POST GAME SHOW - Battle Royale III

POST GAME SHOW - Battle Royale III

  • Jerry Shugart

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • Dee Dee Warren

    Votes: 15 57.7%

  • Total voters
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Dee Dee Warren

Well I am afraid its nothing to brag about.

What.... the fact that you are making progress??? :kiss:

What about the rest of what I had to say??

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Dee Dee,

Why do you even bother to come on this thread if you are taking a break from substanstive posting?

I know why you are taking a break.You cannot answer the points I raised.

O yes,you answered the parable of the "wheat and tares" by saying that the judgment is only for the unbelieving Jews.But by saying that,you are saying that the Lord Jesus is wrong,because He says that it is all the "unrighteous" who are gathered out of His kingdom.

But again you only prove that you have no respect for the words of the Lord Jesus Himself.

And you accuse me of misrepresenting what you said about the prophecies of Zechariah.Let me remind you that you did say that Zechariah 12:9 referred to the destruction of Jerusalem in AD70.Here are the words of Zechariah:

"And it shall come to pass,in that day,that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem"(Zech.12:9).

You said,"Again,if Jerry knew his ancient history well he would be aware that the Romans never prospered as they once did after AD70 and the Emire´s decline can well be placed as beginning at that very point."

You are saying that the defeat of Rome came when Jerusalem was defeated in Ad70 and in that way Rome was destroyed.Pitiful,Dee Dee.

If you are now denying what you said before,tell us when the Lord was the VICTOR when He defended Jerusalem.We see that the Lord will "fight against those nations,as when He fought in the day of battle"(Zech.14:3).

Since your theology has no place in the future when this can happen,and it did not happen in the past,you must FLAT OUT DENY that it will ever happen.You would rather believe the false theology that you have received from man and deny the plain truth that in the future the Lord Jesus will indeed fight against all the nations that will come against Jerusalem and defeat them.


We can see from Scripture that it is the sinner who BELIEVES GOD that are justified in the sight of the Lord:

"Abraham BELIEVED GOD,and it was counted to him for righteousness"(Ro.4:3).

You prove that you will believe ANYTHING that man teaches,and if the teaching of man conflicts with the word of God,you will believe the teaching of man every time.

Dee Dee Warren

Dear Jerry:

I will see you at the Back Alley when I am good and ready.

Why do you even bother to come on this thread if you are taking a break from substanstive posting?

I know why you are taking a break.You cannot answer the points I raised.

No, Jerry like I said on another thread, it is more because

1. I have had enough of you after dealing with you for two weeks

2. I am dealing with the fact that my brother was just diagnosed with cancer and I am worried about his prognosis

3. I am the board of directors of a large parachurch ministry that has a large event coming up that I must concentrate on

4. My husband is starting a Bible study for our community and needs my assistance

Sorry, Jerry, your points and misreprsentations do not rule my world.

Dee Dee Warren

Jerry, you neglected these questions:

It doesn't matter what particular point I made that you were refering to, are you standing by your slander that I hate God??


Are you calling me an unbeliever Jerry?? That is what you are insinuating here. Believers don't hate God.

Please answer those questions Jerry. And don't you fret. I find your aggression amusing. I look forward to thrashing you further. It will be my pleasure.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
You give me no evidence that you believe God,Dee Dee.Especially since you refuse to post any substanstive posts.As I said,every time you must choose between the teaching of man and the word of God,you choose the teaching of man.

I sincerely hope that you are saved,Dee Dee.But I see no evidence that you are.Prove me wrong.Show me that you believe the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ as He spoke in the parable of the "wheat and tares".

In that day when the Lord will judge the world there will be many who will say that in His name they did many wonderful works,but the Lord will say,"I never knew you"(Mt.7:23).

So again,I sincerely hope that you are saved.But if you are saved,I cannot understand why you continue to deny His plain words.Show me that I am wrong.Show me that you believe the Lord´s plain words.And you can start by demonstrating that you are not denying thewords of the Lord in the parable of the "wheat and the tares".

In His grace,--Jerry


New member

This is what you said I said:

"Jesus is not everlasting righteousness."

That is a big fat lie and you know it.

I never said that!Instead,I said that everlasting righteousness has not come unto Jerusalem.

And the Bride is not the church,so I never said that the Bride is unfaithful.The church is His Body,not the Bride.Can´t you tell the difference between the Body of Christ and the Bride?

And you say that the following verse has been fulfilled:

"Behold,He cometh with clouds,and EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM,and they also who pierced Him;and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him"(Rev.1:7).

