I was pointing out that I threw that
monstrosity [emoji118] of a post together quickly. I was sarcastic in it and I could have done better.
The Davidic covenant is a joint prophecy to David about Christ and the peace of literal Israel. There are better covenants to use to show that God has literal promises to the Jews that are still waiting to be fulfilled. Paul references this in Romans 11.
I had been challenged as boastful earlier, so I was making it clear that only God is 100% Infallible and I was offsetting the humorous tone I used in my rapidly thrown together, Romans 11 Post.
And as for everything about the duality of man.
Proverbs 16:9 (NKJV)
9 A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.
When I first realized that listening to doctrines of men was a dangerous matter and I canned my belief in God altogether, I was bitter.
I thought everyone that was on the nipple of Manmade establishment was lost, if there was a God.
As I studied religions around the world, I realized that everyone hungers for God. Even Anti Theists try to rationalize their desire to meet their Heavenly Father away with hostility.
One of my favorite interview moments with Richard Dawkins is when he is discussing his book "the devil's minister". He's going off about what a jerk the God of the Old Testament is. The interviewer asks him, do you have a problem with "the Loving God of the New Testament?" Richard got a soft look and said "No".
Then it hit me, people aren't rejecting God, they are rejecting lies about God from people that Love God, but misunderstand God.
That Agape road is narrow, but that's because only One can walk it. Jesus! God settled all the misinformation when "The Word" became flesh. Most people were looking for an angry God that had the characteristics of hateful humanity, but they got the source of all Life and Love.
Once I understood this, I was so angry at established religion that I railed against it! But then I realized what a hypocrite I was being. We all mess up! All of us. If it's not some deadly vice, it's the misrepresentation of God.
We are the broad way to destruction! Only the Narrow gate can save us. We naturally divide, conquer, judge and hate. The devil probably gets frustrated, because collective humanity does his job better than he does. Every finger we point, old Lu gets assistance!
This is why God revealing Himself through the Flesh of His only begotten Son is such a big deal.
He didn't come to judge and condemn. He came to reinfuse Love into our lives, so we could survive until it all comes to a close. He came to Love us and show that He would rather die, than be without one of us.
That Agape road is His and His alone, and He can save the whole world if He wants to. The proud religious and the hateful Anti Theists are His to save alone.
If salvation rested in the hands of man, we would be absolutely sunk. This is why I'm so on fire about the Love of Jesus. He is the hope of all of us. Knowledge can't save us. Words can't save us. We can't save us. Books can't save us. Churches can't save us. But when it comes to it, God does save us. His Love is the currency of the universe and Daddy loans his money out every second of every day. Spending that Love Currency and being trusted with it is the greatest feeling in the world!
That Agape road is narrow, but He carries us over that road. We divide into so many divisions.
Is Calvin right? Is the Pope right? Are Armenians right? Is this church right? Is this religion right? Is that religion right? The answer.... Only God is right and He is Love. That simple truth is written in blood and sanctifies the entire earth. His blood was spilled all over the pathway to Calvary.
That's it. That's everyone's hope. Humanity rests on the Narrow Road, and that road has a name. Jesus.
Is God a God of free-will? Is God a God of pre-destination? Who cares! God is Love! You can't box Love up with any 100 volume, theological extrapolation. God is Love. We just want to be in Daddies arms, and He wants us there, more than we want to be there.
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TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary