pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


New member
Matthew 10:34. "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.
35 "For I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law';
36 "and 'a man's enemies will be those of his own household.'

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New member
But you know what. I just realized something. The Bible has caused me and my mother to stop speaking to each other. That verse I just put in made me think because my Lutheran mother thinks I'm crazy. So maybe it's a literal like war sword and the Bible. Both. What do you think?

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Matthew 10:34. "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.
35 "For I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law';
36 "and 'a man's enemies will be those of his own household.'

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It is not so hard to understand. Look at this forum for starter. We are arguing and bickering about Jesus.

My family don't agree completely, in fact, my husband and I are not in the same path spiritually.


New member
God placed people in positions of power. He uses Satan's minions to punish for vengeance. If tribulations is the day of the lord than why would you say it isn't Jesus that brings the tribulations? Doesn't Satan have to get permission? Hasn't God allowed Satan full reign with parameters? Wasn't this outlined in the book of Job? He comes like a thief in the night.

For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

What is the day of the lord? Some say it is the Devils wrath. I disagree. The book of Job tells me God is in control at all times.

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New member

From: Tony Galli
Subject: No One Knows The Day Or Hour


At the Time of the End, the wise shall understand. Dan 12:10

Understanding the expression "No man knows the day or hour" is not possible
by simply taking the English translation literally, because in the book of
Daniel and the Book of Revelation, we are given EXACT descriptions of
timing, relative to KEY events - such as the shutting down of the altar
sacrifices in Jerusalem at the MID-POINT of the 70th week. Dan 9:27

Jesus was asked, "When shall these things be?" Matt 24:3

His answer ties us in to a very specific event (The Abomination of

It is now clear that "no man knows the day or hour" does NOT mean "no man
knows the day or hour" as we read it from a modern-day English perspective.

>From his book "Signs In the Heavens" by Avi Ben Mordechai, he devotes a
chapter to explaining what "no man knows the day or hour" truly means from
a rabbinical Hebraic perspective. It is a figure of speech.

The following chapter contains edited excerpts from Avi Ben Mordechai's
commentaries and builds on them aiming to explain that the Holy Bible does
in fact reveal the "day and hour" or "exact timing" of our Lord's Return.

No One Knows the Day or the Hour?

Christians over the centuries have separated themselves from their Hebraic
roots causing the misunderstanding of key Jewish biblical idioms. An idiom
is also a figure of speech. When Y'shua (Jesus) uttered His famous words
concerning the Messianic Era in Mattityahu (Matthew) 24:26, "No one knows
about that day or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but
only the Father", He used a common Jewish figure of speech referring to a
specific Jewish Festival. In essence He was saying, "I am coming for My
Bride on such and such a

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From: Tony Galli
Subject: No One Knows The Day Or Hour


At the Time of the End, the wise shall understand. Dan 12:10

Understanding the expression "No man knows the day or hour" is not possible
by simply taking the English translation literally, because in the book of
Daniel and the Book of Revelation, we are given EXACT descriptions of
timing, relative to KEY events - such as the shutting down of the altar
sacrifices in Jerusalem at the MID-POINT of the 70th week. Dan 9:27

Jesus was asked, "When shall these things be?" Matt 24:3

His answer ties us in to a very specific event (The Abomination of

It is now clear that "no man knows the day or hour" does NOT mean "no man
knows the day or hour" as we read it from a modern-day English perspective.

>From his book "Signs In the Heavens" by Avi Ben Mordechai, he devotes a
chapter to explaining what "no man knows the day or hour" truly means from
a rabbinical Hebraic perspective. It is a figure of speech.

The following chapter contains edited excerpts from Avi Ben Mordechai's
commentaries and builds on them aiming to explain that the Holy Bible does
in fact reveal the "day and hour" or "exact timing" of our Lord's Return.

No One Knows the Day or the Hour?

Christians over the centuries have separated themselves from their Hebraic
roots causing the misunderstanding of key Jewish biblical idioms. An idiom
is also a figure of speech. When Y'shua (Jesus) uttered His famous words
concerning the Messianic Era in Mattityahu (Matthew) 24:26, "No one knows
about that day or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but
only the Father", He used a common Jewish figure of speech referring to a
specific Jewish Festival. In essence He was saying, "I am coming for My
Bride on such and such a

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what's your point? Are you suggesting that never mind about Jesus' teaching or word because the end is near?


New member
If you don't see my point, is actually Jesus point because he is the one who is telling you the day by telling you "you won't know the day or hour." You must know the Hebraic perspective to interpret the Bible

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If you don't see my point, is actually Jesus point because he is the one who is telling you the day by telling you "you won't know the day or hour." You must know the Hebraic perspective to interpret the Bible

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I don't believe you have to be linguist to know Jesus and His teaching.

His gospel is not complicated that even children can understand.


Well-known member
Actually Jesus brings a sword to every nation. Literally through Satan's minions. The Bible is a double edged sword.

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What? The sword is the word of God, and that certainly doesn't come through Satan or any minions.

Being double edged means it cuts in every direction.


Well-known member
Matthew 10:34. "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.
35 "For I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law';
36 "and 'a man's enemies will be those of his own household.'

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Yes and that's still the word of God, once you speak Gods word, even your own family can turn against you and become your enemies because they don't believe! I've spoken to some people friends and family and they've been hard and not wanted to know and they've fought against it.

Some friends and family just don't bother with you or think you're strange because you've changed and they don't want to know about the things of God.


Well-known member
But you know what. I just realized something. The Bible has caused me and my mother to stop speaking to each other. That verse I just put in made me think because my Lutheran mother thinks I'm crazy. So maybe it's a literal like war sword and the Bible. Both. What do you think?

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I honestly wrote my last post before reading this.

Yes that's right, only with the people I know, they don't want the know about the things of God. At the moment anyway, but there's always hope :)

One was laughing at me telling me not to bother him and his wife, and not to talk to them, they are past redemtion!


Well-known member
God placed people in positions of power. He uses Satan's minions to punish for vengeance. If tribulations is the day of the lord than why would you say it isn't Jesus that brings the tribulations? Doesn't Satan have to get permission? Hasn't God allowed Satan full reign with parameters? Wasn't this outlined in the book of Job? He comes like a thief in the night.

For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

What is the day of the lord? Some say it is the Devils wrath. I disagree. The book of Job tells me God is in control at all times.

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The only way Jesus brings tribulation is through the word of God that some people don't want to hear. And he troubles and prick's their hearts. They love the world and their flesh and they don't want to know about God as they love their life first. (Those that crucified Jesus did it because he spoke the truth and they didn't like it, it cut them to the heart and they wanted him gone)

It's us that cause our own troubles because we listen to Satan. And live by the lusts of our flesh. Satan is of this world, he is able to toss us to and fro without God and Christ.

God through Christ lifts us out of the pit and brings us from death to life, darkness to light, if we believe in his word, have faith and live by the will of God, and he will give us the power to overcome by the spirit.


New member
Matthew 10:34. "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.
35 "For I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law';
36 "and 'a man's enemies will be those of his own household.'

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Do you actually think that that situation is how Jesus WANTS things to be? He was simply giving us a heads-up to how things would turn out for his followers. He didn't endorse that kind of activity. It's ridiculous to say that he did. He hates violence, and warfare is at the top of his hate list.