Ps 68 (Eph 4): why 2P2P does not want you to know the NT use of the OT

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Wasting your time in this God forsaken place.

Do you have the anointing? If you send in your $6.66 "love gift," I will put in a good word for you with Darth Vader Knight, and get you an "anointed handkerchief" from the Holy Land!!!(Colorado).

Give the Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd a puh-raizzzzzzz clap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Puh-ray-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do I hear an "Ah-meyn!!!!!?"


Well-known member
It does not occur to IP, because he relies on commentaries instead of the Bible, that the LORD Jesus Christ had to ascend from the earth up through the principalities and powers of the air to get to his destination at the Father's right hand. They could not prevent his ascension, he triumphed over them.

But, he has not yet roared out of Zion (in his return) to destroy those principalities and powers.

Put down the commentaries, study your Bible.

It's like showing a chicken a card trick.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Do you have the anointing? If you send in your $6.66 "love gift," I will put in a good word for you with Darth Vader Knight, and get you an "anointed handkerchief" from the Holy Land!!!(Colorado).

Give the Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd a puh-raizzzzzzz clap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Puh-ray-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do I hear an "Ah-meyn!!!!!?"

Oh sure! I see you have been having belts with Otis again!


Well-known member
Do you have the anointing? If you send in your $6.66 "love gift," I will put in a good word for you with Darth Vader Knight, and get you an "anointed handkerchief" from the Holy Land!!!(Colorado).

Give the Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd a puh-raizzzzzzz clap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Puh-ray-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do I hear an "Ah-meyn!!!!!?"

Wonder what it sounds like when AndyC says "Puh-RAYZE Juh-EEE-zus!" with a Brit accent. Probably sounds like that creepy fat bartender guy.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh sure! I see you have been having belts with Otis again!

And you were having a few snorts with your local Morrison sisters, having the spirit of "Moonshine" in you, rabble rouser!!! Give the Guh-Low-ereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!!!


Well-known member
Give the Guh-Low-ereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!!!




Well-known member
STP pontificated:
It does not occur to IP, because he relies on commentaries instead of the Bible, that the LORD Jesus Christ had to ascend from the earth up through the principalities and powers of the air to get to his destination at the Father's right hand. They could not prevent his ascension, he triumphed over them.

But, he has not yet roared out of Zion (in his return) to destroy those principalities and powers.

I believe all that. (I'm the one quoting Eph 4...) I do not believe the roar out of Zion will be out of Jerusalem in the middle east. Because of Heb 12, 13. I do believe the victory that is in the Gospel, that we can express even as humans, is that they do not have the power which the Gospel has, or cannot stop it (prevail against it), as found in Col 2. Faith will become sight one day, but faith is still powerful.

The 'commentaries' I read are mostly the NT interp of the OT. Next in significance: the parallel doctrinal chapters.

Since people in 2P2P do neither, you have people like RD thinking there are no passages on the new covenant that are 1, present tense in usage or 2, have to do with justification from sins. (Notice how that topic has vanished while the 2P2Ps trade TV jokes).

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
STP pontificated:
It does not occur to IP, because he relies on commentaries instead of the Bible, that the LORD Jesus Christ had to ascend from the earth up through the principalities and powers of the air to get to his destination at the Father's right hand. They could not prevent his ascension, he triumphed over them.

But, he has not yet roared out of Zion (in his return) to destroy those principalities and powers.

I believe all that. (I'm the one quoting Eph 4...) I do not believe the roar out of Zion will be out of Jerusalem in the middle east. Because of Heb 12, 13. I do believe the victory that is in the Gospel, that we can express even as humans, is that they do not have the power which the Gospel has, or cannot stop it (prevail against it), as found in Col 2. Faith will become sight one day, but faith is still powerful.

The 'commentaries' I read are mostly the NT interp of the OT. Next in significance: the parallel doctrinal chapters.

Since people in 2P2P do neither, you have people like RD thinking there are no passages on the new covenant that are 1, present tense in usage or 2, have to do with justification from sins. (Notice how that topic has vanished while the 2P2Ps trade TV jokes).

The LORD has not roared out of Zion.


Well-known member
Yes, he should forget about the NT "interp" of the OT and realize that the Bible is a unit consisting of prophecy and mystery.

Nah, too straightforward, too simplistic. Unappealing. Boring. Where's the awesomely grand mysteriousness, the grave scholarship, the thrilling uncertainty in that? How is a commentarian supposed to have fun engaging your narrow b&w views? Where's the sacred gray, the divine ambiguousness? Where's my book sales?

"I don't understand the Bible," says IP, "buy my book and you won't understand it either!"

Just a reminder why he's really here.


Well-known member
Nah, too straightforward, too simplistic. Unappealing. Boring. Where's the awesomely grand mysteriousness, the grave scholarship, the thrilling uncertainty in that? How is a commentarian supposed to have fun engaging your narrow b&w views? Where's the sacred gray, the divine ambiguousness? Where's my book sales?

"I don't understand the Bible," says IP, "buy my book and you won't understand it either!"

Just a reminder why he's really here.

As further examples of how poorly you read and understand, most of them are about political correctness, as the ad shows. There is one essay book from some 10 years ago.

But finally we have it folks: the real mind of 2P2P. "We should forget about how the NT uses the OT." That is, the 2500 uses, taught by Christ during the seminar 40 days, are to be replaced by 2P2P heads from the 19th and 20th century.

A whole new meaning of replacement theology!


Well-known member
As further examples of how poorly you read and understand, most of them are about political correctness, as the ad shows. There is one essay book from some 10 years ago.

Right. Like your false, store-bought eschatology could never influence anything else you write.

You're TOL's Tim LaHaye of doubting the Bible.