Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

Cross Reference

New member
Dear AMR,

I hope you read this and weep for your broken idol belief system waste of time:

"But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Romans 8:11-14 (KJV)[/QUOTE]

Now who do you say Heb 6:4-6 is referring to and why, hmmm?

Cross Reference

New member
I see. No real answer. Opinion sans evidence. My point is made bolstered by my nearly thirty years experience on electronic communications venues. Want to avoid all the treatment you apparently have received at the hands of meany Calvinists? Stay away from Calvinist-run sites, few that exist. Problem solved. Your problem seems to be an eristic bent so you plunge ahead where even fools fear to tread, then complain about it afterwards. Sigh.AMR
You can "sigh" your arrogant head off if that helps to releave your pain. Btw, get over being embarassed and reply to what is that which you should be repying to instead of obfuscating and patronizing.
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Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

So, I remade my name. I may use Nameless in Grace from time to time, but now I understand why Knight chose his name.

After following this forum after I fealt that I was part of a controlled atmosphere that panders to manmade belief systems of theology, I noted two things.

One. It isn't.

Sonnet, you were moved to pander to the whiny stone hearted elite only because they are blind.

Two. I was being whiny in my ways and expected to not draw up sharpened sword.

I have this changed my name to


I'm not out.

I'm more in then ever.

If I deal with rebutted coldly, know that what I say is now from....


Change doesn't occur without sacrifice and Peace doesn't come without war.

The whole Bible teaches this!

Please forgive me friends for failing.

Please know loved enemies that I am taking my kid gloves off.

I wield a sword of grace, but wrath is in its edge.

Sent from my HTC One M9 using TheologyOnline mobile app
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Ask Mr. Religion

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Dear AMR,

I hope you read this and weep for your broken idol belief system waste of time:

"But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Romans 8:11-14 (KJV)

Now who do you say Heb 6:4-6 is referring to and why, hmmm?[/QUOTE]
You keep inserting yourself into a discussion about the incarnation (and the Trinity) directed to NiG with these irrelevancies. The topic concerns God the Son's assumption of a human nature. If you want to discuss the nature of regeneration a new thread would be in order.

As to Hebrews 6, see:



Well-known member
Wow, after standing back and following this thread from yesterday I have to say that I still cannot figure out what it is really all about or where it will go next. Sonnet, the truth about what they call "reprobation" goes back to the same old problem with "Esau have I hated", meaning that the only real way to understand it is to believe and do the Testimony of Yeshua when he tells his disciples to "tear down", (literally destroy, apollumi) their own souls or they cannot be his disciples. There is an "old man" of the spirit of the world and there is a "new man" in Messiah. These two war against each other, (we wrestle not against flesh and blood). The old man is anathema, reprobate, a castaway, and that is a reference to the parable of the kingdom of the heavens being like a net; for the castaway fish go to destruction while the good are placed in [clean] "vessels". The castaway-reprobates are not literal people but rather the old man nature which is "Esau man" just as Esau the flesh minded man sold his birthright for a bowl of soup, (his god was his belly and he saw all things according to the eyes and mind of the natural man). Calvinists, just like most of Christianity, typically neither see nor acknowledge such things because they do not actually do the commandments of Messiah and part their own souls asunder, (for example as commanded in Matthew 10:38-39 as well as quite a few other places).

Cross Reference

New member
Now who do you say Heb 6:4-6 is referring to and why, hmmm?
You keep inserting yourself into a discussion about the incarnation (and the Trinity) directed to NiG with these irrelevancies. The topic concerns God the Son's assumption of a human nature. If you want to discuss the nature of regeneration a new thread would be in order.

As to Hebrews 6, see:


Because this is what you are willfully dismissing as heresy and for your untoward religious reasoning, do not take into your thinking, i.e, the nature of the regenerated life is exampled in the life of the earth bound Jesus Christ Who was "full of grace and Truth". If it was not so, Jesus would have told us so. Keep Him as God in this and you will always carry the reason for your failures to be this: "Who can be like God?". Jesus was a man for more than one reason; for more than going to the cross.


Arsenios was correct. Regeneration has no power over man's will:

"For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire." 2 Peter 2:20-22 (KJV)

What do you believe you escaped from AMR that you now wrongly believe requires no allegiance to God to maintain success from that which He has delivered you which is the basis for believing in the perserverance unto the preservation of the saints? God will and can only keep if, we abide. The choice is ALWAYS ours to make for success by Christ Jesus in our lives. And if we endure in faithfulness TO Him, we will be saved unto son-ship in the Father JUST as He was. Whom the Father loves, He chastens. Do we give Him the reason to love us or are we bastards?

Cross Reference

New member
Anything but deal with the OP which you cannot answer. Christians make the same arguments as I have regarding Romans 10 - just do a quick google.

It would appear that permission for you to post on ECT is by the skin of you chinny chin chin.

Condescending personal attacks are his way of attempting to detract away from OPs for which he knows he has no argument . . even to the degree of mocking your misspelling a word or leaving out a comma.
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Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

Lots of word salad in that post of yours. We need to be more specific.


Word salad is a trait of schizophrenic people. This upset me a little bit.

But, I see your point. I will take the high road and scripturally expound on my post.

You have asked for scholarly vindication of your view. I am happy to oblige your request. So how about we review some things more specific?

I have prayed about the wickets you have taken the time to lay before me in response to my previous post in response to my stance on the Trinity.

