Praise the Lord!
There is no new thing under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 1:9
Some Heart Has Gone This Way Before
Tho’ rough may be thy path, and long,
Remember! that with grief as sore,
And burdens larger far than thine,
Some heart has gone this way before.
Tho’ dark may be the gath’ring night;
Tho’ loud and long the storm may roar;
Take courage! thou art not the first,
Some heart has gone this way before.
Some heart has gone this way before,
Some feet have scaled this dizzy height;
Some yearning eyes have pierced the gloom,
And seen the dawn of Heaven’s light.
So thou, dear pilgrim, too, canst go;
Some day thy trials will be o’er;
For unto rest and peace beyond,
Some heart has gone this way before.
Trust then in Christ! His arm will guide
Each faithful one thro’ Jordan’s tide;
Hope on! the race will soon be past
And victory will come at last.
The days of the years of my pilgrimage.
Genesis 47:9
When My Pilgrimage Is Finished Here
When my pilgrimage is finished here,
And I am troubled by grief and despair,
Grace never failing awaits me on the other side;
When I have traveled the way with my Lord,
Counting the mileposts by faith in His Word,
Living and dying with Him by my side,
Sheltered above by His infinite love,
Praise the Lord! With Jesus I shall abide.
Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!
Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!