These are two mutually exclusive statements. If a woman should never have to legally give up her bodily autonomy then you offer no middle ground as any woman could get an abortion anytime and for any reason.
No, that's your own personal opinion. You keep saying there is no middle ground because you don't want there to be. You know that most people have no problem with early term abortions, so you want to force all pro choice people to defend late term abortions in hopes of turning people pro life.
I personally have no qualms with late term abortion for other people. I don't care. But I'm not stupid enough to think that most people would agree to that, so the proposed solution would allow women to keep their bodily autonomy, and not have to act as a life support system against their will. That's what's most important to me.
Maybe to you but it is very, very different for anyone who has given such comparisons more than a passing glance.
That may be your personal belief but legally speaking, you're wrong. She is legally obligated after week X.
You feel she should not be but she is.
That depends on the state. Some states have no limit on abortion.
So if a woman goes in for an abortion, the doctor should be able to say "OK but we're keeping the fetus alive against your wishes."?
Yes, because that wouldn't violate her rights to bodily autonomy.
Force her to give birth as in force her to go through labor and give birth to a living baby. Should a hospital be able to force her if the fetus is viable?
She'll give birth regardless. I've already answered this question. If they can remove the fetus alive then they can do so as long as it presents no added risks to the mother.
Medical necessity as in they will both die without intervention.
What if only the mother will die?
I am not sure how the quote is unclear. The charge/punishment would defend on the jurisdiction that the woman or abortionist lives in.
I'm not asking about Ron Paul's opinion. I'm asking about yours and what punishments you would like to see handed down to women that have abortions. Yet you can't even give me a straight answer or max/min prison term limit.
The charge would be
feticide. "Unlawful abortion may be considered "feticide", even if the pregnant woman consents to the abortion." The sentence would depend on a variety of other factors.
Why not premeditated murder? What factors would the sentence depend on?
Will it still be feticide if the pregnancy is not yet in the fetal stage? What if she's only 4 weeks pregnant?
Because she is not the one performing the procedure. Without the abortionist* there is no abortion.
*Even if it's the woman giving herself an abortion
The party directly responsible for the death would hold the most guilty, legally speaking.
So why is it that when a person hires a contract killer both are charged with murder?