fulfills the Law, and even portions of the Law support Love, however, obedience to the Laws is different that Loving first.
What you say is a lie, for God says that loving IS obedience to the law.

1 John 5:3 Love for God means obedience to His commands;

Did you read that? Why don't you believe it? Tell me, does the scripture say plainly LOVE IS OBEDIENCE TO HIS COMMANDS?

Real life is messy and full of imperfect people.

You may not realize this, but imperfect people are going to be in eternity with you.

Overcomers will be saved that is what Jesus says.

Genesis 32:28 Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome.”

Revelation 21:7 He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

1 John 5:5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

I of coarse note that they will be physically renewed and fully sanctified in eternity, But the majority of people saved by Jesus are broken and imperfect.

If you keep trying to teach the imperfect out of them, you may miss the opportunity to embrace some wonderful people for who they really are.

If you don't demand obedience from people, you get to find out who they really are in the eyes of God.

Otherwise, you're never going to see people through the loving eyes of Jesus.

If you don't think Jesus Loves broken people, just as they are, you are seriously missing out on some deep revelations about Jesus.

You do not speak according to the written word of God. It sounds as if you have found the teachings of mere men and nullified God's Word.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.......You do not speak according to the written word of God. It sounds as if you have found the teachings of mere men and nullified God's Word.

There are two things you do in every post: Lie through your teeth, then follow your lies up with saying to other people, "You do not speak according to the written word of God." It's so pathetic it's beyond words. Anyone who can lie and lie year after year is Reprobate as far as I'm concerned.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Show me someone who hates religion, and I'll show you someone who is incapable of changing his life to conform to Christ and who instead perverts the Bible in order to conform Christ to their distorted life.

Just look at the thread: Someone who calls themselves “God’s Truth” who is absolutely incapable of posting one truthful thing, and the OP who wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him in the face.

Robert Pate

Well-known member

Show me someone who hates religion, and I'll show you someone who is incapable of changing his life to conform to Christ and who instead perverts the Bible in order to conform Christ to their distorted life.

Just look at the thread: Someone who calls themselves “God’s Truth” who is absolutely incapable of posting one truthful thing, and the OP who wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him in the face.

What is truth? Truth is not something that you will find in a church or in a book.

Jesus said that he is the way, THE TRUTH and the life and that no man can come to the Father but by him, John 14:6.

Truth is embodied in a person, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus has made the way for all who believe in him to be saved.

It is NOT Jesus Christ plus your Catholic religion. It is Jesus Christ plus nothing.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Truth is something you don't have the first clue about.
You have been posting lies for years. You might be beyond redemption if you don't knock it off and grow up.

Salvation is only by faith in Jesus Christ, plus NOTHING.

You seem to think that somehow the Catholic church is going to save you.

"But Lord, Lord, didn't we..." Eating wafers and drinking grape juice is not going to save you.


I will be glad to answer. Tell me this, can you love your neighbor if you murdered him? How about if you stole from him? Bore false witness against him? Did you have sex with his wife?

Soooo, GT,

David was a man after God's heart.

First, he saw Bathsheeba while peeping on her Naked and drooling, after she was done from cleansing from her time.

(Adulatory in his heart and coveting in his heart)

Second, David knew who she was.

(Married to one of his great Hittite warriors)

Third, had her summoned to him

(Stole her from Uriah, Adultery and coveting + using his authority as King to break the law)

Fourth, spent the night with Her Naked and did more than play chess

ADULTERY on a mass scale!

Fifth, sent her home as if nothing happened


Sixth, found out she was knocked up and tried to deceive Uriah by getting him to sleep with her.

Plotted to lie to cover up his sins.

Seventh, Angry when Uriah wouldn't come home and do the deed.

Eighth, sent Uriah of his mighty men to have Him killed

Lies, Murder, Deceit, adultery, Coveting, Bearing false witness by killing Uriah to cover up his plot.

Married the wife of the man he murdered.

Sooooooo..... GT,

Did God continue to Love David?

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Tell me, do you know what ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS hang on two commands mean?

Do you know what this scripture means:

Galatians 5:14
The entire Law is fulfilled in a single decree: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

That means that ALL of the commands in the Bible are a teaching tool on HOW TO LOVE.

There is no way you can love your neighbor if you break even one of the laws.


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RELIGION: Man's attempt to become like God.

What is truth? Truth is not something that you will find in a church or in a book.

And yet He's (TRUTH] closer than many know. [emoji848][emoji2]

Show me someone who hates religion, and I'll show you someone who is incapable of changing his life to conform to Christ and who instead perverts the Bible in order to conform Christ to their distorted life.

James 1:27
27*Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (Faith in Jesus good work of salvation and Love and Love to Humanity)

What you say is a lie, for God says that loving IS obedience to the law.

1 John 5:3 Love for God means obedience to His commands;

GT, You want to keep twisting Galatians and 1 John into something it's not, as well as James. I would be more than happy to open a thread ad go through each book with you. The fact that you misinterpret OBEY back to the law in any of those books, blows my mind.

I will Start 5 threads for our discussion and label them accordingly. I will link you to them and they will build, based on full exposition of their substance over time.


GT, your going to be asking God why He let so many disobedient scumbags into heaven.


Robert and CC,

Am I going to have to listen to you both fight in heaven? Lol

God's Truth

New member
There are two things you do in every post: Lie through your teeth, then follow your lies up with saying to other people, "You do not speak according to the written word of God." It's so pathetic it's beyond words. Anyone who can lie and lie year after year is Reprobate as far as I'm concerned.

You are angry because I tell the truth about your denomination.