"You are going to be the first deported"
"dirty Mexican"
Were some of the things they yelled they yelled at this 14 year old boy. He was defending immigrants at a rally and was shouted down.
Simi Valley, CA
Comparing oranges and apples.
A black person cannot change the color of their skin and should never, ever, and I mean never be discriminated against, ever.
An illegal alien can change their situation by changing their environment.
Saw a reportage from Guatemala where a man started making tortillas as his wife had abandoned him with all his children; otherwise, like he said, we were all going to die. He said he was ridiculed so much for it is considered shameful for a man to cook in Guatemala as cooking is considered women's work. He considered migrating but then thought 'what is going to happen to my children' and decided that being ridiculed and being with his children was better than abandoning them. He said some of his children were professionals already and some were still going to school. All because he decided to CHANGE HIS ENVIRONMENT notwithstanding the ridicule. If all men were like this one, poverty would definitely starve to death. What a concept.
The young man knew that he was going to be yelled at and good for him he stood up for what he believes in.
Disclaimer: Not screaming when using CAPs.