Only a deluded dispy would misconstrue that statement.
How long did it take for you to GOOG that "deluded dispy" zinger? Weighty.
Only a lost person, such as yourself, who merely reads about the bible, not studying its details, and instead digs studying his/her Domino's menu, would assert that "Loving Jesus" saves.
Pay attention, wolf. The basis of a person's just, righteous standing, in front of a holy(the #1 attribute of the LORD God in the bible-not His love-survey the book of Isiah) LORD GOD, is not how much we "love" him, or how much He loves us. The basis: His grace, as it is written:
Ephesians 2 KJV
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 not of works, lest any man should boast.
The LORD God cannot, will not, "love" anyone into the third heaven. His love is one of His motivations-not the basis/grounds. He had to do something about the sin/sins issue; and He did, sending the Lord Jesus Christ to die in our place, as the satisfactory sin offering(propitiation), through the identification principle, and dying for our sins(plural), forgiving us of all trespasses, through the substitution principle.
Phrases such as "I love Jesus...give your heart to Jesus" may sound very romantic, but we are not saved by "falling in love with Jesus"-we are saved on the basis of grace, as a result of believing in the Lord Jesus Christ's finished work at Calvary and His resurrection 3 days later. Giving one's heart, life(commitment) is an activity of service to the Lord, and and, as such, service and dedication is something the LORD appeals to believers to do(Romans 12:1-2, for eg.). But this is service from those who have become his own. The biblical order is sonship, then service. Service, then sonship is a work-based performance system, as typified by the Roman Catholic Church, and "perverts the gospel of Christ"(Gal. 1:7). Statements such as " ...I believe salvation is a journey; it is not a moment in time" reflect this mindset and false doctrine. Sanctification is a journey, but justification is not. Justification is a "moment in time" declaration of righteousness based on the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ.