Ps 68 (Eph 4): why 2P2P does not want you to know the NT use of the OT


New member
RD's cartoons are the same: self-congratulation, void of material to be discussed

Thing is, there really isn't any point in attempting to explore things with you anymore.

As is the case with other groups and or individuals (even within MAD) - where an individual is deadset in his or her conclusions - you too often ask questions from where you are looking at things from, expecting others to somehow see your answer from where they are looking at things.

Far too many do that kind of thing - on all sides of the obviously many sided fence.

Likewise, when you just state your case.

Not only do you never succeed at showing how one thing you are asserting is actually related with another and is therefore based on it, but again; you expect others to see things from where you alone are obviously looking at things from.

In short, you are a very poor representative of your own view.

Yours truly; the fly on the wall of your mind, Danoh :D


Well-known member

Your puffed up attitude has always told the story, so you pointing the finger at me is meaningless.

You use FALLACIOUS reasoning IP. God's promises STAND even if He does not meet YOUR requirement to REPEAT them all of the time.

uhhh, he never does. He must just be forgetful. It does not matter to the apostles.


Well-known member
Show what?

You need to show that the promises that God made are cancelled and you have not done so, because you cannot.

Show that there is any need for the role of the land as there was in the past. Show that there are two separate, incoherent programs, because your system goes nowhere if not incoherence. Show that God is partial to a race, an ethne.

The answer to the log in your eye is not the speck of sawdust in mine.


Well-known member
The "need" is that God promised it. You think that God is a liar and can just make promises and then not fulfill them.

He fulfilled that, says Joshua, and other OT history passages. The question then becomes: how is the mission going to take place.

I don't know anyone, anywhere in the NT with the interest in the land like you, with so much invested in it like you.

God deals with the 'lying' accusation in rom 3:3 and 9:6 and it is not your answer. It has nothing to do with the land, it has everything to do with the mission which reaches all nations.