Real Science Friday: The Best Astronomy DVD Ever Made

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The Barbarian

I think the real OP is "Go buy the DVD." Since no one here seems to have seen enough of it to know any of the assertions on it, or at least no one seems to have seen and understood it well enough to summarize the assertions and the evidence for them, we seem to be left with that.


New member
Hall of Fame

If you want to have a discussion, poking fun at a few words and ignoring the meat of the topic is a bad way to do it.

Do you see what I mean? I am sure there is a much better answer from your camp than a one liner and some smilies, don't you think?

Oh, and what would my "camp" be, pat?

If you believe I don't agree with self-styled experts, ignoramuses, and other buffoons who reject solid science simply because it makes their religious dogmas impossible or inconvenient, then yes, I've got a camp all right. But this kind of ignorance--which seems to so easily impress certain people--is beneath serious discussion. Perpetuating this kind of ignorance in the name of making a buck? Contemptible.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Barbie practicing revisionist history again. :chuckle:

The Barbarian

Stipe is, of course, welcome to summarize his knowledge of the DVD, and present what he thinks are the most compelling arguments.

Not likely, um?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Barbie. Try a little honesty and humility for once. I presented what I think is the most compelling piece of evidence against the evolutionary model. Why would you suggest I had not or could not do so? Is there something wrong with you?

The Barbarian

Point me to the place where you summarized the DVD and it's most compelling argument. If you have, I'll apologize. If not, you're just being Stipe, again.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
An extrapolation is always based on the assumption that the curve remains the same outside the range of your data.

Sure. And with a thing like the orbit of the Earth and the Moon that is not an unreasonable extrapolation.

More specifically, given the mechanism and the evidence, it's a foolish extrapolation. Because the distance of the Moon from the Earth determines it's period of revolution, tidal rhythmites give us an ancient record of that. And not surprisingly, that record is consistent with the present orbit, given the elapsed time.

It's silly to assume a child will continue to grow at the same rate, but it is not silly to assume gravity worked in the ancient past as it does today.

It is very foolish to assume that tidal friction (which is what controls the recession of the moon) will be the same regardless of the orientation of continents. And those rhythmites confirm it.

The maths is fine. And it is not meaningless.

Meaningless as claiming you're smarter than another person because you aren't as tall.

You could do a calculation, but it would be completely meaningless.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Hi, Barbarian.

You assume plate tectonics as a solution to the challenge. We've already covered all this.

The Barbarian

You assume plate tectonics as a solution to the challenge.

No. Because the evidence, which you have been shown, confirms plate tectonics, that's a given.

In case you've forgotten:
1. Directly observed and measured plate movements
2. Glacial tracks, mountain ranges, etc line up nicely when they are brought together over oceans with mid-oceanic ridges
3. Fossil evidence, showing fossils over widely-separated continents

And more. Want to see more?

You assume some kind of magical uplift that raised the surface of the Earth and then dropped it back down just in time to end the ice age. Notice, when you have evidence, it's an inference, and when you don't, it's an assumption.

But since altitude is defined as the height above the surface, and since that determines how cold it is at elevation, you're back to where you started. It won't do what you want it to.

We've already covered all this.

I just showed you again. You have no excuse, Stipe.


Active member
Oh, and what would my "camp" be, pat?

If you believe I don't agree with self-styled experts, ignoramuses, and other buffoons who reject solid science simply because it makes their religious dogmas impossible or inconvenient, then yes, I've got a camp all right. But this kind of ignorance--which seems to so easily impress certain people--is beneath serious discussion. Perpetuating this kind of ignorance in the name of making a buck? Contemptible.

Granite, this is what I am talking about. It is impossible to hold a reasonable conversation when you pick out one word and go nuts over it.


Active member
Those in favor of the evolutionary model often accuse us creationists of using the argument from ignorance, which is a fallacy.

