Hebrews 2:9
But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honour because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.
Revelation 19:16
On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS
Revelation 19:16 confirms Jesus Christ's titles as being everlasting, and when studying the atonement and cross work of the Savior, first and foremost it is important to realize the Godly titles and capacities of who died.
I believe the Holy Scriptures, throughout, speak of Messiah as being The Prophet, Priest, and King, so when when He was manifested in this world, lived, died, and resurrected bodily, He did so as Prophet, Priest, and King.
Which means these offices were fulfilled in His act of Atonement, which Holy Scripture clearly teaches in Hebrews 7:22-28. Jesus the Christ, offered His body and blood as the everlasting Priest, as the provided SURETY of forgiveness of sins. His sacrifice fulfilled all covenant promises and prophecy, with royal blood!
There can be no doubt to a child of God, thus justified in the eyes of God, that Jesus Christ guaranteed them remission of sins and promises everlasting life. The King has acted on their behalf, and lives as their Priest in heaven, to continually intercede for them on their behalf upon the heavenly throne. (I John 1-10)
This was no stop-gap atonement. It was a final atonement.
Jesus did not taste and suffer death, just to offer a possibility of forgiveness IF sinners would just believe in His cross work. No . . those for whom this Prophet, Priest and King died WILL believe without fail. Because they are the beneficiaries of the covenant promises which God the Son performed and kept.
The Gospel message is not conditional. The souls given to Jesus Christ to reconcile to the Father WILL believe. For He is their SURETY and He sends His Holy Spirit to them to regenerate their hearts and gift them with faith to believe; guaranteeing their heavenly inheritance and hopes of everlasting life. Ephesians 2:13-14
The above is not universally manifested in this world. Multitudes remain in the darkness of unbelief and condemnation. Not because they failed to "accept" the Christ, but because He never knew them, as He knows those the Father gave Him to save.
The touching prayer of Jesus to the Father in John 17 reveals that Jesus did not pray for or about the world at large, but only those for whom He came to suffer and die. These alone WILL hear and believe the Gospel and inherit eternal life.
Salvation is not conditional upon the sinners' choice . . salvation has SURELY been bought with the royal blood of Jesus Christ, who is our Prophet, Priest, and King forever.