Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation


TOL Subscriber

Christianity has hijacked the message of Jesus in many ways.

A message of hope for mankind has been modified AGAIN into a message of elite claim to a group.

The teachings of Jesus have been bound by doctrines of men.

The church has been defined as only the body of believers.

Paul references God's Royal law (Love) and says that people of this, become a law to themselves.

This verse can and will be undermined, but clearly the message of Jesus is undermined by elite building based thinking.

The Good News of hope, love and grace was supposed to be a universal message to all, and asks that we return the grace that Christ dispensed in word and deed to ALL.

No labels. No walls. Jesus tore the walls down when The temple curtain was rent in two.

A self centrist, group centrist view is in diametric opposition to the message of Jesus.

This post is nothing but lying words from an enemy of Christ and His Church.


This post is nothing but lying words from an enemy of Christ and His Church.


It is so easy to claim elite status. Jesus was killed by people that turned His house of worship into an elite group that attempted to even control the sale of appropriate sacrifices. Hence the cleansing of the temple.

Church is good.

But the body of Christ is commissioned to Love above all commissions.

Why else does Jesus warn that many will say Lord, Lord, did we not do such and such in Your name, and He says...

Get away, I do not know you.


This post is nothing but lying words from an enemy of Christ and His Church.

Why did Jesus incorporate the story of the Good Samaritan into His teaching?

Samaritans were hated by Jews.

What then do we do with Christ going outside the camp per Hebrews, and the suggestion we should too.

Did not Jesus come for all, and we gather to better reflect His ways of compassion and Love?

Was He not deemed an enemy of The Church at His death?

God's Truth

New member

It is so easy to claim elite status. Jesus was killed by people that turned His house of worship into an elite group that attempted to even control the sale of appropriate sacrifices. Hence the cleansing of the temple.

Church is good.

But the body of Christ is commissioned to Love above all commissions.

Why else does Jesus warn that many will say Lord, Lord, did we not do such and such in Your name, and He says...

Get away, I do not know you.

Why do YOU think Jesus says that?

I will tell you why Jesus says that

Jesus says that because the people who CLAIM TO KNOW HIM---they NEVER OBEYED AND REPENT OF THEIR SINS

Jesus says they are evil doers


This post is nothing but lying words from an enemy of Christ and His Church.


With your response to my words, I wonder what you would have thought about Christ's words from a Jew's perspective.

We mustn't forget that those that memorized His words from the Old Testament, did not recognize Him!


TOL Subscriber

It is so easy to claim elite status. Jesus was killed by people that turned His house of worship into an elite group that attempted to even control the sale of appropriate sacrifices. Hence the cleansing of the temple.

Church is good.

But the body of Christ is commissioned to Love above all commissions.

Why else does Jesus warn that many will say Lord, Lord, did we not do such and such in Your name, and He says...

Get away, I do not know you.

It is not loving to oppose God's Truth which you have done here.

You are not shining the light of Christ by teaching against the Holy Scriptures . . Which do not reveal a universal love and grace for all mankind.

God has prepared many for destruction. Romans 9:22


Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

It is not loving to oppose God's Truth which you have done here.

You are not shining the light of Christ by teaching against the Holy Scriptures . . Which do not reveal a universal love and grace for all mankind.

God has prepared many for destruction. Romans 9:22


I gave Gods truth much time and focus. He condemned me many times. You can look up our conversations.

I never declared Him unsaved.

But to limit the reach of God is to profane His sacrifice and emulate those that Killed Him.

God's Truth

New member
Why did Jesus incorporate the story of the Good Samaritan into His teaching?

Samaritans were hated by Jews.

What then do we do with Christ going outside the camp per Hebrews, and the suggestion we should too.

Did not Jesus come for all, and we gather to better reflect His ways of compassion and Love?

Was He not deemed an enemy of The Church at His death?

Jesus came FIRST for those who already had faith in God, AND for those who had an obeying heart, because faith alone is DEAD

Jesus id not come first for those who have dead faith!

