Uh, fool. You have to assess the reasons given as to why this is unlikely rather than just ignoring them. :thumb:
And those are?
Uh, fool. You have to assess the reasons given as to why this is unlikely rather than just ignoring them. :thumb:
Next suggestion to fool - if you want to comment in a substantive way on a thread it pays to have some understanding of what the thread is about.
I'm just full of it.
I thought Irony was his championship title . . . . . but being full of it, yup that too.Undisputed champ in that dept.
Atheists - willing to talk about anything but the issues at hand since 1999.
Jellyfish are really soft. How does one go about preserving them in rock?
Jellyfish are really soft. How does one go about preserving them in rock?
fossilmuseum.net said:the quarry's features are "consistent with an intermittently exposed intertidal and shallow-subtidal setting that was probably located in a shallow lagoonal area with limited wind fetch . . . . within a possible sandy barrier island system on the flank of the Wisconsin dome may have further restricted the environment, and severe tropical storms provide a plausible mechanism for medusoid stranding.
Well, lets see what Bob's link says;
So, I guess it says they get stranded on a beach then buried in sand.
Unfortunately nothing would remain of the jellyfish from the time it got stranded to the time the sand turned to rock. I'm afraid your explanation is extremely untenable.they get stranded on a beach then buried in sand.
Unfortunately nothing would remain of the jellyfish from the time it got stranded to the time the sand turned to rock. I'm afraid your explanation is extremely untenable.
The only way to fossilise jellyfish (or pretty much anything) is to cover it in sediment while it is alive and then remove all the water. Fossilisation must be a rapid process.
Did you read the link? It's not really my explaination.
Jukia, the trend in the recent literature regarding the history of science is that rather than being a hindrance, Christianity provided the world's most fertile ground for the explosion of scientific investigation. Also, it was Aristotelian cosmology, and not the Scriptures, that insisted that the sun orbited the earth. And since history sometimes repeats itself, if the Lord tarries, then when this information age eventually utterly dispels Darwinism, the Vatican will be blamed for the absurdity of both geocentrism AND evolution.
Jukia said:Ah yes, the Christian basis for science. Nice try.
Jukia said:Can't wait for the information age to utterly dispel a 3-4 billion year old earth and to support Noah and the magic ark.
Jukia, Christians who commit crimes, and make excuses for those who have done wrong in Christ's name, can be condemned by the teachings of Christ. Those atheistic Darwinist regimes who have killed tens of millions in the last century cannot be condemned by godlessness nor by "Survival of the Fittest," the term Darwin finally put on the cover of his Origins book. Whereas Jesus warned the world about His followers who would come in His name. Don't let them obscure your look at Him.Jukia said:Christianity also provided the most fertile ground to destroy indigenous peoples, but we don't want to remember that.
God has the authority, which He has not delegated to men, to take any human being from this life to the after life; from their moment here on earth, to an eternity beyond. Those children went into His loving care, and He also forgave any of their parents who repented of their rebellion against God, and called out to Him for forgiveness.Jukia said:...all the little babies who your god killed in that big flood you believe in.
Mendel and Darwin were not aware of one another despite being close in time period. No offense, but physicists do not have the knowledge base to comment on a biological process. Nor do surgeons necessarily.For those who object that these brilliant men lived prior to the 1859 publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species, consider the following scientific giants all of whom in a time of more open debate, publicly rejected natural origins and Darwinian evolution, and indicated that the evidence supports belief in a supernatural Creator:
Michael Faraday, 1867, Electromagnetism
Gregor Mendel, 1884, Genetics
Louis Pasteur, 1885, Microbiology
James Joule, 1889, Thermodynamics
Lord Kelvin, 1907, Thermodynamics
Joseph Lister, 1912, Modern Surgery
G. W. Carver, 1943, Modern Agriculture
AO, I couldn't imagine that Mendel could live and work for 25 years after Origins, and not know of it. I wonder why you assumed that. Just look at the first result after searching for mendel darwin, and you get, from PBS and Google 1: "Mendel read Darwin with deep interest, but he disagreed..."Mendel and Darwin were not aware of one another despite being close in time period.
Asa Gray - 1871- Important American Botanist, contemporary and friend of Darwin.
:first: POTDAO, I couldn't imagine that Mendel could live and work for 25 years after Origins, and not know of it. I wonder why you assumed that. Just look at the first result after searching for mendel darwin, and you get, from PBS and Google 1: "Mendel read Darwin with deep interest, but he disagreed..."