Dee Dee,
Yes,you answered it,but your answer is in direct contradiction of the word of the Lord Jesus Christ in the parable of the "wheat and tares".Are you telling us that that is your final answer,and we should believe you instead of the Lord Jesus Himself?
Well,since you do not want to discuss that,perhaps you will discuss the matter of the timing of the resurrection of the dead.We can see that it comes right after the "great tribulation":
"...and there shall be a time of trouble,such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time;and at that time thy people shall be delivered,every one that shall be written in the book.And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,some to everlasting life,and some to shame and everlasting contempt"(Dan.12:1,2).
But that does not fit your scenario,does it?
To add further weight,we can see that the TIME of the signs in heaven of the Olivet Discourse is described as "the end of the age" and "the last days"(Mt.24:3;Acts2:17,19).And we can also see that it is on the LAST DAY when the resurrection of the dead comes to pass:
"...And this is the will of Him Who sent Me,that I should lose none of all that He hath given Me,but raise them up in THE LAST DAY"(Jn.6:39).
So the "great tribulation" will occur in the "last days",and then the resurrection of the dead will occur on the very last day of that age.
So we can see in the prophecy of Daniel that the resurrection of the dead occurs after the great tribulation.And we can also see that the same resurrection occurs on the last day of the end of the age.
And since that did not happen in AD70,we can also be sure that the "great tribulation" did not occur then either.
In His grace,--Jerry