Ps 68 (Eph 4): why 2P2P does not want you to know the NT use of the OT


Well-known member
Do you listen to atheists who tell you the Bible is wrong? If course not.

Same thing with the commentarian.

Paul is the commentary on David and Isaiah.

I guess the 2P2P people here don't realize how many books there are that pound people with 2P2P since the late 1800s because they thought they 'understood' the Bible and that the average believer 'needed' their understanding.

then we have the declaration yesterday by STP that the NT is not to be used to interp the OT. If 2P2Ps were alive in Christ and Paul's time, they would be going with the leaders of Judaism on how to read the OT.

Right Divider

Body part
then we have the declaration yesterday by STP that the NT is not to be used to interp the OT.
Not using the mutilated "interp" like yours.

The new covenant is NOT a complete abandonment of the old and both are between God and Israel. And not your contrived and false "spiritual Israel".


Well-known member
Not using the mutilated "interp" like yours.

The new covenant is NOT a complete abandonment of the old and both are between God and Israel. And not your contrived and false "spiritual Israel".

Sorry, nothing you've said here is true nor can it be supported. This is always the way cults are: they find one line, and then when you show them all the other ones, they go bonkers in denial and all of sudden their ability to read is affected etc.

Why does God 'need' to have a Davidic monarchy again?

Right Divider

Body part
Sorry, nothing you've said here is true nor can it be supported. This is always the way cults are: they find one line, and then when you show them all the other ones, they go bonkers in denial and all of sudden their ability to read is affected etc.

Why does God 'need' to have a Davidic monarchy again?
You and your silly "need" nonsense.... AGAIN.

If God said it, then He needs to do it. That's how God operates. He's not liar like you.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Paul is the commentary on David and Isaiah.

I guess the 2P2P people here don't realize how many books there are that pound people with 2P2P since the late 1800s because they thought they 'understood' the Bible and that the average believer 'needed' their understanding.

then we have the declaration yesterday by STP that the NT is not to be used to interp the OT. If 2P2Ps were alive in Christ and Paul's time, they would be going with the leaders of Judaism on how to read the OT.

Is a Bible a unit?


Well-known member
You and your silly "need" nonsense.... AGAIN.

If God said it, then He needs to do it. That's how God operates. He's not liar like you.

What he said lastly on the topic was that he was transferring the promises to the Servant for his sacrifice, Acts 13 on Isaiah 55. But 2P2P thinks it is the last revelation from God on all these things. What would the average Bible reader know?

Right Divider

Body part
What he said lastly on the topic was that he was transferring the promises to the Servant for his sacrifice, Acts 13 on Isaiah 55. But 2P2P thinks it is the last revelation from God on all these things. What would the average Bible reader know?
Again I see you posting your opinion instead of scripture.

Show the scripture, show the connection.

You simply read YOUR fairy story into it. It's just that simple.


Well-known member
You're a queer one! How many verses in Acts 13 are there about Isaiah referring to David? Hmmm, a huge problem for RD I think!