However, ignorance is being downplayed by the evolutionists. For a theory to exist, we must have overcome key unknowns. Without overcoming these, we are no longer at the level of a theory and are only left with a hypothesis.

Currently the Giant Impact has the consensus with scientist. Computer models demonstrate it could cause the moon to form within a year.
Giant Impact

None of us creationist agree that this is how the moon was formed. We point out a few problems with the theory because we think it shouldn't be viewed as a viable theory.

The DVD points out the speed of Theia's (the mars sized planet) impact is unlikely, the moon should be beyond Earth's orbit by now and addresses issues with the other hypotheses.

Even if you don't agree with those points, Wikipedia reports the following problems:
  1. The ratios of the Moon's volatile elements are not explained by the giant impact hypothesis. If the giant impact hypothesis is correct, they must be due to some other cause.[17]
  2. There is no evidence that the Earth ever had a magma ocean (an implied result of the giant impact hypothesis), and it is likely there exists material which has never been processed by a magma ocean.[17]
  3. The iron oxide (FeO) content (13%) of the Moon, which is intermediate between Mars (18%) and the terrestrial mantle (8%), rules out most of the source of the proto-lunar material from the Earth's mantle.[18]
  4. If the bulk of the proto-lunar material had come from the impactor, the Moon should be enriched in siderophilic elements, when it is actually deficient in those.[19]
    The presence of volatiles such as water trapped in lunar basalts is more difficult to explain if the impact caused a catastrophic heating event.[20]
  5. The Moon's oxygen isotopic ratios are essentially identical to those of Earth.[3] Oxygen isotopic ratios, which can be measured very precisely, yield a unique and distinct signature for each solar system body.[21] If Theia had been a separate proto-planet, it would probably have had a different oxygen isotopic signature than Earth, as would the ejected mixed material.[4]

"Giant Impact" isn't even a theory by the Wikipedia author standards.

Creationists ask, why don't we have a good evolutionary theory about the moon's formation? Some may answer, "We don't have one YET, just because we don't know today doesn't mean we won't know tomorrow."

Since theory status requires having ample evidence, saying "We don't know yet" is the true argument from ignorance. This answer is the true fallacy.

What is the answer for how the moon formed from evolutionist? "We don't know but here are some ideas... ...(P.S. we can't 'validate' these ideas...)"

The Barbarian

What is the answer for how the moon formed from evolutionist?

Wouldn't be much. "Evolutionists" are biologists. You want to ask planetary astronomers.

The answer at this point seems to be:
"The impact theory seems most likely at this time. But it's not settled yet."

And then the creationists jump up in triumph:
"Aha! So you don't know everything about astronomy, therefore, evolution is false! And that means creationism is true! Yay!"

(Scientists smile, shake their heads, and go back to work)


New member
However, ignorance is being downplayed by the evolutionists. For a theory to exist, we must have overcome key unknowns. Without overcoming these, we are no longer at the level of a theory and are only left with a hypothesis.
But you aren't talking about a theory, you are talking about what are explicitly labelled a hypothesis. Nothing you have raised so far even attempts to contradict a theory, such as the Theory of Evolution, rather it is all about hypothesis's such as the Nebular hypothesis and the Giant impact hypothesis.

So please explain what theory you think should be downgraded to the level of hypothesis.

The DVD points out the speed of Theia's (the mars sized planet) impact is unlikely, the moon should be beyond Earth's orbit by now and addresses issues with the other hypotheses.
Well that is why it is still a hypothesis and not a theory, though I wonder just how unlikely the DVD says the speed is and how they calculated this.
"Giant Impact" isn't even a theory by the Wikipedia author standards.
Who is claiming it is a theory!?!?!?!
Creationists ask, why don't we have a good evolutionary theory about the moon's formation? Some may answer, "We don't have one YET, just because we don't know today doesn't mean we won't know tomorrow."
Which is true and exactly why we shouldn't default to creationism (or anything else for that matter) whenever science doesn't have an answer.
Since theory status requires having ample evidence, saying "We don't know yet" is the true argument from ignorance. This answer is the true fallacy.
Me thinks you don't understand what an argument from ignorance is...
What is the answer for how the moon formed from evolutionist? "We don't know but here are some ideas... ...(P.S. we can't 'validate' these ideas...)"
Why should evolutionists answer? It has nothing to do with evolution and you are guilty of the same dishonesty as the DVD when you try and conflate the two.


