The Beagle is listing...
The Beagle is listing...
Bob Enyart said:
...perhaps you didn't understand the point of our list. It's not to prove that creation is correct. It's to disprove the claim that only scientifically ignorant people believe in creation.
Um. Your list doesn't prove that at all.
The Many Creationist Fathers of the Natural Sciences: These men rejected atheistic origins (like Copernicus, Bacon, Kepler, Galileo, Pascal, Boyle, Newton, Cuvier, Dalton) and even after Darwin, great scientists who founded major branches of modern science (like Faraday, Mendel, Pasteur, Joule, Kelvin, Lister, Carver) continued to reject evolution. This is not an argument from authority, as a typical evolutionist might claim. Rather, this
list rebuts the claim you make frequently that it's uneducated people who reject evolution! Consider these strong creationists:
Philip Paracelsus, died 1541, Chemical Medicine
Nicolas Copernicus, 1543, Scientific Revolution
Francis Bacon, 1626, Scientific Method
Johann Kepler, 1630, Physical Astronomy
Galileo Galilei, 1642, Law of falling bodies
William Harvey, 1657, Circulatory System
Blaise Pascal, 1662, Probability and Calculators
Robert Boyle, 1691, Chemistry
Isaac Newton, 1727, Gravitation
Carolus Linnaeus, 1778, Taxonomy
George Cuvier, 1832, Anatomy/Paleontology
John Dalton, 1844, Atomic Theory
Most of your list was before Darwin and most of those that were after were not biologists.
A_O, MOST? Let's see, of the seven fathers of the physical sciences listed after Darwin,
three were from the field of physics, and
four from the life sciences. Darwin himself was a naturalist, and I don't know that in an objective comparison that it would be determined that he knew more about biology that the fathers of the branches of life sciences in my list.
Yet now, to my previous list,
I'm going to add TENS OF THOUSANDS of educated people who doubt Darwinism. To continue...
So for those who worked AFTER
Darwin’s Origins, consider those who don't believe Darwin was correct on the origin of species:
- Michael Faraday, 1867, Electromagnetism
- Gregor Mendel, 1884,
- Louis Pasteur, 1885,
- James Joule, 1889, Thermodynamics
- Lord Kelvin, 1907, Thermodynamics
- Joseph Lister, 1912, Modern
- G. W. Carver, 1943, Modern
For as I recently wrote to Denver evolutionist Dr. Fred Ebert after he
said on air that he would [correction: probably] debate me on origins:
Dr. Ebert, According to Gallup, on the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth,
only 39% of Americans "believe in the theory of evolution." And to factor in education levels, for example, you can look at the surprisingly large percentage of MDs, one third, who are not committed to neo-Darwinism with
only 63% of physicians agreeing that the theory of evolution is more correct than intelligent design (Jewish Theological Seminary
study of 1,472 MDs). And this is not just southern Bible-belt fundamentalists but one sixth of Jewish docs, half of Catholic, and three-fifths of protestant MDs believe that ID is a "legitimate scientific speculation."
The claim that scientifically ignorant people are the ones that don't accept evolution is TIME dependent. What is scientific ignorance now was forgivable not too many years ago.
A_O, I trust that these U.S. doctors meet your time condition, and that now you'll agree with the point that it's false to say that only uneducated people don't accept Darwinism.
Thanks A_O for chatting,
-Bob Enyart