Ps 68 (Eph 4): why 2P2P does not want you to know the NT use of the OT


New member
You could save yourself all this misery and just leave. Just forget it. Why do you bother?

You are the one taking this thread off its course because it busts 2P2P.

How dare you fault me for the problem of being a Gentile reading hebrews 2:4! You made the mess, you clean it up. but at least deal with the topic of that verse, instead of departing again from the topic, like a chronic illness.

I know what the norm in heaven will be, but that also was not the topic. You have turned into a professional divider and evader like STP whom I hope never to deal with again.

Why put yourself through all that misery, only to end up putting people on ignore; one by one?

Simple solution to your misery, IP - leave; vamoose; get a move on; off with ya :chuckle:


Well-known member
The point of every post IP makes, translated:

"You can't believe the Bible. Buy my books so I can tell you how to believe the Bible."


Well-known member
The point of every post IP makes, translated:

"You can't believe the Bible. Buy my books so I can tell you how to believe the Bible."

You are identifying the Bible with 2P2P. That is the mistake. it is a crock and is deceit. It gloms onto individual verses and does not use even their connecting grammar to previous or following verses. It is all soundbyte.


Well-known member
You are identifying the Bible with 2P2P. That is the mistake. it is a crock and is deceit. It gloms onto individual verses and does not use even their connecting grammar to previous or following verses. It is all soundbyte.

"Buy muh cheaply printed, self-published book o' borrowed scholarly unbelief, please! I loves money!"


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
It is unmistakable that Paul regarded this victory psalm as applying to what Christ accomplished in the Gospel without any reference to the land of Israel (future) as such. It is his ascension upward that seals the victory. The psalmist was given a glimpse of the victory of Christ over the enemies of faith and roars that the whole earth will see this victory and all the kings of the earth.

It was not about an event for Israel in Judea that Paul mentions this about Christ. It is clearly that the church would gain gifts through the Gospel that would help it impact the world for Christ so that the whole world would regard him as Lord and Messiah/Savior.

It does not occur to IP, because he relies on commentaries instead of the Bible, that the LORD Jesus Christ had to ascend from the earth up through the principalities and powers of the air to get to his destination at the Father's right hand. They could not prevent his ascension, he triumphed over them.

But, he has not yet roared out of Zion (in his return) to destroy those principalities and powers.

Put down the commentaries, study your Bible.

Right Divider

Body part
You could save yourself all this misery and just leave. Just forget it. Why do you bother?

You are the one taking this thread off its course because it busts 2P2P.

How dare you fault me for the problem of being a Gentile reading hebrews 2:4! You made the mess, you clean it up. but at least deal with the topic of that verse, instead of departing again from the topic, like a chronic illness.

I know what the norm in heaven will be, but that also was not the topic. You have turned into a professional divider and evader like STP whom I hope never to deal with again.
I wasn't talking about the norm in heaven, but in the kingdom of heaven which is ON THE EARTH. See Matthew and Daniel for more details.

You're the dummy that thinks that all of the book written to the HEBREWS is to YOU PERSONALLY.

Like most of Churchianity today, you're SELF-CENTERED and believe that everything has to be about you!


New member
It is unmistakable that Paul regarded this victory psalm as applying to what Christ accomplished in the Gospel without any reference to the land of Israel (future) as such. It is his ascension upward that seals the victory. The psalmist was given a glimpse of the victory of Christ over the enemies of faith and roars that the whole earth will see this victory and all the kings of the earth.

It was not about an event for Israel in Judea that Paul mentions this about Christ. It is clearly that the church would gain gifts through the Gospel that would help it impact the world for Christ so that the whole world would regard him as Lord and Messiah/Savior.


Wasting your time in this God forsaken place.


Well-known member
RD wrote:
Those healings had nothing to do with solidifying authority NOR the faith of those healed. And it was not something that they needed to grow out of. It will be the NORM in the kingdom of heaven.

This is how RD interps Heb 2:4. Do you trust him with ANYTHING now?


New member
"Buy muh cheaply printed, self-published book o' borrowed scholarly unbelief, please! I loves money!"


As with his own obvious failure, your above is nothing more than the result of your failure to apply "the things that differ" principle in reading where he is coming from - your failure out of your personal animosity towards the guy because he does not hold to so called MAD and or where said so called MAD supposedly looks at things from.

One should ever strive to allow the views of others to challenge one to further reflect on one's own.

Go back and read early O'Hair - that was how he ended up recovering so much.

His having been ever willing to allow himself to try to learn something towards his own further and further understanding even from his greatly slandering enemies, back then.

His was a very rare trait. One that personal animosity only gets in the way of.

What books is IP attempting to sell when he defends justification by faith?

Or when he posts of his awe at the words in one hymn or another praising the Saviour?

No, brother; we each ought to try be a bit more objective as we look over at others.

The alternative is ever one's having ended up too easily self-blinded to what one is actually looking at.

That and guessing at and taking said guessing at as having been sound.

As O'Hair repeatedly showed through his fine example in the Lord after each his encounter with friend and foe alike - hope for the solving of any issue; and hope for even greater clarity in "the things that differ" is ever to be found in the objective application of "the things that differ" principle to begin with.

And as the Apostle Paul put it - "in all things."

No matter who points us back to the need to apply the principle - even when such had not even been their intent, let alone, their practice.

Right Divider

Body part
RD wrote:
Those healings had nothing to do with solidifying authority NOR the faith of those healed. And it was not something that they needed to grow out of. It will be the NORM in the kingdom of heaven.

This is how RD interps Heb 2:4. Do you trust him with ANYTHING now?
So it won't be the norm in the kingdom of heaven?

Peter and the others healed EVERY ONE.... why not now?