Other Ways the NT is blocked here


The irony of Dispensationalism is that it borrows from Augustinian predestination, while calling Reformed dogma wrong :AMR:

Think about it for a second- God comes and goes through time. The 'seasons' of God, stretched throughout the Old Testament.
Tell me how it makes sense that God is doing all according to His will when the free will of man is pulling the carriage :rolleyes:


The pastor at my church preaches more about things that surrounded King David than he does Jesus.
On average. Sometimes more than the other.

Not because we are not Christian- we are very, very Christian :)
I don't believe he even does it deliberately- that's just how the Spirit moves through my church.

But because we don't labor under the same platitudes- my church challenges Christians to look at the Old Testament and see that it isn't so different from the New.

I feel Christians make this huge dichotomy between the Old and New, and that's something that ought to change.


Well-known member
The pastor at my church preaches more about things that surrounded King David than he does Jesus.
On average. Sometimes more than the other.

Not because we are not Christian- we are very, very Christian :)
I don't believe he even does it deliberately- that's just how the Spirit moves through my church.

But because we don't labor under the same platitudes- my church challenges Christians to look at the Old Testament and see that it isn't so different from the New.

I feel Christians make this huge dichotomy between the Old and New, and that's something that ought to change.

Do they know that after you read how the NT quotes the OT, that there may be a radical change in meaning toward the meaning 'in Christ'?


Well-known member
Once AGAIN dumbo, the promise does NOT need to be repeated in all of your pet passages to remain PROMISED. You are an idiot.

But why wouldn't they? Why doesn't Peter in Acts 2:31+++ say 'but of course, there is always the land promise anyway, so...big deal, huh?'

Or why doesn't Paul say in I Th 2 after saying that the fulness of God's wrath has fallen upon Israel, that 'so what? There's always the land promise and all of this will be forgotten?'

Right Divider

Body part
But why wouldn't they?

Why doesn't Peter in Acts 2:31+++ say 'but of course, there is always the land promise anyway, so...big deal, huh?'

Or why doesn't Paul say in I Th 2 after saying that the fulness of God's wrath has fallen upon Israel, that 'so what? There's always the land promise and all of this will be forgotten?'
Quote a VERSE or a FEW VERSES and we can discuss them.


Well-known member


Quote a VERSE or a FEW VERSES and we can discuss them.

You're a hoot, RD. It is totally relevant. The apostles never 'sound' you what you say is going on or being said.

Now you that you've butchered the Bible so much are you now going to dictate to us what is or is not 'relevant'?

Hey, do a little work and see what's there in 1 Thess 2. There is only two verses RELEVANT should you should be in great shape, since you know RELEVANT and the rest of us don't!

Right Divider

Body part
You're a hoot, RD. It is totally relevant. The apostles never 'sound' you what you say is going on or being said.
Nonsense, you're just a moron that cannot understand even the simplest of logic.

Now you that you've butchered the Bible so much are you now going to dictate to us what is or is not 'relevant'?
I don't "dictate". You are illogical and ignorant.

Hey, do a little work and see what's there in 1 Thess 2. There is only two verses RELEVANT should you should be in great shape, since you know RELEVANT and the rest of us don't!
You're a dummy. Thanks for showing us nothing.


Well-known member
Nonsense, you're just a moron that cannot understand even the simplest of logic.

I don't "dictate". You are illogical and ignorant.

You're a dummy. Thanks for showing us nothing.

No more 'victory lap' celebrations of yourself please; just answer one specific at a time.

You did dictate and you are so unable to see that, that to you it is a normal action.

Right Divider

Body part
No more 'victory lap' celebrations of yourself please; just answer one specific at a time.

You did dictate and you are so unable to see that, that to you it is a normal action.
Here is some simple logic for you:
  • God promised Israel a kingdom and a land.
  • Even if the land PROMISE is not REPEATED....
  • It is STILL TRUE.
You are so dense.