RELIGION: Man's attempt to become like God.


This is "Universalism" teaching which is false.

Jesus did not shed His blood in vain. Those He justified on the cross, will all be saved by the grace of God through faith.

Those who do not believe, were never known by Jesus Christ. Matthew 7:21-23.

He did not die for those souls left outside of the representation His Person.

Arguing with a universalist is fruitless.

I actually wonder if Eps isn't just drunk, to be honest. I really just don't see how a person could sit there bold faced with that sort of contradictory interpretation.


New member
If this were to be interpreted in a universal sense, then why are not all men, from the beginning of time, not saved?

Why did God judge (rather than save) all the wicked world in the flood of Noah's day?

Is not God's will always accomplished?

Can the sinful will of men thwart the righteous and holy and omnipotent will of God?

All men are saved 'in Christ'. Your false Calvinistic teaching says that what happened on the cross in guaranteed in my personal life which is a fallacy. I hate to use the word 'free will' but we do have a will that can accept or reject Christ.


TOL Subscriber
Arguing with a universalist is fruitless.

I actually wonder if Eps isn't just drunk, to be honest. I really just don't see how a person could sit there bold faced with that sort of contradictory interpretation.

Most Universalists simply do not biblically, logically, or completely construct their argument. It is emotional and sentimental wishful thinking, only.


New member
Most Universalists simply do not biblically, logically, or completely construct their argument. It is emotional and sentimental wishful thinking, only.

And Calvinists cherry pick their proof texts and ignore the rest.


TOL Subscriber
And Calvinists cherry pick their proof texts and ignore the rest.

Now here you show terrible ignorance.

Those of us of the Reformed view hold to a systematic theology that withstands the scrutiny of the entire Holy Scriptures, plus our church fathers have been the producers of the most sound confessions and creeds of the historic Christian Faith . . which all opposed the hermeneutical practice you describe.

Your accusation is unfounded and resented . . .


New member
Now here you show terrible ignorance.

Those of us of the Reformed view hold to a systematic theology that withstands the scrutiny of the entire Holy Scriptures, plus our church fathers have been the producers of the most sound confessions and creeds of the historic Christian Faith . . which all opposed the hermeneutical practice you describe.

Your accusation is unfounded and resented . . .

What about the verses that speak of Jesus as the savior of the world and the 2nd Adam?


And Calvinists cherry pick their proof texts and ignore the rest.

Calvinism is laced through throughout the entire Bible, from Genesis to Jude.

Calvinism isn't eschatological, but an explanation of man's condition and working with God.
However, Calvin openly ridicules a lot which so many contemporary Christians hold to today in that study, outright calling it childish :chuckle:

Robert Pate

Well-known member
So you have no answer. I'll stick with the bible.

Good for you.

Calvinist cannot answer this question.

If God has already reconciled us and the world unto himself by Jesus Christ, then why would anyone need to be predestinated? 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.


New member
Good for you.

Calvinist cannot answer this question.

If God has already reconciled us and the world unto himself by Jesus Christ, then why would anyone need to be predestinated? 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

John Calvin and John Darby rule Christianity with an iron death grip.