Pagan Mary Worship


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Catholics aren't supposed to pray TO the statues - that would be worshipping a graven image.
But they do.
Even their pope and priests bow and pray to the statues.
And they have done it consistently through history.
So where do you get the idea that RCC members are not supposed to do what their pope and leaders have done throughout history?

Ben Masada

New member
Catholics aren't supposed to pray TO the statues - that would be worshipping a graven image. Praying in front of a statue is no different than praying while holding your Bible, while looking at the clouds, while looking at a sunset, or even while imagining God or heaven. None of that is idolatry, just as worshipping in front of a statue is not idolatry. Catholics don't believe the statue itself is anything other than a piece of marble or wood or whatever. Again, I'm not saying there aren't individual Catholics who do make the mistake of praying to an idol, but that's not consistent with Catholic belief or teaching.

Well, Pollice, I am not a Bishop but, I assign yourself with a mission today: To instruct Catholic peasants who indeed worship the graven images of Mary. Then they carry Mary's statue in a procession on the shoulders of 4 people through the streets till they get into a church with it and, many even pray before her asking for a miracle. Some go further and kiss the statue or touch it and kiss their fingers. I wonder how close one is to get to be committing and act of idolatry.

Pollice Verso

New member
But they do.
Even their pope and priests bow and pray to the statues.
And they have done it consistently through history.
So where do you get the idea that RCC members are not supposed to do what their pope and leaders have done throughout history?

They don't pray to statues - they pray to Christ, Who those statues represent.


The most textbook example of idolatry is when a number of Jews made a golden calf in the absence of Moses. They melted down their jewelry and worshiped the physical idol itself as God, being an incantation of prosperity.

So bowing down to statues of saints is not idolatry, though there are things which do the Catholic Church no justice such as hallowing water and objects. In fact, there's Gnostic roots in that though they'll never admit it :rolleyes:


Get your armor ready!
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They don't pray to statues - they pray to Christ, Who those statues represent.
Let's see about that.

[FONT=&quot]Every good, every help, every grace which men have received and will receive from God until the End of Time, came, and will come, to them by the intercession and through the hands of Mary . . . the whole Trinity gave thee a name, O Mary, which after that of thy most holy Son is above every name, so that at thy name every knee should genuflect in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue should confess the grace, the glory, and the power of thy most holy name.[/FONT]
- Raymond Jordano[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]All the Elect obtain eternal salvation through the means of Mary.

[FONT=&quot]- St. Ildephonsus[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]No man is delivered or preserved from the world-wide snares of Satan except through Mary; and God grants His graces to no one except through her alone.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]- St. Germanus of Constantinople[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]She opens the abyss of God's mercy to whomsoever she wills, when she wills, and as she wills, so that there is no sinner however great who is lost if Mary protects him . . . All men: past, present, and to come, should look upon Mary as the means and negotiator of the salvation of all ages.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]- St. Bernard[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]All gifts, virtues, and graces of the Holy Ghost are administered by the hands of Mary to whomsoever she desires, when she desires, and in the manner she desires, and to whatever degree[/FONT]
she desires.

- St. Bernardine of Siena

[FONT=&quot]All the Saints have a great devotion to Our Lady: no grace comes from Heaven without passing through her hands. We cannot go into a house without speaking to the doorkeeper. Well, the Holy Virgin is the doorkeeper of Heaven.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]- St. John Mary Vianney[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]We had closed Paradise; you, O Mary, opened the entryway to the tree of life again . . . You are the bridge to life, the staircase to Heaven! [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]- St. John Damascene[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Holy Scripture was written for Mary, about Mary, and on account of Mary.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]- St. Bernard

I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

And folks still wonder WHY folks in the RCC worship her.


Pagan Mary Worship

They really believe that Mary gave birth to the creator of the Universe.

SICK, and most churches still believe it. SAD.

Was not Adam created in the image of God?

Dust, Soul and Mind?

Is not the Father the Picture of Wisdom?

Is not the Son the Flesh, as the Word became Flesh?
Was the Protoevangelium not etched into Genisis?

Is not the Spirit of Elohim the very Soul of God?

Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary

Ben Masada

New member
The most textbook example of idolatry is when a number of Jews made a golden calf in the absence of Moses. They melted down their jewelry and worshiped the physical idol itself as God, being an incantation of prosperity.

So bowing down to statues of saints is not idolatry, though there are things which do the Catholic Church no justice such as hallowing water and objects. In fact, there's Gnostic roots in that though they'll never admit it :rolleyes:

So bowing down to statues of saints is not idolatry, though there are things which do the Catholic Church no justice such as hallowing water and objects. In fact, there's Gnostic roots in that though they'll never admit it :rolleyes:

You are right to remind me of that act of idolatry played by the Jews when they built the golden calf when Moses was away up on the mount but, I don't see much of a difference from collecting money from the offerings of Catholics to buy a beautiful statue of Mary, Jesus, or some of the saints and take them out in a procession on the shoulders of four carriers till getting into a church and praying before the statues even asking for a miracle.

Pollice Verso

New member
Let's see about that.

And folks still wonder WHY folks in the RCC worship her.

From the Catholic Catechism:

"This very special devotion ... differs essentially from the adoration which is given to the incarnate Word and equally to the Father and the Holy Spirit, and greatly fosters this adoration."

In other words, honor Mary, worship God.

Right Divider

Body part
I stand by CC on this matter.

The idea that we fight denomination against denomination is disgusting.

1 Corinthians 1:13 (HCSB)

13 Is Christ divided? Was it Paul who was crucified for you? Or were you baptized in Paul’s name?

Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary
Sadly, you are falling for lies and seem not to care about standing firm in the truth.


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They don't pray to statues - they pray to Christ, Who those statues represent.

The statues are NOT of their idea of image of Jesus, they are as often Mary, which is the Roman image of Minerva, the virgin goddess. The statues are said to be like a living being, which heal and bleed.

Pollice Verso

New member
The statues are NOT of their idea of image of Jesus, they are as often Mary, which is the Roman image of Minerva, the virgin goddess. The statues are said to be like a living being, which heal and bleed.

There may be some who believe this, but it is not the official teaching of the church.


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It does not matter. You may know some Catholics say they do not care for the pope, they just like being Catholic. Catholics are strange; they believe they can sin all week long, then go to confession, and sin again.

Pollice Verso

New member
It does not matter. You may know some Catholics say they do not care for the pope, they just like being Catholic. Catholics are strange; they believe they can sin all week long, then go to confession, and sin again.

This is an unfair stereotype. Are all Protestants snake handlers? Or are they lawless sinners who are saved because they "prayed the prayer" when they were 5 years old? Stereotypes and generalizations are unseemly on all sides.


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I went to a regular Catholic church and in comes the "priest" all dressed up in high regalia, with incense clapping away. They thing they do magic and can change bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ (transubstantiation). I guess with all the pomp and ceremony, they thing their sacred rituals are truly magical!

I seem here, Catholicism is atheism in the making, when the kids grow up! Until I can to TOL, I did believe it was just another 'holy roller' church.