pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


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What a coincidence, so do I. But I'm not sure that we are thinking of the same type of government. What form would your ideal government have? Would it be a democracy? a republic? perhaps even a benevolent monarchy?

A constitutional monarchy.


New member

Pacifism is about no conflict at all, which will not be possible until Christ returns.

Daniel 7:25 KJV
(25) And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

It doesn't sound like the saints are supposed to be fighting back with weapons of war.


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Should it be possible for believers?

Believers are to, where possible, live at peace with their neighbors.

If a person in the military becomes a Christian, should they leave the military?


Daniel 7:25 KJV
(25) And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

It doesn't sound like the saints are supposed to be fighting back with weapons of war.

Once again, using passages that describe the END TIMES(!) to go against believers being in the military is called taking things out of context.

Why do I have to keep repeating myself on this?


Believers are to, where possible, live at peace with their neighbors.

Do you believe that Christians should join the military?

What do you mean by saying if possible? Should not Christians live the same at all times, that is, without compromise?


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Do you believe that Christians should join the military?

If they feel like it, sure.

What do you mean by saying if possible? Should not Christians live the same at all times, that is, without compromise?

Because living at peace with one's neighbor is not always possible.

Lazy afternoon

Once again, using passages that describe the END TIMES(!) to go against believers being in the military is called taking things out of context.

Why do I have to keep repeating myself on this?

We are in the end times now as described by Christ in Mat.ch24 and 6.

It just might be the Lord Himself warning Christians to stay out of the military because it is not the Christians way to conquer their enemies, particularly as God has shown in the Bible many times that He has raised up enemies of the flesh minded believers in order that they might repent of their ungodly behavior and even be destroyed if they do not turn from their wicked ways.
(Psalm 20:7)

( Psalm 81:13-14)



If they feel like it, sure.

Because living at peace with one's neighbor is not always possible.

What if peace for someone else depends on the one who believes? Recklessness is not the answer, to either of these.

For example, if someone just feels like joining the military is that a good decision? Because maybe a pacifist would join the military. Meaning, someone might justify their doing so, rather than condemning a person for being associated with those who kill for a living.


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We are in the end times now as described by Christ in Mat.ch24 and 6.


Your misapplication of scripture is what causes you to believe the strangest ideas.

To remedy that, I recommend you read the Bible from cover to cover.

It just might be the Lord Himself warning Christians to stay out of the military because it is not the Christians way to conquer their enemies, particularly as God has shown in the Bible many times that He has raised up enemies of the flesh minded believers in order that they might repent of their ungodly behavior and even be destroyed if they do not turn from their wicked ways.
(Psalm 20:7)

( Psalm 81:13-14)


Like I said... :kookoo:


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What if peace for someone else depends on the one who believes?

Covered by...

If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. - Romans 12:18

Recklessness is not the answer, to either of these.


For example, if someone just feels like joining the military is that a good decision? Because maybe a pacifist would join the military. Meaning, someone might justify their doing so, rather than condemning a person for being associated with those who kill for a living.


Is joining the military about killing foreigners who have committed capital crimes?

What does it mean to protect our freedom?

Is it ever okay to kill?

Murder is against the Law. Does this include killing, including killing murderers? What does the Torah say about what is involved in this, rather than joining the military?


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Is joining the military about killing foreigners who have committed capital crimes?


It's about protecting the innocent.

What does it mean to protect our freedom?

Again, protect the innocent.

Is it ever okay to kill?

Under the authority of one's government, yes.

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. - Romans 12:19

Murder is against the Law.


Does this include killing,

No, you've got it backwards.

Murder is a subset of killing.

including killing murderers?

Killing murderers for their crimes is just.

What does the Torah say about what is involved in this, rather than joining the military?

No idea what you mean.



It's about protecting the innocent.

Again, protect the innocent.

Under the authority of one's government, yes.

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. - Romans 12:19


No, you've got it backwards.

Murder is a subset of killing.

Killing murderers for their crimes is just.

No idea what you mean.

I am asking if you know about the avenger of blood, a family member of the deceased the one murdered. This is different from a military or executioner/executioners.

Do not murder
Do not kill

both of these commandments are found in scripture

what of killing a murderer though.

Is protecting the innocent an noble idea but does it work or is it right?

If vengeance is God's is this by the military?

How does a person take that upon themself? Is it even possible to rightly do so?

You said that killing murderers for their crimes is just. Only the crime of murder or what? What crimes are you talking about that a person should die for? I wonder if you go by the Torah, God's Law, His commandments, and if the Law is for today (sorry for this).


New member
Believers are to, where possible, live at peace with their neighbors.


Once again, using passages that describe the END TIMES(!) to go against believers being in the military is called taking things out of context.

Why do I have to keep repeating myself on this?

Considering that no man knows the day nor the hour of Christ's return, what special event are you waiting for to tell you that it is no longer acceptable to kill your enemies?


Well-known member
So, am I a pacifist? That all depends on what you mean by pacifist. If the essence of pacifism is opposition to war and the initiation of violence, then I proudly wear the label. However, if pacifism does not include the right of self-defense; that is, if it precludes using violence in defense of violence committed against one’s person or property, then count me out. Like a lot of things, it all hinges on how you define your terms.