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Did God ordain Satan to rebell and Adam to fall?
Did God ordain Satan to rebell and Adam to fall?
So everybody will receive salvation, yes or no?
to you
Yes, to me, and in the eyes of God.
According to His revealed Word (Holy Scriptures).
This is why Calvinism is abhorred by most Christians. You change the God of love into a monster.
God is not obligated to save any sinners at all, but the fact that He sacrificed His only begotten Son to save some of us, evidences His love.
Who are you to demand that He is not a loving God, simply because He also chooses to display His justice against undeserving sinners?
Are you His judge?
God is obligated to save sinners
On what biblical basis do you say so?
Indeed not.
Such wrong thinking, absolutely denies and destroys the concept of Godly grace.
This is why Calvinism is abhorred by most Christians. You change the God of love into a monster.
"Most Christians"
As in, a bunch of random sects transfiguring America. And Roman Catholics.
Maybe you should go look at Germany and whatnot. The Reformed tradition is gigantic![]()
My wife's parents live in Limbug, Germany and I have visited Cologne and Frankfurt many times. Pretty much westernized these days.
You could look at a church all day and not realize it is Reformed.
God is obligated because God is love. 1John 4:8
Reformed is nothing. Maybe a step up from a D'ist but a small one.
God is also Just.
His attributes are equal; never one dominating or overbidding another.
And God is not "obligated" to love or save any sinners, at all. To think otherwise, reveals a lack of understanding and appreciating His saving grace, altogether.
Reformed is the reason you aren't Catholic right now. Or are you ignorant of history as well?
Jesus is the savior of the world. That truth rebukes you all day and every day.
That is not the only verse in the Bible, it is not what the scriptures intend as the message, and so you cannot sit there and hide behind behind that.