When did every eye see Him coming in clouds?

I have asked you that question twice before,but you keep evading it.When did all the kindreds of the earth wail because of Him.

If this verse has already been fulfilled,then you should be able to tell me when it happened.

You know no shame.You false accuse another man of saying things that he never said.And then when you are caught,you refuse to repent and apologize.

Again,I never said that "Jesus is not everlasting righteousness".

That is a lie and you know it.You should be ashamed but instead you seem proud of the fact that you falsely accuse another man of making statements that he never said.

This is what you said I said:

"Jesus is not everlasting righteousness."

That is a big fat lie and you know it.

I never said that!Instead,I said that everlasting righteousness has not come unto Jerusalem.

Then who is Jesus? Everlasting righteousness or not?

Fact is everlasting righteousness came to Jerusalem, was crucified in Jerusalem, raised from the dead in Jerusalem and believed on by many in Jerusalem. What's yer point, hombre?

And the Bride is not the church,so I never said that the Bride is unfaithful.The church is His Body,not the Bride.Can´t you tell the difference between the Body of Christ and the Bride?

Eph:5:21: Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
Eph:5:22: Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
Eph:5:23: For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
Eph:5:24: Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Eph:5:25: Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Eph:5:26: That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
Eph:5:27: That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

Eph:5:28: So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
Eph:5:29: For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:

Eph:5:30: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
Eph:5:31: For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
Eph:5:32: This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

Eph:5:33: Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Obviously to some it is still a mystery, one that they will never solve.

And you say that the following verse has been fulfilled:

"Behold,He cometh with clouds,and EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM,and they also who pierced Him;and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him"(Rev.1:7).

When did every eye see Him coming in clouds?

I have asked you that question twice before,but you keep evading it.

I never said that verse was fulfilled, even if it has been, I never said it. I said Zechariah 12:10 is the verse that John 19:37 speaks of and says it is fulfilled, can't you read?

Besides Jerry can you even see how you bear false witness and contradict yourself by saying I said it was fulfilled then state I have never answered the question.

Quid pro quo Jerry, QUOTE it or APOLOGIZE for bearing false witness

You know no shame.You false accuse another man of saying things that he never said.And then when you are caught,you refuse to repent and apologize.

Ain't no shame in exposing darkness and hating every evil way.

You did say those things, I quoted you and you are still saying those things. Seems like it is you who will not repent.

Now you even go so far as to lie about Dee Dee, Jack S, and myself, and if there are others (i.e.Thayer) which I have no doubt you still refuse to humble yourself with apology, let alone ask for forgiveness.

Again,I never said that "Jesus is not everlasting righteousness".

That is a lie and you know it.You should be ashamed but instead you seem proud of the fact that you falsely accuse another man of making statements that he never said

Like I said Jerry, who is Jesus and did He not go to Jerusalem?

Nuff said.
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Dee Dee Warren

Dear Jerry:

I pity you. I have nothing to prove to you, but at least it is out in the open. You elevate eschatology to a salvation issue.

So... Jerry... are you aware that RC Sproul is a preterist and would agree with most of what I have said to you. (doctrinally), do you question his salvation??

What about D. James Kennedy, I have heard that he embraces preterism (if I am wrong, somebody please show me where I can correct that impression), are you questioning his salvation??

What about Kenneth Gentry?? Gary DeMar?? All those preterists, are you questioning their salvation??

Hank Hanegraaf?? What about him?? He has not openly embraced preterism but has given some very strong indications (as even Tommy Ice has noted) that he will?? What about his salvation??

Dee Dee Warren

So Knight... what do you think about that?? Do you agree that because one holds to an orthodox preterist interpretation of the Bible that calls one's salvation into question??

Dee Dee Warren

And Jerry, I am not calling your salvation into question, but you need to do a real heart check. I just told you that my brother has cancer. No matter what you have said to me or any tiffs we have had, my immediate response if you said something like that would be (before I proceeded to thrash you doctrinally) would be something along the lines of.... "Jerry, I am so sorry to hear that... I will pray for you." What did I get from you (on the 70 weeks thread)??? .... something along the lines of.... Well then Dee Dee, why don't you just go and take your break some place else then?

And Jerry, let's just go under your assumption that I am a pagan.... is THIS the way you "witness"???

Ewww. :down: I wouldn't be that cold to Evangelion.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Dee Dee,

You asked me whether or not I believe you are saved.

I answered you honestly.What did you want me to do,lie?