I am now concerned. For starters, you and EW are very close friends. In respects to Theological things, EW called me Arian on the recommendation of a friend.

If EW understood what this meant, she would have noted that my profession that Jesus is the I AM THAT I AM, invalidated this accusation. It is in that post as Jesus is YHWH

The second thing that concerns me is that I don't like tests set forth that rely on extra biblical doctrine and labels.

I'm not going to take the test. What I will do is subject myself to biblical scrutiny through personal exposition and evaluation through scriptural references.

Here's where I won't acquiesce.

How did you do?

I decided to quote scripture in paraphrase to make this easier for you.
You are indeed a man of scripture, so I trust you will know the scriptures I paraphrase from memory.

"Here Oh Israel, the Lord our God is One."

"The Spirit hovered over the waters"

"Let Us make man in Our image"

"Two or more Witnesses are required to convict" Stone Covenant Law

"These Three testify, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost"

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was With God and the Word was God........And the Word became flesh"

"Before Abraham was, I AM"

"I and the Father are One"

"Be in Me as I AM in the Father"

"Have I not been with you all this time and you don't recognize me"

"And He shall be called Emanuel"

"If you have seen me, you have seen the Father"

"I must go, but if I do not go, then you will not receive the Comforter"

"The Spirit of Anointing you have received, Remain in Him as He is in You, for He is the Spirit of Truth and in Him there are no Lies, let no man teach you"

"I AM the Way, Truth and Life"

"This is how you remain in Me as I am in the Father..... Keep my commandments...... Love your neighbor as I have Loved you"

"You, however, are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God lives in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. ". (Had to look this one up)

"And that spiritual Rock was Christ"

"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World"

"Father, into thine Hands I commend My Spirit"

"For Christ also suffered for sins once for all,
the righteous for the unrighteous,
that He might bring you to God,
after being put to death in the fleshly realm
but made alive in the spiritual realm." (Looked this up to be sure)

Next, review the following:
Our Lord was fully God and fully man in an indissoluble union whereby the second subsistence of the Trinity assumed a human nature that cannot be separated, divided, mixed, or confused.

Did you type this from heart, or is it a reformed theology quote?

One can best understand this mystical union (together united in one distinguishable subsistence) by examining what it is not, thus from the process of elimination determine what it must be.

Again, is this from heart, or is it a reformed theology quote?

The mystical union of the divine and human natures of Our Lord is not:

Gearing up for how reformed theology defends that it's assertions of the Triune do not do the following:

1. a denial that our Lord was truly God (Ebionites, Elkasites, Arians);

This is a good thing. Yehoshuwa was indeed YHWH

2. a dissimilar or different substance (anomoios) with the Father (semi-Arianism);

Same substance.... I and the Father are one.

3. a denial that our Lord had a genuine human soul (Apollinarians);/QUOTE]

Um...... Sketchy.... First Adam = Human soul given by Pneuma
Second Adam = Soul of God in Flesh, which is also
touchy to say. God imparts soul.
God is Spirit that never was not.
This is a devicive point.

4. a denial of a distinct subsistence in the Trinity (Dynamic Monarchianism);

This is vague. Minimal amount of substance in what light?

5. God acting merely in the forms of the Son and Spirit (Modalistic Monarchianism/Sabellianism/United Pentecostal Church);

This is an odd statement referring to modalism. Of course Jesus was God and uncreated, and further expresses that God the Creator joined with creation to bare His one and Only Begotten Son. The Father is outside of time, while the Begotten Son existed within time. Of coarse the Son of Man and God responded to the Father in a genuine Father Son relationship. Most importantly, Jesus experienced the challenge of dying, human frailty, but without a Sinful nature. To call His Essence a Soul is accurate and also dangerous. Perhaps this is subjective to understanding. Regardless, I understand the point and moderately agree. This however comes with a need for further discussion.

6. a mixture or change when the two natures were united (Eutychianism/Monophysitism);
7. two distinct persons (Nestorianism);

This is too vague. Perhaps you could expand on this point.

8. a denial of the true humanity of Christ (docetism);

Again, humanity in reference to Christ is touchy. He fully God was also The Son of Man, and in this, He was subjected to proper surrender of His will. However, this needs further exposition. People can skew this important topic in a way that infers Gods work of fulfilling the Law is possible for Humanity, which it is not. In that, I agree, but distinguish a dimensional difference between Gods humanity and sinful mans.

9. a view that God the Son laid aside all or some of His divine attributes (kenoticism);

Indeed, He did not. He simply did all by surrender to the Father, though He was Fully HE.

10. a view that there was a communication of the attributes between the divine and human natures (Lutheranism, with respect to the Lord's Supper); and

More exposition from your personally derived understanding please.

11. a view that our Lord existed independently as a human before God entered His body (Adoptionism).

This is an interesting point. Human? Image of God? There are passages that bear questions in light of this. Genesis 18, where Abraham is visited by 3, heavily insinuates a foreshadowing of Christ in verbiage and reference. Though 2 of the visitors were angels, the one visitor was clearly God. Was this image The Son Of God and Man? Not birthed through Mankind, but to remove that God could have physical form before Jesus..... Well, this would take more clarification of point. In biblical reference this matter becomes simple, but when muddled by simple doctrine, this becomes difficult to express in the rapid fire of a larger idea.

Your responses as to agreement or disagreement with the above?

I have done so. I hope my answers open dialogue on some level.
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