The Word of God is without contradiction.
Stan, have you ever watched a movie or read a book that contained a plot twist?
If so, then you know that what is true in one portion of it is not necessarily true later on. Does that make either part untrue? NO!
So why, when we say (and then show) that there are contradictions between what Paul says and what the Twelve say, you say "Oh, there's no contradiction there, it all means the same thing," when it clearly does not?
The Word of God does not teach truths that contradict one another.
The problem is that you think that things that are true in some situations are always true, when in other situations they're not true.
For example, I place a ball on a table.
A true statement would be that the ball is on the table, and not on the floor. But then I take the ball off of the table, and put int on the floor. Now I can make another true statement, the ball is on the floor, and not the table. Both statements are true... AT DIFFERENT TIMES, yet if they were true at the same time, they would contradict.
You and people like you try to force everything in the Bible to be true AT THE SAME TIME. I and people like me (Mid-Acts Dispensationalists), recognize that certain things in the Bible are true at different times, which allows us to read the Bible PLAINLY, AS-IS!
No forcing things to say the same thing when they clearly don't.
The truth is understood when apparent contradictions are reconciled.
There's that term again. "Reconciling" two passages that contradict is like putting a square peg in a round hole. IT DOESN'T WORK!
Why not just accept what each scripture says at face value, and try to figure out WHY they say different things?!
Any seeming contradictory truths are the result of our lack of insight.
:nono: You've got it backwards.
Your lack of insight into the overall big picture is what causes you to think that scriptures need to be "reconciled" with each other.
Shift your paradigm of thinking, Stan. I can't do it for you.
Tithing is Old Testament and not commanded for Christians;
Using your method of reading the Bible, I can show you that tithing should be done by "Christians."
In fact, you should sell all you have if you're a Christian, and give it to the poor, and follow Christ.
The thing is, it's not just the Old Testament that teaches to tithe. The New Testament does too.
But that would be dishonest of me, because it would only reinforce your paradigm of thinking, which would be counterproductive.
Stan, did you know that Paul and Peter (and the other Eleven) argued over what is doctrine?
If not, or you think that they didn't, then You need to read Paul's Epistles again.
only one baptism which is believers baptism by immersion;
[MENTION=15338]Right Divider[/MENTION] is better at addressing this, so I'll let him handle it, but basically, there is no water involved in being baptised into Christ. NONE.
saved by faith to do good works;
Are works required?
the timing of the rapture is not revealed.
Do you mean pre-trib vs mid-trib vs post-trib rapture? or do you mean when it will happen in general?
Tithing, child baptism, saved by works were introduced by men for their convenience ( Eph 4:14).
Tithing was a requirement of the Mosaic law, and one had to keep the Mosaic law to be saved. That's salvation by works.
Child baptism is a Catholic ritual not found in scripture.
Here's the deal, EVERY ISSUE you just mentioned is resolved (not reconciled,
resolved)simply by understanding ONE SINGLE PASSAGE in the Bible.