Barbarian observes:
Of course they were created. You're just don't approve of the way He did it.
And you, Barbarian, just don't believe that He did it the way He said He did (Genesis).
God says that the earth and waters brought forth living things. YE creationists say that life was created from nothing. Because you don't approve of God's way of doing it, you invented your own doctrine.
Peter prophesied of you: "...that scoffers will come in the last days (2 Pet. 3:3).
Peter plainly says that "the world that then existed perished, being flooded with WATER" (2 Pet. 3:6).
Actually, as you learned, the word you revisionists interpreted as "world" actually means "land." Again, you were dissatisfied with what God said about it, and so you "corrected" Him. And of course, I'd be pleased to see your evidence for the idea that if Peter mentions an allegory, that makes it into a literal history.
Your scoffing at His word, notwithstanding.
You scoff at this because God and His word is not your Ultimate Foundation. Instead of taking Genesis as He gave it to you, you've altered it to your liking.
If your ultimate foundation is not true, then you can't really know anything.
Just curious! You claim a local flood instead of a worldwide flood. Is the coming judgment by FIRE mentioned in 2 Pet. 3:7 going to be a LOCAL FIRE or a worldwide fire?
Are you claiming God says which it is? Yet another creationist revision, I suppose.
Barbarian chuckles:
"Evolutionists" don't study the solar system. Astronomers do. Creationists often conflate biology and science. Biology is just a part of science; there are many other disciplines.
Barbarian, why are you now saying that "astronomers" study the solar system?
Because it's true. A radical concept for some, perhaps.
If you are going to be consistent, shouldn't you post that "astronomy" studies the solar system?
More technically, Astronomy is the study of the solar system. Astronomy shows us that the Earth is not the center of the Solar system, as creationists have argued.
Recall that in a previous thread, I could not get you to admit that "science" really does not tell us anything, but that "scientists" using science do.
As you learned, that is wrong. Scientists merely add to the body of knowledge. Astronomy shows us that the solar system is not geocentric. Astronomers gather the body of knowledge we call "astronomy."
You would not admit to this self-evident truth--not if I held a gun to your head.
I don't understand why you have this fixation about changing the meaning of words.
Barbarian on the mechanism of evolution:
That was Darwin's great contribution.
Darwin was a fool of the first order. I did not say that. I'm just repeating what God said about Darwin. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but FOOLS despise wisdom and instruction" (Prov. 1:7).
Where did Darwin despise wisdom and instruction?
And Paul also said that Darwin was a fool: "Professing to be wise, he became a FOOL [paraphrased]" (Rom. 1:22).
Where did Darwin profess to be wise?
You call yourself a Christian. If you were, you would not have made those false accusations. Shame on you.
Darwin's false teaching has been the single most destructive force in the history of man.
Even most creationists would say that was a crazy statement.
He, with the aid of millions who have bought in to his lie, destroyed the very foundation of Christianity--Genesis.
In fact, Darwin's theory is completely compatible with Genesis. But the YE doctrine of "life ex nihilo" is expressly at odds with God's word in Genesis.
He is responsible for leading tens of millions to an eternity in hell apart from their Creator God.
God does not care whether or not you approve of the way He created life. It will not matter to your salvation. But reckless false witness might matter. Best be honest and charitable, if your eternal soul matters to you.
Altough judgment of the damned will be committed to us Christians (1 Cor. 6:3), I imagine that there will be certain special cases where a door will open behind us and Jesus will appear and say, "I'll handle this one personally." And I'm going to stand back, because there might be collateral damage.
The fact that you dwell with such obvious pleasure on your expected power to condemn those who disagree with you to Hell, tells us all we need to know about your relationship to God.