First of all i haven't called any names so i would appreciate the same respect from others. But this is exactly what i mean, just because the information gathered shows negative aspects toward black people you want to attack me and call me names. Did you not hear me say that i have black friends? If i were "racist" i would not interact with other races. Hello? I'm sorry if i point out some facts that project a negative feeling toward black people, but that it the topic at hand and i have offered up some facts into the discussion. Don't get the impression that i am standing outside a courthouse somewhere shaking a noose at black people and screaming bring back slavery. I have no "solution", this is just life. I don't like the rude, dirty, scary groups of mexicans that have been brought into my town after the huirricane either, nor do i care for the trailer park white trash down the street, but we were talking about black people, and i gave my views based on personal experience and data that i gathered through research on the matter. I'm sorry if you don't like what i had to say but the name calling thing is a bit absurd, isn't this the point around here? debating? where's your side of the story if you disagree with me? don't you have any farther evidence of why you believe differently than I? i guess not since all you could think of was to insult me.