pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


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You keep bringing up the old testament, if Jesus was like you, he would have helped them stone the woman caught in adultery!

Answer the question. Was Abram wrong in going out and rescuing Lot?


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His Name is Jealous and His love is first and foremostly directed at Himself and His Father's glory. You and your kind try to deny Him that glory while giving it to Satan and by him to mankind.
And your a false prophet! Right I'm off.


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My children have come to see me, so I have to go, but just think of this, would you still drop the Hiroshima bomb, of your children were there?

Think hard about that!
Yes, if it meant ending war. I would. Because I know that my children would be going to heaven.


Well-known member
Answer the question. Was Abram wrong in going out and rescuing Lot?
Abraham wanted to save as many as possible, not just lot, and it was God who destroyed Sodom not Abraham.

We should have the same heart as Abraham, and want to save as many as we can through Christ Jesus.

Sorry I have to go, my daughters are here to see me.


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Abraham wanted to save as many as possible, not just lot, and it was God who destroyed Sodom not Abraham.

We should have the same heart as Abraham, and want to save as many as we can through Christ Jesus.

Sorry I have to go, my daughters are here to see me.

So if the goal is to save as many as possible, then why was dropping the two bombs to end the war not a good option? Tell me Marhig, would going into Japan and preaching Christ have saved anyone? No, you would have been jailed or even executed just for being an American, they probably would have thought you a spy. Use your head, for once.


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Abraham wanted to save as many as possible, not just lot, and it was God who destroyed Sodom not Abraham.

We should have the same heart as Abraham, and want to save as many as we can through Christ Jesus.

Sorry I have to go, my daughters are here to see me.
And Abraham took ARMED servants, who were trained, even, and went out and conquered those who took Lot.

America sent trained soldiers to war against the Axis powers, to stop them from killing innocent Jews, civilians, and others. We conquered them.


New member
And your a false prophet! Right I'm off.

If you insist on insulting me at least do so with grammatical correctness. I feel more insulted by your tardiness. "your as possessive" "You're as contractions".

The only prophets on earth today are false prophets and so, yet again, you display ignorance, even in insult.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Those born of God should not condone war and killing, we are to bring peace and love to one another.

yeah we did

the japs surrendered and there was peace

we loved them so much we helped rebuild their country

you, on the other hand, would have had us surrendering to an aggressive militaristic japan that had already raped and killed (literally) millions of its neighbors :kookoo:


New member
There is no good in murdering anyone, and to drop a nuclear bomb on people is not of God!

God's people are here to bring the good news to others and bring the love of God and life of Christ to all we meet, not kill one another!
The Truman administration was not a religious organization. It was the hand of God used for his purposes.


New member
JR the world will go to war, Jesus said there will be wars and rumours of wars, these are of the world. Those born of God are not to put the hand to killing another.

God has nothing to do with man's wars!
God has everything to do with Man's wars. He uses them for his purposes. It seems to me the a bombs dropped on Japan had Gods hand behind them. Look at Japan today compared to what it would have been without them.


New member
God has everything to do with Man's wars. He uses them for his purposes. It seems to me the a bombs dropped on Japan had Gods hand behind them. Look at Japan today compared to what it would have been without them.

The effect cannot exist without the cause and the Almighty is The First Cause.

Aren't these things so obvious that it makes you want to :bang:


New member
My children have come to see me, so I have to go, but just think of this, would you still drop the Hiroshima bomb, of your children were there?

Think hard about that!
Truster did not drop the bomb. A pilot following orders dropped that bomb. He should not join the military if he didn't understand that the military is a tool of God for his purposes.


New member
Abraham wanted to save as many as possible, not just lot, and it was God who destroyed Sodom not Abraham.

We should have the same heart as Abraham, and want to save as many as we can through Christ Jesus.

Sorry I have to go, my daughters are here to see me.
Truman also wanted to save as many as possible and that's exactly what he did!