Only Y-H-W-H is God, besides Him there is no god!

God's Truth

New member
Here's another verse that you hand-selected for your assertion...

και το πνευμα και η νυμφη λεγουσιν ερχου και ο ακουων ειπατω ερχου και ο διψων ερχεσθω ο θελων λαβετω υδωρ ζωης δωρεαν

Again...absolutely no mention that Jesus is the Holy Spirit.
What have you been smoking...?

Those scriptures in Revelation SAY THAT THE SPIRIT IS JESUS. Read how the Spirit in Revelations is Jesus. It tells you it is Jesus.


You go against the scriptures. You say no, there is not one Spirit, there are more.


New member
Those scriptures in Revelation SAY THAT THE SPIRIT IS JESUS. Read how the Spirit in Revelations is Jesus. It tells you it is Jesus.


You go against the scriptures. You say no, there is not one Spirit, there are more.

Totally incorrect.

You not only exposed yourself for not immediately recognizing your very own scriptural examples, but now, as expected, you do not even know their meaning.

The verse in question here is in the TSKTS format, and, according to the established rules of Greek grammar, mandates that two separate referents are in view….NOT one!

So….no, Jesus is not The Holy Spirit.

God's Truth

New member
Totally incorrect.

You not only exposed yourself for not immediately recognizing your very own scriptural examples, but now, as expected, you do not even know their meaning.

The verse in question here is in the TSKTS format, and, according to the established rules of Greek grammar, mandates that two separate referents are in view….NOT one!

So….no, Jesus is not The Holy Spirit.

The scriptures PLAINLY say there in ONE SPIRIT.

Ephesians 2:18
For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

God's Truth

New member
Ephesians 2:16 and reconciling both of them to God in one body through the cross,

Who did the reconciling?


by which He extinguished their hostility. 17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.…

Through what Spirit?

Through his Spirit.

For unless you have the Spirit of Christ---Jesus Christ himself living in you---unless that, then you are not saved.

God's Truth

New member
John 17:26 I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them."

Who is IN YOU?

Who does the SAVED HAVE IN THEM?


So then, if you have Jesus himself living in you---then you have God the Father the Holy Spirit living in your.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the same.


Well-known member
God the Father INVISIBLE lives in unapproachable light.

The Son is God the Father with a body.

The Holy Spirit goes forth from the Father without limit.

What does that mean?

I want to tell you how Jesus is God the Father with a body. I want to show you with scripture.

So when Jesus prays to the Father, He's praying to Himself?

There are three.

There is God the Father who lives in unapproachable light.

There is God the Father who has a body in heaven, who gave up that body for a body of flesh, and then died, rose, and ascended, and received that same body He had before.

There is God the Holy Spirit that is given without limit.

Three what? So now you think that there are three Gods?

So Jesus prayed to Himself?

Please show us the scripture that will confirm that nonsense in yellow up there.

So Jesus prayed to Himself?

God the Father in the flesh prayed to God the Father invisible in unapproachable light.

So...there's two God the Fathers?

There are three.

They are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


God's Truth

New member
equals Monarchian Modalism.

Biblical sense equals: There are three persons and the three persons are one and the same GOD, but the three persons are not the same person.

It does not matter what you try to label me as, it still stands that there is One God not three.

Right Divider

Body part
There are three and the three are ONE AND THE SAME.
You are completely insane.

Please note that a FATHER cannot be a father without a SON!

The FATHER is NOT the SON and the SON is NOT the FATHER (no matter what ridiculous spin you put on it).

The FATHER is GOD, the SON is GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT is GOD.

It's all in the Bible.

God's Truth

New member
You are completely insane.

Please note that a FATHER cannot be a father without a SON!

The FATHER is NOT the SON and the SON is NOT the FATHER (no matter what ridiculous spin you put on it).

The FATHER is GOD, the SON is GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT is GOD.

It's all in the Bible.

Paul was called insane also, so thank you.

What don't you get about there being three and the three being one and the same?

There are not three Gods called one God!

There is One God made known to us in three ways.


Well-known member
It does not matter what you try to label me as, it still stands that there is One God not three.

Taxonomy began with Adam naming the animals.
Categorization/classification is a constant mental activity with us humans.
It's part of the process of knowing truth.

There is one GOD, not three.
There are three persons, not one.


Well-known member
Paul was called insane also, so thank you.

What don't you get about there being three and the three being one and the same?

There are not three Gods called one God!

There is One God made known to us in three ways.

If you'd leave off your made-up 'and the same', you'd be right.


Well-known member
Paul was called insane also, so thank you.

What don't you get about there being three and the three being one and the same?

There are not three Gods called one God!

There is One God made known to us in three ways.

Paul was called mad(insane) but not for the same reason.
It concerned the resurrection of the dead.

Ben Masada

New member
Paul was called mad(insane) but not for the same reason.
It concerned the resurrection of the dead.

Yes, I am aware of it. IMHO, the main reason was because he tried to make his listeners understand that he had been the one who fabricated the idea of the resurrection of Jesus, a Jew whose gospel didn't and still does not adopt the Christian doctrine of the resurrection. (II Timothy 2:8)

Ben Masada

New member
You are completely insane.

Please note that a FATHER cannot be a father without a SON!

The FATHER is NOT the SON and the SON is NOT the FATHER (no matter what ridiculous spin you put on it).

The FATHER is GOD, the SON is GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT is GOD.

It's all in the Bible.

Yes, it is all in the Bible that Jesus always used to refer to as the Word of God. Read Exodus 4:22,23.


Well-known member
Yes, I am aware of it. IMHO, the main reason was because he tried to make his listeners understand that he had been the one who fabricated the idea of the resurrection of Jesus, a Jew whose gospel didn't and still does not adopt the Christian doctrine of the resurrection. (II Timothy 2:8)

When reading the book of Acts, I don't get that impression at all.

Ben Masada

New member
Please consider taking a look at the Athanasian Creed, a historic document addressing the doctrine of the Trinity.

Is is widely accepted by Christians, even amongst those who differ on other biblical doctrine.

It happens though that I am not a Christian but a Jew who believes in the absolute Oneness of Hashem.