And I do not elevate eschatology to a salvation issue.I told you beforte that I judge whether or not one is saved based on whether or not one believes God.

If you were not prepared for my answer,then you should have not asked me the question.

And no,this is not the way I witness to the truth of God.However,you are a special case because you are on a public forum and your teaching can lead others astray.Therefore,I am treating you diffently than I would someone who has never heard the gospel.

And Dee Dee,I am sorry that your brother has cancer.But we all have problems,and many of us have problems much worse than yours.However,it is in the periods of time that we are going through serious problems that we grow the most.

And I am not condemning all those who hold your views as unsaved.However,I would question the salvation of anyone who would continue to hold those views after having been shown the truth and continue to insist that they are not in error.

You asked me for my opinion and I told you.

It seems to me that NOW all anyone is interested in is attempting to somehow denegrate the other person,instead of discussing the issues in a reasonable manner.Why would you even botherr to come on these forums if you are taking a rest from substantive issues?

Dee Dee Warren

Dear Jerry:

You are being ridiculous.

You asked me whether or not I believe you are saved. I answered you honestly.What did you want me to do,lie?

No, I wanted to expose how you elevate eschatology to a salvational issue since you made plenty of insinuations but did not have the guts to come right out and say it.

And I do not elevate eschatology to a salvation issue.I told you beforte that I judge whether or not one is saved based on whether or not one believes God.

Completely circular, since by your defintion, if one is not a futurist, then one does not believe God, then one is not saved. A rose by another name.....

If you were not prepared for my answer,then you should have not asked me the question.

I was completely prepared for it, and I pity you for it.

And no,this is not the way I witness to the truth of God.However,you are a special case because you are on a public forum and your teaching can lead others astray.Therefore,I am treating you diffently than I would someone who has never heard the gospel.

The context of my question Jerry was your completely callous remark on the other thread when I told you that my brother has cancer..... It was not your behavior in the debate...

And Dee Dee,I am sorry that your brother has cancer.But we all have problems,and many of us have problems much worse than yours.However,it is in the periods of time that we are going through serious problems that we grow the most.

What you give with one hand, you take away with the other.

And I am not condemning all those who hold your views as unsaved.However,I would question the salvation of anyone who would continue to hold those views after having been shown the truth and continue to insist that they are not in error.

So I ask again abuot RC Sproul, D. James Kennedy, Kenneth Gentry, Gary DeMar, and Hank Hanegraaf?? Are you presuming that these men don't understand futurism??

You asked me for my opinion and I told you.

Yes, wonders never cease, for once you actually answered a question.

s to me that NOW all anyone is interested in is attempting to somehow denegrate the other person,instead of discussing the issues in a reasonable manner.Why would you even botherr to come on these forums if you are taking a rest from substantive issues?

And that is your business because??? Maybe because I enjoy the fellowship?? Maybe because its a good distraction?? Maybe because I just darn well fell like it and don't care if you approve or not?? You are a real piece of work. I am going to enjoy thrasing you some more.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member

The Lord Jesus Christ brought in "everlasting righteousness" to all that believe.Just because the Lord Jesus went to Jerusalem does not mean that "everlasting righteousness"came upon the children of Israel or upon Jerusalem.That is NOT the meaning of the following verse:

"Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city,to finish the transgression,and to make an end of sins,and to make reconciliation for iniquity,and to bring in everlasting righteousness,and to seal up the vision and prophecy,and to annoint the most Holy"(Dan.9:24).

And you quote some verses I presume you think proves that the church is the bride,but you proved nothing.Again,it is obvious that you do not understand the difference between the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ.The Church is His Body,not His bride.

And you can´t seem to realize that the words of prophecy can be fulfilled more than once,even though I have demonstrated that it can.You now will not say whether or not Revelation 1:7 has been fulfilled.All you are doing is dodging the point that we are discussing.

According to you,if it is fulfilled,it cannot be fulfilled again.But we see that even after the prophecy was fulfilled,it is fulfilled again.There is nothing that can limit how many times a prophecy can be fulfilled.


New member
And you quote some verses I presume you think proves that the church is the bride,but you proved nothing.Again,it is obvious that you do not understand the difference between the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ.The Church is His Body,not His bride.

Eph:5:31: For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
Eph:5:32: This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

Enlighten us with God's word then Jerry. If this proves nothing concerning the Lord's Bride then we must forsake what the Bible OBVIOUSLY says and rely on you Jerry. I think it is obvious. Just as obvious as John 19:37 says Zech 12:10 is fulfilled.

