A_O, Fred Williams and I recently agreed with Ken Ham's article,
Does the Gospel Depend on a Young Earth in which the founder of Answers in Genesis points out that Christians do not need to believe in a young earth in order to be saved, that is, to be true Christians.
I take it you didn't read the article I linked?
ZERO atheists or Darwinists believe that the Earth is young.[/COLOR][/B]
That's a pretty bold claim claiming there's no one that is an atheist believes in a young earth. Even so, have you thought that maybe it is because, without a religious push to believe in a young earth, the evidence is very clear on the age of the earth? Really, you're making my case for me.
Bob is a young earth creationist because he takes the accounts in Genesis 1 and 2 completely literally. I do not, and I don't think that this is a problematic stance for a Christian. It turned out that Bob was as much an expert on biblical scholarship as he was on biology. Again, he and I drew different conclusions, but at least we were speaking the same language.
Looks like you quoted something but forgot to cite what it was. Either that or you like to talk about yourself in third person. You being in any sense of the word an "expert" on biology is hilarious. :rotfl:
And if you are an expert, you're a liar, as zoo and I just pointed out.
You still haven't replied to the
evidence I posted on Nuclear DNA which is the complement to the mt Eve story either. More cherry picking?
Isn't it true, A_O, that you would refuse to put 150-million year old biological material into the "Potential Evidence for a Young Earth" column?
I see no reason that preserved biological material MUST indicate a 6-10,000 year old earth. We really have no idea what or if there is a time limit for biological material preservation. Preserved biological material isn't direct evidence for the age of the earth at all. "I think this is impossible over this period of time therefore the earth is young", isn't evidence, it is conjecture.
Radioisotopes of various types are evidence against a YEC level young earth, tree rings do the same, as do electromagnetic striping in the oceanic ridges, solar quake data, interstellar distance, old and new mountains etc.
I, on the other hand, have always admitted that there is strong "evidence" against various views, including a recent creation.
Is that why you constantly ignore all that evidence?
A_O, it seems that your bias is so intense that you can't sense it.
:sigh: Again, I *WAS* a YEC for a good portion of my life. I think I am a better judge of which side is biased more than the other.
I distinctly remember reading ICR tracts as a child and while generally believing them wondering occasionally why they were "trying so hard" on issues that seemed so weak. I remember trying to fit my worldview to whatever new scientific discoveries I read about, and how it became increasingly difficult over time.
But I'm sure you, Bob, are the one that is really capable of detecting bias in everyone . . . . except yourself.