Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
You say we should put differences ASIDE? give me a break, i think you should put more thought into the issue. It's not like there are only a few differences, there are multitudes of differences
Actually, recent studies show that "putting differences aside," or "ignoring differences" is exactly what minority groups
don't want. They don't want whites claiming to be "color blind," they are black (or of another race) and want to be seen as such. They want their differences understood and respected, not ignored or influenced to be "more white."
Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
Black people don't just look different than us you know, their bodies react diffrently than ours to diseases, males have differents hormones, they adapt differently to their surroundings and in social situations, tumors are found to be different, bones are different, left ventricular structure is different
First, I'd like to see support for such claims -- some links would be nice. Second, why are those differences necessarily bad? I would think it's fascinating, not disturbing, that our bodies are different. We
are different, and that's the point. We should embrace those differences, not try to change or ignore them.
Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
... they are less likely to leave a tip for services (yes they did a study on this), they have a higher infant mortality rate, crime, AIDS, welfare ...
Links please? Anyone can spout off "information" about "studies." People who earn a lower income generally leave a lower tip. More than that, people from different cultures leave different tips. Europeans generally leave a lower tip than Americans. Can we then, according to your logic, say the same thing about Europeans? Nope.
Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
did you know that they even do more poorly on IQ tests than white people? Now THINK ABOUT THIS....
No, you think about this: who created the IQ test? Alfred Binet, a
white Frenchman, created the first IQ test. It was created to measure what white people viewed as a standard of intelligence.
The same thing goes for what you said about jobs. A lot of time, "job training," in terms of management-type positions, are modeled after the white businessman. People -- regardless of race, ethnicity, and gender -- are trained by corporate America to be
more like corporate America. White businessmen. Let's all think alike,
then we'll start moving places, right?
Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
And generally speaking black people are even animalistic in nature. Loud, traveling in "packs", you can even look up information about this!
What is so terrible about this? Africans are a drumming people, they are a dancing people. When they were brought over as slaves, their drums were taken away, but that didn't stop them from drumming. They clapped, they sang in rhymic beats, they stomped, and they danced.
The fact is, whites systematically destroyed traditional African culture in America. Since slaves in North America were generally treated better than slaves in the Caribbean, they generally lived longer -- long enough to reproduce. Since slaves reproduced slaves right here in America, a large influx of slaves was not necessary to keep the population. This severed the ties between slaves and their African home. They didn't have more and more slaves coming over to bring fresh reminders of tradition.
Furthermore, whites were
afraid that allowing Africans to enjoy their culture would give them a common foundation on which to rebel. Whites consciously divided up the different cultures -- slaves on a single plantation were often from various different cultures, speaking different languages, dialects, having different traditions and beliefs... this was done on purpose. Whites didn't want blacks communicating. They wanted them to follow blindly.
Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
... i just don't buy into the whole"my ancestors were slaves so everyone owes me something" bit. It's tired and it's absurd.
I think you're missing the point, and I think you would benefit greatly from an anthropology course that studies the slave trade and it's subsequent effect on contemporary cultures, because you are gravely mistaken in many ways, some of which I have shown above.