The Lord Jesus Christ brought in "everlasting righteousness" to all that believe.Just because the Lord Jesus went to Jerusalem does not mean that "everlasting righteousness"came upon the children of Israel or upon Jerusalem.That is NOT the meaning of the following verse:

I realize the fallacy of your thinking now.

You seem to feel God's promises are dependant upon people and not upon God's Soverignty.

Because most Jews live in unbelief of Jesus as Messiah then God's word is of no effect, the promises that were to be fulfilled in a SPECIFIC time period cannot be fulfilled, even though the NT preaches it front to back, becuase the nation of the Jews have not attained everlasting righteousness.

Well Jerry, then you must show us from the Bible how they will attain this righteousness in unbelief.

How will this be fulfilled? BOOK CHAPTER VERSE please!

What did Jesus do while ministering to Israel? And why is what He did so special?

You never did answer that. You never did quote what you accused me of either! At least I was honest enough to show you from your own mouth that you do pervert the truth and lie without shame.

As much as it pains me to say it, I question your salvation Jerry with great severity! You deny Jesus Christ in most everything you say. If the Lord return today, let Him have mercy on you but more so let Him give you a heart of repentance before that great and final day.
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New member
Dee Dee,

Do I understand you to have said that you are taking a rest from substantive issues? Hey, I feel like that today myself! I even wrote a poem on the dispy thread! But if ANYONE needs a REST, YOU DO! After 10 rounds with a disp, and THEN some, ANYONE WOULD!

Dee Dee Warren

Dear Rapt:

Yes, I am taking a rest. I am just bopping in and around enjoying the fellowship and the discussions. Also, before the debate, I had promised to answer a few questions for someone I had met here (by private correspondence) and I want to make good on my promise. He has been waiting patiently for several weeks so I do want to get to that as well. I'll still be around though for I think Jerry would feel naked without the thorn in his side.

Dee Dee Warren

And FYI, we will know more on my brother's prognosis on Tuesday I hope. Things have been going maddeningly slow.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Dee Dee,

For your information,the only thing you have thrashed is the Holy Scriptures.

For example,the Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF tells the parable of the "wheat and tares".In that parable He likens the FIELD to the WORLD.And He says:

"The field is the world;the good seed are the children of the kingdom,but the tares are the children of the wicked one.

"The enemy that soweth them is the devil;the harvest is the end of the age;and the reapersare the angels.

"As,therefore,the tares are gathered and burned in the fire,so shall it be at the end of this age.

"The Son of Man shall send forth His angels,and they shall gather out of His kingdom ALL THINGS THAT OFFEND,and them who do iniquity,

"And shall cast them into a furnace of fire;thereshall be wailing and gnashing of teeth"(Mt.13:38-42).

Now you must realize that these are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ.He is teaching that at the end of the age that ALL THINGS THAT OFFEND will be taken out of the world.

But you cannot believe Him,can you?And why is that?

It is because His teaching goes against what you believe.According to your ideas,only the unrighteous Jews will be taken out of His kingdom.So instead of believing His plain words,you do not believe and therefore you can continue to cling to your false beliefs.

The Lord´s teaching is clear that ALL the unrighteous will be thrust out of His kingdom:

"I tell you,I know you not from where ye are;depart from Me,ALL YE WORKERS OF INIQUITY.

"There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth,when ye shall see Abraham,and Isaac,and Jacob,and all the prophets,in the kingdom of God,and you yourself thrust out"(Lk.13:27,28).

Dee Dee,as you can see,this is not just about only the unrighteous Jews being cast out of the kingdom,but instead it is about ALL WORKERS OF INIQUITY.

Why can´t you believe His words,Dee Dee?

Dee Dee Warren

And so that it does not get lost in the shuffle:

So I ask again abuot RC Sproul, D. James Kennedy, Kenneth Gentry, Gary DeMar, and Hank Hanegraaf?? Are you presuming that these men don't understand futurism?? And if they do, and have rejected it, are you questioning their salvation as well??

Dee Dee Warren

Jerry, Jerry, quite contrary, how does your argument go??
By ignoring answers and repeating things,
And dodged questions all in a row.

See Rapt... I am waxing poetic today too.

Here is another one for you Jer... a text without a context is a pretext. So asked and answered many times over.

Dee Dee Warren

If you really have so much time on your hands why don't you start answering the issues I outlined that you dodgedly avoided in Round 10? Post your answers in the Back Alley, and I will give you the further thrashing that you are begging for.
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