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Banned by Mod
First of all i haven't called any names so i would appreciate the same respect from others. But this is exactly what i mean, just because the information gathered shows negative aspects toward black people you want to attack me and call me names. Did you not hear me say that i have black friends? If i were "racist" i would not interact with other races. Hello? I'm sorry if i point out some facts that project a negative feeling toward black people, but that it the topic at hand and i have offered up some facts into the discussion. Don't get the impression that i am standing outside a courthouse somewhere shaking a noose at black people and screaming bring back slavery. I have no "solution", this is just life. I don't like the rude, dirty, scary groups of mexicans that have been brought into my town after the huirricane either, nor do i care for the trailer park white trash down the street, but we were talking about black people, and i gave my views based on personal experience and data that i gathered through research on the matter. I'm sorry if you don't like what i had to say but the name calling thing is a bit absurd, isn't this the point around here? debating? where's your side of the story if you disagree with me? don't you have any farther evidence of why you believe differently than I? i guess not since all you could think of was to insult me.


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Hall of Fame
Sorry, who exactly called names? I didn't. A spade's a spade. (Oh, okay. "Freak" crosses a line, I guess.)

All I have to say is, you can't beat something with nothing. Complaining about racial issues is pretty pointless unless there's a proposed fix. And I don't think you can just talk anyone into improving their condition, black or white.


Originally posted by Thia

That's not the point - the point is, America was into slave trading/owning at one time and that's how the Africans got here in the first place. England had the same odious practices.

My Dear, to say that America has a 'Karma' attached to it because of a practice that was abolished 150 years ago is new age nonsense. Are you aware of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who shed blood freeing the slaves? Are you aware of a US Constitutional Ammendment that made their freedom permanent?


LDD, some of your points may be valid, but many of them seem to be conjecture. It would be a good idea to supply some links that support your claims, such as the medical ones. Also, I believe you claimed that 25% of all blacks have an IQ lower than 75, care to supply some verification?


Banned by Mod
I'm not "complaining" i was stating my view on the matter. And furthermore i didn't think the topic at hand was how to "fix" anything, so why do you keep suggesting that i should have a solution? Do you have a solution for all the problems of the world? No, i would think not. But you still have views don't you?


Banned by Mod
Originally posted by BillyBob

LDD, some of your points may be valid, but many of them seem to be conjecture. It would be a good idea to supply some links that support your claims, such as the medical ones. Also, I believe you claimed that 25% of all blacks have an IQ lower than 75, care to supply some verification?

not a problem at all, but it will take a few moments....:thumb:


Originally posted by Thia

That's not the point - the point is, America was into slave trading/owning at one time and that's how the Africans got here in the first place. England had the same odious practices.

Did you know that most slaves that were shipped to the America's were shipped to South America? Does South America also have a Bad Karma?


New member
Originally posted by BillyBob

Did you know that most slaves that were shipped to the America's were shipped to South America? Does South America also have a Bad Karma?

Prolly. For the record, folks, I was being glib when I made the remark about 'karma'; the Chinese built the railroads and they were from China - you don't see them being dependent on society for any rewards or reparation.


New member
Yes yes yes they did. Weren't paid much, and certainly were targets of racism, but they still survived without becoming 'victims'.


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Hall of Fame
True enough. Their opium use was a little overblown, I'd say, and gave us one more reason to hate one more group, but ah well.


New member
Originally posted by Thia

Prolly. For the record, folks, I was being glib when I made the remark about 'karma'; the Chinese built the railroads and they were from China - you don't see them being dependent on society for any rewards or reparation.

:think: The same goes for the Irish, and the Italians....

Four O'Clock

New member
Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
What about black college funds, are there any funds available to a person just becasue they are white???

Actually, to be exact, The United Negro College Fund HAS provided funds throughout it's existence to many white students who proudly call schools like Howard, Grambling, Florida A&M, among others their alma mater.


Banned by Mod
well, that one actually was a real question and not a point. But still, where's the United Caucasian College Fund? Oh yeah, there isn't one because caucasian's excel in academics and other areas enough that there isn't a need.


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Hall of Fame
I'm not sure what that proves or if there's much of a point there, other than the obvious. So whites excel in academics...blacks excel in athletic achievement. Different gifts.


New member
Originally posted by Zimfan

:think: The same goes for the Irish, and the Italians....

....and a lot of the other non-WASP immigrants, too. Again, my point is that there are many people who have come to this country, either voluntarily or forcefully, who have managed to survive in this world of ours. They don't whine, they don't ask for hand-outs, they just work harder. In my area there are a lot of 'career' Section 8 families who don't have the motivation to do anything but hang out; then they blame their lack of ambition on how historically badly 'they' were treated by the 'man'. It's that sense of self-entitlement that is so annoying...and which can foster racism. My opinion, natch.


New member
Originally posted by Thia

That's not the point - the point is, America was into slave trading/owning at one time and that's how the Africans got here in the first place. England had the same odious practices.

And I'm still here despite the efforts to exterminate some of my people. That was long ago, before my father's birth. In the time of my great, great, great grandmother.

At some point, we have to stand back and say "We go on from here." Otherwise, we all live up to our necks in the odure from the past.

IMHO, those who wish to dwell in the wrongs of the past are too lazy or cowardly to live in the present and work toward the future. It happened. It didn't happen to us. We have our own lives to live. For pity's sake, it's time to move on.


New member
Hall of Fame
Exactly. Reach back far enough and we're all descended from "victims" or people who were oppressed at one point. I'm half Jewish and half Irish. What am I gonna do--demand money from the country that turned my ancestors into smog, or ask for reparations because the British drove some great great uncle of mine off his land?

Grow up, folks. Focus on the here and now.


New member
Whatever IQ tests measure, they are predictive of success in "Corporate America." "The Bell Curve," (I'm one of the few people who actually read it) also observed that Baptists are also under represented in corporate board rooms and the Episcopal Church is over represented.

The political solution is treating all people equally before the law including no deals for rich people.

The social solution is for the successful African Americans to stop making excuses for their failed brothers and blaming there failure on white people. Can't wait to see how the recent AIDS rate report will be blamed on white people.
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