Active member
Wouldn't be much. "Evolutionists" are biologists. You want to ask planetary astronomers.

The answer at this point seems to be:
"The impact theory seems most likely at this time. But it's not settled yet."

And then the creationists jump up in triumph:
"Aha! So you don't know everything about astronomy, therefore, evolution is false! And that means creationism is true! Yay!"

(Scientists smile, shake their heads, and go back to work)

When they get back to work, lets not lower the bar and expect some results on this moon issue. They need to get out of hypothesis land and into a real theory.

It doesn't do you any good if they are all stuck at step one.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
No. Because the evidence, which you have been shown, confirms plate tectonics, that's a given.
So there's absolutely no way that plate tectonics could be a faulty theory?

You assume some kind of magical uplift that raised the surface of the Earth and then dropped it back down just in time to end the ice age. Notice, when you have evidence, it's an inference, and when you don't, it's an assumption.
If you were willing to accept the validity of the mathematical challenge to the age of the Earth-Moon system, perhaps we could discuss the underlying assumptions that we diverge on. Until you learn to show some humility and honesty (instead of lambasting and mischaracterising that which you haven't even heard) this discussion is at a roadblock. :idunno:

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
No. Because the evidence, which you have been shown, confirms plate tectonics, that's a given.

So there's absolutely no way that plate tectonics could be a faulty theory?

In the sense that maybe the won't appear in the East tomorrow morning. In science, all truth is provisional. But given the fact that all the evidence shows it happens, and direct observations of it happening today, it's foolish to deny it.

Barbarian observes:
You assume some kind of magical uplift that raised the surface of the Earth and then dropped it back down just in time to end the ice age. Notice, when you have evidence, it's an inference, and when you don't, it's an assumption.

If you were willing to accept the validity of the mathematical challenge to the age of the Earth-Moon system,

...if I were to accept the validty of the orange leprechauns in your attic,

perhaps we could discuss the underlying assumptions that we diverge on.

Science depends on the assumption of uniformitarianism; the same rules have applied since the beginning. Every time we test that assumption it works. Your assumption is that God wasn't powerful enough to create nature to work the way He intended, and has to continually tinker with it. But there's no way to test that.

Until you learn to show some humility and honesty (instead of lambasting and mischaracterising that which you haven't even heard)

If you were honest, you'd admit that I repeatedly asked those who are touting this DVD to summarize it and tell us what they think the most persuasive arguments in it might be. But you're not honest, are you, Stipe.

You might also have enough humility to admit that those who have spent a lifetime studying the way the Earth works might know better than you do about it.

When do you think that might happen?

this discussion is at a roadblock.

But it's been very useful for people on the sidelines. As my Mom used to say, no one is worthless; they can always be a bad example.


New member
Hall of Fame
Granite, this is what I am talking about. It is impossible to hold a reasonable conversation when you pick out one word and go nuts over it.

Not goin' nuts at all. And it's tricky having any kind of a conversation with you when you consistently ignore simple questions and try to lecture people.

The Barbarian

When they get back to work, lets not lower the bar and expect some results on this moon issue.

That's the beauty of it; we keep learning more and more until we figure it out. Thank God, we'll never get it all, if we did, no more science, no more fun of finding out.

They need to get out of hypothesis land and into a real theory.

It's proceeding nicely, and I'm sure the astronomers are enjoying the work finding out.

It doesn't do you any good if they are all stuck at step one.

Well, as you know, it's a bit beyond that point.
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