If God didn't know the future, exhaustively, then He would just be guessing, regarding prophecy. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows what will happen. He doesn't wait for the headlines. He is God. Man's steps are ordered by Him.He isn't a wait-and-see kinda' guy, He is God; and He knows the fingerprints of our great-great-grandchildren before we're born.God is the same: yesterday, today and forever. He isn't changed by anything. He is The Ancient of Days, but that is to explain eternity to the mind of one who experiences days and times and seasons. God has been, is now and always will be the same. Our experience (time/space) isn't anywhere near equal to The One Who sits upon the circle of the earth, which is time, a mere bubble, with a beginning and an end, which He created for our experience.It isn't possible for us to even begin to comprehend the vast scope of His Existence. He is eternal and has no limits, spatial or temporal. We have a specific finite number of brain cells and take up a speck of dust of space compared to The One Who is everywhere and everywhen all at once. We are not even similar to ants trying to look through through the magnifying glass to understand the human looking at us on the sidewalk, since He is so much above us that we cannot even see Him. He is above the speed of light, He is above time and space as we know it. He not only created this universe but He is beyond the capability of His creation to fathom. No one has seen Him and lived, because if anyone did see Him, they wouldn't dare draw another breath in this mess, compared to how beautiful and holy He is. We'd simply surrender our flesh to be with Him in Paradise. It is above us, beyond our comprehension and temporal beings simply cannot grasp or experience His wonders. To partake of Him requires spirit, which is above flesh far more than the human is above the ant. It is another realm altogether which we cannot begin to understand from an earthly perspective.