Jesus kept from the Gentiles...because the Gentiles did NOT obey, and that is the same reason Jesus did not come for the Samaritans.

When Jesus was crucified, then ALL could come to him in LIVING FAITH, WHICH IS FAITH WITH OBEDIENCE.


It is not loving to oppose God's Truth which you have done here.

You are not shining the light of Christ by teaching against the Holy Scriptures . . Which do not reveal a universal love and grace for all mankind.

God has prepared many for destruction. Romans 9:22

To know all mysteries and even give your body unto sacrifice, yet limit Christ's victory over Death and Its Kingdom while having no compassion or Love for ALL, is to become nothing.


Don't pray for me, your prayers are not heard

Speak according to the scriptures and not what you think of me.


I know God hears your prayers.

You are cold to all that do not believe as you.

Nang is clearly cold to all non believers in their ways.

I would love to be wrong, but ultimately, you both have one thing in common.

You narrow the scope of salvation to only the educated, and churched.

Funny thing though, the Jews of the synagogue and the teachers were amongst many that didn't know Him and killed His followers.

God's Truth

New member
Matthew 23:3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.

You have no understanding because you believe your false teachers


Cain was not a reprobate. God turns one over to reprobation, those who are "stiff necked" after having much patience with them. It just doesn't happen and never happened because of the fall of Adam or mankind.. So, God never did that to Cain, did He? Why even your fallen "reprobated" man began to call upon the name of the LORD. Look it up Gen 4:26 KJV. No, Cain upon knowing God, was willfully disobeying as you now are doing in your heart.

Cain, like Satan, was inflicted with pride and prejudice. God gave them over to their sin- and not only that, He kept them both alive to inherit what they made for themselves so that they would learn their own folly.

What you fail to understand is that there was no grace during this time, only the Law of Sin. Everybody was 'stiff necked', and God set His providence where he willed and Abel was within it.

God's providence stretches from Abel to Noah, whom which He saved and killed every reprobate alive- another you don't get is that a 'reprobate' in ancient times was basically a Gentile. Today, in Christianity, the reprobate are unbelievers and unprincipled unbelievers.

That never really went away, and you all create legal fictions to somehow make it about all men while also proposing that not everyone is saved. The dissidents within the Reformation went and created ridiculous doctrines, getting away from the fundamental truths that both Luther and Calvin put forth.


TOL Subscriber
To know all mysteries and even give your body unto sacrifice, yet limit Christ's victory over Death and Its Kingdom while having no compassion or Love for ALL, is to become nothing.

Then you declare God as nothing, for His grace is not common to all men. Salvation is not universal.

You base your false message emotionally, instead of faithfully.


You are a false witness and do not know the scriptures.

Jesus says the Pharisees did NOT obey

I preach obey.

How do you ever get that is like the Pharisees?

2 Corinthians 3:15

Even to this day, whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their hearts,

Grace is of the child of Promise and yields Spiritual harvest.

It is Ables Lamb.

Obedience is of the child of human effort and yields Slavery.

It is Cain's toil in the soil.

One is for a slave, the other is for a friend.

Grace is the firm foundation that is only laid by absolute faith in the cornerstone the builders rejected.

Human effort is the house built on sand and only of human effort.


Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

Then you declare God as nothing, for His grace is not common to all men. Salvation is not universal.

You base your false message emotionally, instead of faithfully.


I declare that I fall daily, and am only slave to the reception of His grace, but His friend because He Loves me.

I extend the Grace I receive to glorify Him.

Though sin is still in me, it is charged to Him, and He is not found to be a liar when I am proclaimed His child of perfection in FAITH.

Do I sin that grace might abound.

Absolutely not!

But you and GT are clearly in dead works that make the harvest desolate of salt the earth. You know scripture clearly, but having eyes you do not see. Having ears you do not hear.

If you proclaim salvation a work of obedience, then you have glorified self, and proclaimed the work of the cross a dead work with no power.

Therefore, were is love to be found in you?