You're a Universalist! Why didn't you say so? Everyone is going to heaven, whether we feed the "smelly creatures" or whether we don't. Jesus really did not have to die on the Cross for those who accept Him because He is going to accept those who reject Him.
There's no need for you to put "smelly creatures" in inverted commas Tom. It was your description of the homeless and there was no irony about it, nor should my particular belief enter into how those who suffer misfortune on this plane should be treat either. If you want to tag me as a 'universalist' then hey, go for it though I don't ascribe to any labels. You should be taking any objections to the thread SOD so 'kindly' started which was kinda the point so as not to derail this convo any further.
Since you believe in a god, here is a quick Bible lesson. Under Jewish law, not every "smelly creature" who did not want to work could beg. For a person to beg on the street or at the temple, that person had to be veted by Israel leaders and proved that he was unable to work. The big strong street people you see in Dallas, TX would not qualify and would not be given special beggar coats to wear.
Please stop putting "smelly creatures" in inverted commas Tom. You described them as such so either retract the description or just leave such without. We don't live under Jewish law Tom and those for the time could hardly apply to now due to the abundance of changes in suburban society alone. Do you think Paul expected his words to be taken literally in todays cities unlike the communities he was seemingly referring to?
And please spare me this 'big strong people' as if all on the streets are Arnold Schwarzanegger and they're all sleeping rough for a laugh. Do you think physical size is an indication of broken homes, abuse or mental illness? There's plenty homeless folk who are very young, skinny, scared and with problems as there are adults. Do you deny that?
Now you don't really love those street people. If you did, you would not take away their motivation to work. But you need them so that you can feel self-righteous when you give them a fiver to buy some cheap wine. If you really loved them, you would let them get hungry. Hunger is a great motivation to work.
If you want to talk self righteousness then take a look in the mirror. I don't know what it's like to sleep rough Tom but it doesn't take a genius to realize it's far from a picnic. Plenty of these people are in desperate need of aid and plenty die to exposure in the winter as well as other dangers. You seem to think that they can all just walk into a job even if they were capable of work. You need one giant wake up call....
Tell me again, did the rich man do the right thing by denying a dying man covered in sores the crumbs off his table? Would you have only given him food if he was willing to work? Would you have taken care of him until he was able?
Your religious belief is utterly false. If you're right, Jesus did not have to go to the Cross, for everyone will be saved in the end anyway. And if Bill and Hillary get to heaven, they would make heaven hell. God is not so cruel as to force Christians live with Bill and Hillary. I heard a Baptist minister say the other day that Jezebell was almost as wicked as Hillary.
AB, Do you believe that Jesus Christ is God?
Take objections and questions to the thread SOD started Tom, that's what it's there for after all. I could care less about your own hangups with politicians as it's completely besides any point.