I agree. But if you require no holes in the knowledge of a subject before you will accept it (at least provisionally), then honesty would require you to never trust anything electronic, nor to fly in an airplane, nor to accept that the heat from the sun is from thermonuclear reactions. New studies frequently fill in gaps in our knowledge of fields we tend to accept without question. We can posit, ala Psarris, that since aerodynamic airflow is still being studied, that it is preferable to accept that God carries airplanes by his will. Maybe we should attribute the source of the sun’s heat to God’s power, and give up on the hopeless quest of thinking that we will ever be able to reach into the center of the sun and see that hydrogen is really fusing into helium. No one has ever seen a single electron, nor will they ever do so in the way we see objects around us. Lacking that, perhaps Intel should abandon its efforts to use atomic theory in the design of ever faster and smaller devices. Give the credit for their operation to God.